module ArtfullyOseHelper include LinkHelper include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper def check_mark(size=nil, alt=nil) case size when :huge icon_tag('117-todo@2x', {:alt => alt}) when :big icon_tag('117-todo', {:alt => alt}) else "✓".html_safe end end def with_kit(kit) organization = current_user.try(:current_organization) || @store_organization if organization.has_kit? kit yield end end def thanks_message(person) message = "Thanks" message += ", #{person.first_name}" unless person.first_name.blank? message += "!" end def build_order_location(order) order.location end def channel_checkbox(channel) channel.to_s.eql?("storefront") ? "Storefront & Widgets" : channel.to_s.humanize end def channel_text(channel) case channel.to_s when "members" "to your members in your Storefront" when "storefront" "online Storefront and installed widgets" else channel.to_s.humanize end end def build_action_path(target, action) action_path_name = action.new_record? ? "actions" : "actions" "#{}_#{action_path_name}_path" end def time_ago_sentence(t) qualifier = t > ? "from now" : "ago" "#{time_ago_in_words(t)} #{qualifier}" end def clean_full_error_messages(errors) string = errors.full_messages.collect {|m| m.downcase.gsub(/.*organization/, 'organization')}.to_sentence string = string.slice(0,1).capitalize + string.slice(1..-1) string = string + "." end # # For use with the nav-pills to select an intem based on a current selection # Will protect against nil by using try on the object # # returns 'active' if = # 'unselected' otherwise # def get_selected_class(selected_object, menu_object) selected_object.try(:id) == ? "active" : "unselected" end #For use with Bootstraps icon %i classes def icon_link_to(text, href, icon, class_names, id, html_attributes={}) s = "<a href='#{href}' class='#{class_names}' id='#{id}' " html_attributes.each do |k,v| s = s + " #{k}=#{v} " end s = s + "><i class='#{icon}'></i> #{text}</a>" s.html_safe end # # just name the image, this method will prepend the path and append the .png # icon_tag('111-logo') # def icon_tag(img, options={}) image_tag('glyphish/gray/' + img + '.png', options) end def time_zone_description(tz) ActiveSupport::TimeZone.create(tz) end #This is for the widget generator, DO NOT use anywhere else def fully_qualified_asset_path(asset) "#{asset_path(asset, :digest => false)}" end def events_to_options(selected_event_id = nil) @events = @events_array = { |event| [,] } @events_array.insert(0, ["", ""]) options_for_select(@events_array, selected_event_id) end def contextual_menu(&block) menu = menu.render_menu end def widget_script(event, organization) return <<-EOF <script> $(document).ready(function(){ artfully.configure({ base_uri: '#{root_url}api/', store_uri: '#{root_url}store/' }); #{render :partial => "widgets/event", :locals => { :event => event } unless event.nil? } #{render :partial => "widgets/donation", :locals => { :organization => organization } unless organization.nil? } }); <script> EOF end def amount_and_nongift(item) str = number_as_cents item.total_price str += " (#{number_as_cents item.nongift_amount} Non-deductible)" unless item.nongift_amount.nil? str end #This method will not prepend the $ def number_to_dollars(cents) cents.to_i / 100.00 end def number_as_cents(cents, options = {}) number_to_currency(number_to_dollars(cents), options) end def sorted_us_state_names @sorted_us_state_names ||= us_states.keys.sort{|a, b| a <=> b} end def sorted_us_state_abbreviations @sorted_us_states ||= us_states.invert.keys.sort{|a, b| a <=> b} end def us_states { "Alabama" =>"AL", "Alaska" =>"AK", "American Samoa" =>"AS", "Arizona" =>"AZ", "Arkansas" =>"AR", "California" =>"CA", "Colorado" =>"CO", "Connecticut" =>"CT", "Delaware" =>"DE", "District of Columbia" =>"DC", "Florida" =>"FL", "Georgia" =>"GA", "Guam" =>"GU", "Hawaii" =>"HI", "Idaho" =>"ID", "Illinois" =>"IL", "Indiana" =>"IN", "Iowa" =>"IA", "Kansas" =>"KS", "Kentucky" =>"KY", "Louisiana" =>"LA", "Maine" =>"ME", "Marshall Islands" =>"MH", "Maryland" =>"MD", "Massachusetts" =>"MA", "Michigan" =>"MI", "Micronesia" =>"FM", "Minnesota" =>"MN", "Mississippi" =>"MS", "Missouri" =>"MO", "Montana" =>"MT", "Nebraska" =>"NE", "Nevada" =>"NV", "New Hampshire" =>"NH", "New Jersey" =>"NJ", "New Mexico" =>"NM", "New York" =>"NY", "North Carolina" =>"NC", "North Dakota" =>"ND", "Ohio" =>"OH", "Oklahoma" =>"OK", "Oregon" =>"OR", "Palau" =>"PW", "Pennsylvania" =>"PA", "Rhode Island" =>"RI", "Puerto Rico" =>"PR", "South Carolina" =>"SC", "South Dakota" =>"SD", "Tennessee" =>"TN", "Texas" =>"TX", "Utah" =>"UT", "Vermont" =>"VT", "Virgin Islands" =>"VI", "Virginia" =>"VA", "Washington" =>"WA", "Wisconsin" =>"WI", "West Virginia" =>"WV", "Wyoming" =>"WY" } end def verb_for_save(record) record.new_record? ? "Create" : "Update" end def select_event_for_sales_search events, event_id, default options = [ content_tag(:option, " --- All Events --- ", :value => ""), content_tag(:option, "", :value => ""), options_from_collection_for_select(events, :id, :name, default) ].join select_tag event_id, raw(options), :class => "span2" end def select_show_for_sales_search shows, show_id, default options = [ content_tag(:option, " --- All Shows --- ", :value => ""), content_tag(:option, "", :value => ""), do |show| selected = "selected" if == default.to_i content_tag(:option, l(show.datetime_local_to_event), :value =>, :selected => selected) end.join ].join select_tag show_id, raw(options), :class => "span3" end def nav_dropdown(text, link='#') link_to ERB::Util.html_escape(text) + ' <b class="caret"></b>'.html_safe, link, :class => 'dropdown-toggle', 'data-toggle' => 'dropdown' end def bootstrapped_type(type) case type when :notice then "alert alert-info" when :success then "alert alert-success" when :error then "alert alert-error" when :alert then "alert alert-error" end end def link_to_remove_fields(name, f) f.hidden_field(:_destroy) + link_to(name, "#", :onclick => "remove_fields(this); return false;") end def link_to_add_fields(name, f, association, view_path = '', additional_javascript=nil) new_object = f.object.class.reflect_on_association(association) fields = f.fields_for(association, new_object, :child_index => "new_#{association}") do |builder| view_path = view_path + '/' unless view_path.blank? template_path = view_path + association.to_s.singularize + "_fields" render(template_path, :f => builder) end link_to name, "#", :onclick => "add_fields(this, \"#{association}\", \"#{escape_javascript(fields)}\"); #{additional_javascript} return false;" end def ticket_seller_name(ticket) end def credit_card_message end def date_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = {}) text_field_tag(name, value, options.stringify_keys.update("type" => "date")) end def datetime_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = {}) text_field_tag(name, value, options.stringify_keys.update("type" => "datetime")) end def refund_header(items) str = "" if str = "Tickets" end if && str += " & " end if str += "Donations" end end def pluralize_word(count, singular, plural = nil) ((count == 1 || count == '1') ? singular : (plural || singular.pluralize)) end end