require 'parallel' raise "please ' gem install parallel '" if <'0.4.2') require 'parallelized_specs/grouper' require 'parallelized_specs/railtie' require 'parallelized_specs/spec_error_logger' require 'parallelized_specs/spec_error_count_logger' require 'parallelized_specs/spec_start_finish_logger' require 'parallelized_specs/outcome_builder' require 'parallelized_specs/example_failures_logger' require 'parallelized_specs/trending_example_failures_logger' require 'parallelized_specs/failures_rerun_logger' require 'parallelized_specs/slow_spec_logger' require 'fileutils' class ParallelizedSpecs VERSION =, '..', 'VERSION')).strip def self.run_tests(test_files, process_number, options) exe = executable # expensive, so we cache version = (exe =~ /\brspec\b/ ? 2 : 1) cmd = "#{rspec_1_color if version == 1}#{exe} #{options[:test_options]} #{rspec_2_color if version == 2}#{spec_opts(version)} #{test_files*' '}" execute_command(cmd, process_number, options) end def self.executable cmd = if File.file?("script/spec") "script/spec" elsif bundler_enabled? cmd = (run("bundle show rspec") =~ %r{/rspec-1[^/]+$} ? "spec" : "rspec") "bundle exec #{cmd}" else %w[spec rspec].detect { |cmd| system "#{cmd} --version > /dev/null 2>&1" } end cmd or raise("Can't find executables rspec or spec") end protected #so it can be stubbed.... def `#{cmd}` end def self.rspec_1_color 'RSPEC_COLOR=1 ; export RSPEC_COLOR ;' if $stdout.tty? end def self.rspec_2_color '--color --tty ' if $stdout.tty? end def self.spec_opts(rspec_version) options_file = %w(spec/parallelized_spec.opts spec/spec.opts).detect { |f| File.file?(f) } return unless options_file "-O #{options_file}" end def self.test_suffix "_spec.rb" end def self.execute_parallel_db(cmd, options={}) count = options[:count].to_i || Parallel.processor_count count = Parallel.processor_count if count == 0 runs = (0...count).to_a results = if options[:non_parallel] do |i| execute_command(cmd, i, options) end else, :in_processes => count) do |i| execute_command(cmd, i, options) end end.flatten abort if results.any? { |r| r[:exit_status] != 0 } end def self.execute_parallel_specs(options) if options[:files].to_s.empty? tests = find_tests(Rails.root, options) run_specs(tests, options) else run_specs(options[:files], options) end end def self.run_specs(tests, options) formatters = formatters_setup num_processes = options[:count] || Parallel.processor_count name = 'spec' start = tests_folder = 'spec' tests_folder = File.join(options[:root], tests_folder) unless options[:root].to_s.empty? if !tests.is_a?(Array) files_array = tests.split(/ /) end groups = tests_in_groups(files_array || tests || tests_folder, num_processes, options) num_processes = groups.size #adjust processes to groups abort "SEVERE: no #{name}s found!" if groups.size == 0 num_tests = groups.inject(0) { |sum, item| sum + item.size } puts "INFO: #{num_processes} processes for #{num_tests} #{name}s, ~ #{num_tests / groups.size} #{name}s per process" test_results =, :in_processes => num_processes) do |group| run_tests(group, groups.index(group), options) end slowest_spec_determination("#{Rails.root}/tmp/parallel_log/slowest_specs.log") #parse and print results results = find_results( { |result| result[:stdout] }*"") puts summarize_results(results) puts "INFO: Took #{ - start} seconds" #determines if any tricky conditions happened that can cause false positives and offers logging into what was the last spec to start or finishing running false_positive_sniffer(num_processes) if formatters.any? { |formatter| formatter.match(/OutcomeBuilder/) } failed = test_results.any? { |result| result[:exit_status] != 0 } #ruby 1.8.7 works breaks on 1.9.3 formatters.any? { |formatter| formatter.match(/FailuresFormatter/) } ? rerun_initializer(name, failed) : abort("SEVERE: #{name.capitalize}s Failed") if failed puts "INFO: marking build as PASSED" end def self.formatters_setup formatters = []"#{Rails.root}/spec/spec.opts").each_line do |line| formatters << line end formatter_directory_management(formatters) formatters end def self.formatter_directory_management(formatters) FileUtils.mkdir_p('parallel_log') if !'tmp/parallel_log') if formatters.any? { |formatter| formatter.match(/FailuresFormatter/) } begin %w['tmp/parallel_log/spec_count','tmp/parallel_log/failed_specs', 'tmp/parallel_log/thread_started'].each do |dir| directory_cleanup_and_create(dir) end rescue SystemCallError $stderr.print "directory management error " + $! raise end end end def self.directory_cleanup_and_create(dir) if FileUtils.rm_rf(dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) else FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) end end def self.rerun_initializer(name, failed) if Dir.glob("#{Rails.root}/tmp/parallel_log/failed_specs/{*,.*}").count > 2 && !"#{Rails.root}/tmp/parallel_log/rspec.failures") # works on both 1.8.7\1.9.3 puts "INFO: some specs failed, about to start the rerun process\n INFO: no more than 9 specs may be rerun and shared specs are not allowed\n...\n..\n." ParallelizedSpecs.rerun() else #works on both 1.8.7\1.9.3 abort "SEVERE: #{name.capitalize}s Failed" if Dir.glob("#{Rails.root}/tmp/parallel_log/failed_specs/{*,.*}").count > 2 || failed end end def self.false_positive_sniffer(num_processes) if Dir.glob("#{Rails.root}/tmp/parallel_log/spec_count/{*,.*}").count == 2 && Dir.glob("#{Rails.root}/tmp/parallel_log/thread_started/{*,.*}").count == num_processes + 2 (puts "INFO: All threads completed") elsif Dir.glob("#{Rails.root}/tmp/parallel_log/thread_started/{*,.*}").count != num_processes + 2"#{Rails.root}/tmp/parallel_log/error.log", 'a+') { |f| f.write "\n\n\n syntax issues" }"#{Rails.root}/tmp/failure_cause.log", 'a+') { |f| f.write "Syntax errors" } abort "SEVERE: one or more threads didn't get started by rspec, this may be caused by a syntax issue in specs, check logs right before specs start running" else threads = Dir["#{Rails.root}/tmp/parallel_log/spec_count/*"] threads.each do |t| failed_thread = t.match(/\d/).to_s if failed_thread == "1" puts "INFO: Thread 1 last spec to start running" last_spec = IO.readlines("#{Rails.root}/tmp/parallel_log/thread_.log")[-1]"#{Rails.root}/tmp/parallel_log/error.log", 'a+') { |f| f.write "\n\n\n\nrspec thread #{failed_thread} failed to complete\n the last spec to try to run was #{last_spec}" } else puts "INFO: Thread #{failed_thread} last spec to start running" last_spec = IO.readlines("#{Rails.root}/tmp/parallel_log/thread_#{failed_thread}.log")[-1]"#{Rails.root}/tmp/parallel_log/error.log", 'a+') { |f| f.write "\n\n\n\nrspec thread #{failed_thread} failed to complete\n the last spec to try to run was #{last_spec}" } end end"#{Rails.root}/tmp/failure_cause.log", 'a+') { |f| f.write "rspec thread failed to complete" } abort "SEVERE: One or more threads have failed to complete, this may be caused by a rspec runtime crashing prematurely" #works on both 1.8.7\1.9.3 end end # parallel:spec[:count, :pattern, :options] def self.parse_rake_args(args) # order as given by user args = [args[:count], args[:pattern]] # count given or empty ? count = args.shift if args.first.to_s =~ /^\d*$/ num_processes = count.to_i unless count.to_s.empty? num_processes ||= ENV['PARALLEL_TEST_PROCESSORS'].to_i if ENV['PARALLEL_TEST_PROCESSORS'] num_processes ||= Parallel.processor_count pattern = args.shift [num_processes.to_i, pattern.to_s] end # finds all tests and partitions them into groups def self.tests_in_groups(tests, num_groups, options) if options[:no_sort] Grouper.in_groups(tests, num_groups) else tests = with_runtime_info(tests) Grouper.in_even_groups_by_size(tests, num_groups, options) end end def self.execute_command(cmd, process_number, options) cmd = "TEST_ENV_NUMBER=#{test_env_number(process_number)} ; export TEST_ENV_NUMBER; #{cmd}" f = open("|#{cmd}", 'r') output = fetch_output(f, options) f.close puts "Exit status for process #{process_number} #{$?.exitstatus}" {:stdout => output, :exit_status => $?.exitstatus} end def self.find_results(test_output) test_output.split("\n").map { |line| line = line.gsub(/\.|F|\*/, '') next unless line_is_result?