require 'engine_cart' namespace :engine_cart do desc "Prepare a gem for using engine_cart" task :prepare do require 'generators/engine_cart/install_generator' generator = generator.create_test_app_templates generator.ignore_test_app generator.add_gemfile_include end task :setup do EngineCart.check_for_gemfile_stanza end desc 'Regenerate the test rails app' task :regenerate => [:clean, :generate] desc "Clean out the test rails app" task :clean => [:setup] do puts "Removing sample rails app" `rm -rf #{EngineCart.destination}` end task :create_test_rails_app => [:setup] do require 'tmpdir' require 'fileutils' require 'rails/version' Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| # Fork into a new process to avoid polluting the current one with the partial Rails environment ... pid = fork do Dir.chdir dir do require 'rails/generators' require 'rails/generators/rails/app/app_generator' # Clear out our current bundle so that the rails generator can run with it's own bundle backup_gemfile = ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] ENV.delete('BUNDLE_GEMFILE') # Using the Rails generator directly, instead of shelling out, to # ensure we use the right version of Rails. Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.start([ 'internal', '--skip-git', '--skip-keeps', '--skip_spring', '--skip-bootsnap', '--skip-listen', '--skip-test', *EngineCart.rails_options, ("-m #{EngineCart.template}" if EngineCart.template) ].compact) # Restore our gemfile ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] = backup_gemfile end exit 0 end # ... and then wait for it to catch up. _, status = Process.waitpid2 pid exit status.exitstatus unless status.success? Rake::Task['engine_cart:clean'].invoke if File.exist? EngineCart.destination FileUtils.move "#{dir}/internal", "#{EngineCart.destination}" if Rails.version < '5.2.3' # Hack for gemfile = File.join(EngineCart.destination, 'Gemfile') IO.write(gemfile, do |f| text = text.gsub(/^gem ["']sqlite3["']$/, 'gem "sqlite3", "~> 1.3.0"') end) end if RUBY_VERSION < '3.0' # Hack for gemfile = File.join(EngineCart.destination, 'Gemfile') IO.write(gemfile, do |f| text = text.gsub(/^gem ["']sqlite3["']$/, 'gem "sqlite3", "< 1.7"') end) end end end task :inject_gemfile_extras => [:setup] do # Add our gem and extras to the generated Rails app open(File.expand_path('Gemfile', EngineCart.destination), 'a') do |f| f.puts "gemspec path: '#{File.expand_path('.')}'" gemfile_extras_path = File.expand_path("Gemfile.extra", EngineCart.templates_path) f.puts "eval_gemfile File.expand_path('#{gemfile_extras_path}', File.dirname(__FILE__)) if File.exist?('#{gemfile_extras_path}')" end end desc 'find out if the generated app needs to be rebuilt' task :test => [:setup] do EngineCart.debug = true if EngineCart.fingerprint_expired? puts "Expired!" exit 1 end end desc "Create the test rails app" task :generate => [:setup] do if EngineCart.fingerprint_expired? # Create a new test rails app Rake::Task['engine_cart:create_test_rails_app'].invoke Rake::Task['engine_cart:inject_gemfile_extras'].invoke # Copy our test app generators into the app and prepare it if File.exist? "#{EngineCart.templates_path}/lib/generators" Bundler.unbundled_system "cp -r #{EngineCart.templates_path}/lib/generators #{EngineCart.destination}/lib" end within_test_app do unless (system("bundle install --quiet") or system("bundle update --quiet")) and system "(bin/rails g | grep test_app) && bin/rails generate test_app" and system "bin/rails db:migrate" and system "bin/rails db:test:prepare" raise "EngineCart failed on with: #{$?}" end end Bundler.unbundled_system "bundle install --quiet" EngineCart.write_fingerprint puts "Done generating test app" end end desc 'Start the internal test application using `rails server`' task :server, [:rails_server_args] => [:generate] do |_, args| within_test_app do system "bin/rails server #{args[:rails_server_args]}" end end desc 'Start the internal test application using `rails console`' task :console, [:rails_console_args] => [:generate] do |_, args| within_test_app do system "bin/rails console #{args[:rails_console_args]}" end end end def within_test_app puts "\rtravis_fold:start:enginecart-bundler-cleanenv\r" if ENV['TRAVIS'] == 'true' Dir.chdir(EngineCart.destination) do EngineCart.with_unbundled_env do yield end end ensure puts "\rtravis_fold:end:enginecart-bundler-cleanenv\r" if ENV['TRAVIS'] == 'true' end