/** * Plugin.js * * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB * Released under LGPL License. * * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing */ /*jshint camelcase:false */ /** * This class contains all core logic for the spellchecker plugin. * * @class tinymce.spellcheckerplugin.Plugin * @private */ define("tinymce/spellcheckerplugin/Plugin", [ "tinymce/spellcheckerplugin/DomTextMatcher", "tinymce/PluginManager", "tinymce/util/Tools", "tinymce/ui/Menu", "tinymce/dom/DOMUtils", "tinymce/util/XHR", "tinymce/util/URI", "tinymce/util/JSON" ], function(DomTextMatcher, PluginManager, Tools, Menu, DOMUtils, XHR, URI, JSON) { PluginManager.add('spellchecker', function(editor, url) { var languageMenuItems, self = this, lastSuggestions, started, suggestionsMenu, settings = editor.settings; var hasDictionarySupport; function getTextMatcher() { if (!self.textMatcher) { self.textMatcher = new DomTextMatcher(editor.getBody(), editor); } return self.textMatcher; } function buildMenuItems(listName, languageValues) { var items = []; Tools.each(languageValues, function(languageValue) { items.push({ selectable: true, text: languageValue.name, data: languageValue.value }); }); return items; } var languagesString = settings.spellchecker_languages || 'English=en,Danish=da,Dutch=nl,Finnish=fi,French=fr_FR,' + 'German=de,Italian=it,Polish=pl,Portuguese=pt_BR,' + 'Spanish=es,Swedish=sv'; languageMenuItems = buildMenuItems('Language', Tools.map(languagesString.split(','), function(langPair) { langPair = langPair.split('='); return { name: langPair[0], value: langPair[1] }; }) ); function isEmpty(obj) { /*jshint unused:false*/ /*eslint no-unused-vars:0 */ for (var name in obj) { return false; } return true; } function showSuggestions(word, spans) { var items = [], suggestions = lastSuggestions[word]; Tools.each(suggestions, function(suggestion) { items.push({ text: suggestion, onclick: function() { editor.insertContent(editor.dom.encode(suggestion)); editor.dom.remove(spans); checkIfFinished(); } }); }); items.push({text: '-'}); if (hasDictionarySupport) { items.push({text: 'Add to Dictionary', onclick: function() { addToDictionary(word, spans); }}); } items.push.apply(items, [ {text: 'Ignore', onclick: function() { ignoreWord(word, spans); }}, {text: 'Ignore all', onclick: function() { ignoreWord(word, spans, true); }} ]); // Render menu suggestionsMenu = new Menu({ items: items, context: 'contextmenu', onautohide: function(e) { if (e.target.className.indexOf('spellchecker') != -1) { e.preventDefault(); } }, onhide: function() { suggestionsMenu.remove(); suggestionsMenu = null; } }); suggestionsMenu.renderTo(document.body); // Position menu var pos = DOMUtils.DOM.getPos(editor.getContentAreaContainer()); var targetPos = editor.dom.getPos(spans[0]); var root = editor.dom.getRoot(); // Adjust targetPos for scrolling in the editor if (root.nodeName == 'BODY') { targetPos.x -= root.ownerDocument.documentElement.scrollLeft || root.scrollLeft; targetPos.y -= root.ownerDocument.documentElement.scrollTop || root.scrollTop; } else { targetPos.x -= root.scrollLeft; targetPos.y -= root.scrollTop; } pos.x += targetPos.x; pos.y += targetPos.y; suggestionsMenu.moveTo(pos.x, pos.y + spans[0].offsetHeight); } function getWordCharPattern() { // Regexp for finding word specific characters this will split words by // spaces, quotes, copy right characters etc. It's escaped with unicode characters // to make it easier to output scripts on servers using different encodings // so if you add any characters outside the 128 byte range make sure to escape it return editor.getParam('spellchecker_wordchar_pattern') || new RegExp("[^" + "\\s!\"#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_{|}`" + "\u00a7\u00a9\u00ab\u00ae\u00b1\u00b6\u00b7\u00b8\u00bb" + "\u00bc\u00bd\u00be\u00bf\u00d7\u00f7\u00a4\u201d\u201c\u201e\u00a0\u2002\u2003\u2009" + "]+", "g"); } function defaultSpellcheckCallback(method, text, doneCallback, errorCallback) { var data = {method: method}, postData = ''; if (method == "spellcheck") { data.text = text; data.lang = settings.spellchecker_language; } if (method == "addToDictionary") { data.word = text; } Tools.each(data, function(value, key) { if (postData) { postData += '&'; } postData += key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value); }); XHR.send({ url: new URI(url).toAbsolute(settings.spellchecker_rpc_url), type: "post", content_type: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', data: postData, success: function(result) { result = JSON.parse(result); if (!result) { errorCallback("Sever response wasn't proper JSON."); } else if (result.error) { errorCallback(result.error); } else { doneCallback(result); } }, error: function(type, xhr) { errorCallback("Spellchecker request error: " + xhr.status); } }); } function sendRpcCall(name, data, successCallback, errorCallback) { var spellCheckCallback = settings.spellchecker_callback || defaultSpellcheckCallback; spellCheckCallback.call(self, name, data, successCallback, errorCallback); } function spellcheck() { if (started) { finish(); return; } else { finish(); } function errorCallback(message) { editor.windowManager.alert(message); editor.setProgressState(false); finish(); } editor.setProgressState(true); sendRpcCall("spellcheck", getTextMatcher().text, markErrors, errorCallback); editor.focus(); } function checkIfFinished() { if (!editor.dom.select('span.mce-spellchecker-word').length) { finish(); } } function addToDictionary(word, spans) { editor.setProgressState(true); sendRpcCall("addToDictionary", word, function() { editor.setProgressState(false); editor.dom.remove(spans, true); checkIfFinished(); }, function(message) { editor.windowManager.alert(message); editor.setProgressState(false); }); } function ignoreWord(word, spans, all) { editor.selection.collapse(); if (all) { Tools.each(editor.dom.select('span.mce-spellchecker-word'), function(span) { if (span.getAttribute('data-mce-word') == word) { editor.dom.remove(span, true); } }); } else { editor.dom.remove(spans, true); } checkIfFinished(); } function finish() { getTextMatcher().reset(); self.textMatcher = null; if (started) { started = false; editor.fire('SpellcheckEnd'); } } function getElmIndex(elm) { var value = elm.getAttribute('data-mce-index'); if (typeof(value) == "number") { return "" + value; } return value; } function findSpansByIndex(index) { var nodes, spans = []; nodes = Tools.toArray(editor.getBody().getElementsByTagName('span')); if (nodes.length) { for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var nodeIndex = getElmIndex(nodes[i]); if (nodeIndex === null || !nodeIndex.length) { continue; } if (nodeIndex === index.toString()) { spans.push(nodes[i]); } } } return spans; } editor.on('click', function(e) { var target = e.target; if (target.className == "mce-spellchecker-word") { e.preventDefault(); var spans = findSpansByIndex(getElmIndex(target)); if (spans.length > 0) { var rng = editor.dom.createRng(); rng.setStartBefore(spans[0]); rng.setEndAfter(spans[spans.length - 1]); editor.selection.setRng(rng); showSuggestions(target.getAttribute('data-mce-word'), spans); } } }); editor.addMenuItem('spellchecker', { text: 'Spellcheck', context: 'tools', onclick: spellcheck, selectable: true, onPostRender: function() { var self = this; self.active(started); editor.on('SpellcheckStart SpellcheckEnd', function() { self.active(started); }); } }); function updateSelection(e) { var selectedLanguage = settings.spellchecker_language; e.control.items().each(function(ctrl) { ctrl.active(ctrl.settings.data === selectedLanguage); }); } /** * Find the specified words and marks them. It will also show suggestions for those words. * * @example * editor.plugins.spellchecker.markErrors({ * dictionary: true, * words: { * "word1": ["suggestion 1", "Suggestion 2"] * } * }); * @param {Object} data Data object containing the words with suggestions. */ function markErrors(data) { var suggestions; if (data.words) { hasDictionarySupport = !!data.dictionary; suggestions = data.words; } else { // Fallback to old format suggestions = data; } editor.setProgressState(false); if (isEmpty(suggestions)) { editor.windowManager.alert('No misspellings found'); started = false; return; } lastSuggestions = suggestions; getTextMatcher().find(getWordCharPattern()).filter(function(match) { return !!suggestions[match.text]; }).wrap(function(match) { return editor.dom.create('span', { "class": 'mce-spellchecker-word', "data-mce-bogus": 1, "data-mce-word": match.text }); }); started = true; editor.fire('SpellcheckStart'); } var buttonArgs = { tooltip: 'Spellcheck', onclick: spellcheck, onPostRender: function() { var self = this; editor.on('SpellcheckStart SpellcheckEnd', function() { self.active(started); }); } }; if (languageMenuItems.length > 1) { buttonArgs.type = 'splitbutton'; buttonArgs.menu = languageMenuItems; buttonArgs.onshow = updateSelection; buttonArgs.onselect = function(e) { settings.spellchecker_language = e.control.settings.data; }; } editor.addButton('spellchecker', buttonArgs); editor.addCommand('mceSpellCheck', spellcheck); editor.on('remove', function() { if (suggestionsMenu) { suggestionsMenu.remove(); suggestionsMenu = null; } }); editor.on('change', checkIfFinished); this.getTextMatcher = getTextMatcher; this.getWordCharPattern = getWordCharPattern; this.markErrors = markErrors; this.getLanguage = function() { return settings.spellchecker_language; }; // Set default spellchecker language if it's not specified settings.spellchecker_language = settings.spellchecker_language || settings.language || 'en'; }); });