(line) line }.compact end def self.test_env_number(process_number) process_number == 0 ? '' : process_number + 1 end def self.runtime_log 'tmp/parallelized_runtime_test.log' end def self.summarize_results(results) results = results.join(' ').gsub(/s\b/, '') # combine and singularize results counts = results.scan(/(\d+) (\w+)/) sums = counts.inject( do |sum, (number, word)| sum[word] += number.to_i sum end { |word, number| "#{number} #{word}#{'s' if number != 1}" }.join(', ') end protected # read output of the process and print in in chucks def self.fetch_output(process, options) all = '' buffer = '' timeout = options[:chunk_timeout] || 0.2 flushed = while (char = process.getc) char = (char.is_a?(Fixnum) ? char.chr : char) # 1.8 <-> 1.9 all << char # print in chunks so large blocks stay together now = buffer << char if flushed + timeout < now print buffer STDOUT.flush buffer = '' flushed = now end end # print the remainder print buffer STDOUT.flush all end # copied from Bundler::SharedHelpers#find_gemfile def self.bundler_enabled? return true if Object.const_defined?(:Bundler) previous = nil current = File.expand_path(Dir.pwd) until ! || current == previous filename = File.join(current, "Gemfile") return true if File.exists?(filename) current, previous = File.expand_path("..", current), current end false end def self.line_is_result?(line) line =~ /\d+ failure/ end def self.with_runtime_info(tests) lines ="\n") rescue [] # use recorded test runtime if we got enough data if lines.size * 1.5 > tests.size puts "Using recorded test runtime" times = lines.each do |line| test, time = line.split(":") next unless test and time times[File.expand_path(test)] = time.to_f end { |test| [test, times[test]] } else # use file sizes { |test| [test, File.stat(test).size] } end end def self.find_tests(root, options={}) if root.is_a?(Array) root else # follow one symlink and direct children # files = Dir["#{root}/**{,/*/**}/*#{test_suffix}"].uniq files = { |f| f.sub(root+'/', '') } files = files.grep(/#{options[:pattern]}/) { |f| "/#{f}" } end end def self.update_rerun_summary(l, outcome, stack = ""), 'a+') { |f| f.puts("Outcome #{outcome} for #{l}\n #{stack}") }"#{Rails.root}/tmp/parallel_log/error.log", 'a+') { |f| f.puts("Outcome #{outcome} for #{l}\n #{stack}") } if outcome == "FAILED" end def self.parse_result(result) puts "INFO: this is the result\n#{result}" #can't just use exit code, if specs fail to start it will pass or if a spec isn't found, and sometimes rspec 1 exit codes aren't right rerun_status = result.scan(/\d*[^\D]\d*/).to_a puts "INFO: this is the rerun_status\n#{rerun_status}" @examples = rerun_status[-2].to_i @failures = rerun_status.last.to_i end def self.rerun_spec(spec) puts "INFO: #{spec} will be ran and marked as a success if it passes" result = "" @examples = 0 @failures = 0 result = %x[DISPLAY=:99 bundle exec rake spec #{spec}] parse_result(result) result end def self.print_failures(failure_summary, state = "") puts "*****************INFO: #{state} SUMMARY*****************\n" state == "RERUN" ? puts("INFO: outcomes of the specs that were rerun") : puts("INFO: summary of build failures") file =, "r") content = puts content end def self.abort_reruns(code, result = "", l = "") case when code == 1 print_failures("#{Rails.root}/tmp/parallel_log/error.log") abort "SEVERE: shared specs currently are not eligiable for reruns, marking build as a failure" when code == 2 # <--- won't ever happen, 2 and 3 are duplicate clean up on refactor update_rerun_summary(l, "FAILED", result) print_failures(@failure_summary, "RERUN") abort "SEVERE: spec didn't actually run, ending rerun process early" when code == 3 update_rerun_summary(l, "FAILED", result) print_failures(@failure_summary, "RERUN") abort "SEVERE: the spec failed to run on the rerun try, marking build as failed" when code == 4 update_rerun_summary(l, "FAILED", result) print_failures(@failure_summary, "RERUN") abort "SEVERE: unexpected outcome on the rerun, marking build as a failure" when code == 5 abort "SEVERE: #{@error_count} errors, but the build failed, errors were not written to the file or there is something else wrong, marking build as a failure" when code == 6 print_failures("#{Rails.root}/tmp/parallel_log/error.log") abort "SEVERE: #{@error_count} errors are to many to rerun, marking the build as a failure. Max errors defined for this build is #{@max_reruns}" when code == 7 puts "#Total errors #{@error_count}" abort "SEVERE: unexpected error information, please check errors are being written to file correctly" when code == 8 print_failures(@failure_summary, "RERUN")"#{Rails.root}/tmp/failure_cause.log", 'a+') { |f| f.write "#{@rerun_failures.count} failures" } abort "SEVERE: some specs failed on rerun, the build will be marked as failed" when code == 9 abort "SEVERE: unexpected situation on rerun, marking build as failure" else abort "SEVERE: unhandled abort_reruns code" end end def self.update_failed(l, result) puts "WARNING: the example failed again" update_rerun_summary(l, "FAILED", result) @rerun_failures << l end def self.update_passed(l) update_rerun_summary(l, "PASSED") puts "INFO: the example passed and is being marked as a success" @rerun_passes << l end def self.pass_reruns() print_failures(@failure_summary, "RERUN") puts "INFO: rerun summary all rerun examples passed, rspec will mark this build as passed" end def self.calculate_error_count() @error_count = %x{wc -l "#{@filename}"}.match(/\d*[^\D]/).to_s #counts the number of lines in the file @error_count = @error_count.to_i puts "INFO: error count = #@error_count" ENV["RERUNS"] != nil ? @max_reruns = ENV["RERUNS"].to_i : @max_reruns = 9 if !@error_count.between?(1, @max_reruns) puts "INFO: total errors are not in rerun eligibility range" case when @error_count == 0 puts "INFO: 0 errors build being aborted" abort_reruns(5) when @error_count > @max_reruns puts "INFO: error count has exceeded maximum errors of #{@max_reruns}" abort_reruns(6) else abort_reruns(7) end else @error_count end end def self.determine_rerun_eligibility @error_count = calculate_error_count puts "INFO: total errors #{@error_count}" do |line| if line =~ /spec\/selenium\/helpers/ abort_reruns(1) else puts "INFO: the following spec is eligible for reruns #{line}" @rerun_specs.push line end end puts "INFO: failures meet rerun criteria \n INFO: rerunning #{@error_count} examples""#{Rails.root}/tmp/parallel_log/error.log", 'a+') { |f| f.puts("\n\n\n\n\n *****RERUN FAILURES*****\n") } end def self.start_reruns determine_rerun_eligibility @rerun_failures ||= [] @rerun_passes ||= [] @rerun_specs.each do |l| puts "INFO: starting next spec" result = rerun_spec(l) puts "INFO: determining if the spec passed or failed" puts "INFO: examples run = #@examples examples failed = #@failures" if @examples == 0 && @failures == 0 #when specs fail to run it exits with 0 examples, 0 failures and won't be matched by the previous regex abort_reruns(3, result, l) elsif @failures > 0 update_failed(l, result) elsif @examples > 0 && @failures == 0 update_passed(l) else abort_reruns(4, result, l) end puts "INFO: spec finished and has updated rerun state" end puts "INFO: reruns have completed calculating if build has passed or failed" puts "INFO: total failed specs #{@rerun_failures.count}" puts "INFO: total passed specs #{@rerun_passes.count}" determine_rerun_outcome end def self.determine_rerun_outcome if @rerun_failures.count > 0 abort_reruns(8) elsif @rerun_passes.count >= @error_count pass_reruns else abort_reruns(9) end end def self.runtime_setup @rerun_specs = [] @filename = "#{Rails.root}/tmp/parallel_log/rspec.failures" @failure_summary = "#{Rails.root}/tmp/parallel_log/rerun_failure_summary.log" end def self.rerun() puts "INFO: beginning the failed specs rerun process" runtime_setup start_reruns end def self.slowest_spec_determination(file) if File.exists?(file) spec_durations = [] do |line| spec_durations << line end, 'w') { |f| f.truncate(0) } populate_slowest_specs(spec_durations, file) else puts "slow spec profiling was not enabled" end end def self.populate_slowest_specs(spec_durations, file) slowest_specs = [] ENV["MAX_TIME"] != nil ? max_time = ENV["MAX_TIME"].to_i : max_time = 30 spec_durations.each do |spec| time = spec.match(/.*\d/).to_s if time.to_f >= max_time slowest_specs << spec end end slowest_specs.each do |slow_spec|, 'a+') { |f| f.puts slow_spec } end end end