#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'powerbar' require 'logger' # DEMO 1 def demo_1 total = 100000 step = 1000 p = PowerBar.new # This is how you alter the settings. # (see the source-code for all available settings) p.settings.tty.finite.show_eta = true (0..total).step(step).each do |i| p.show({:msg => 'DEMO 1 - Ten seconds of progress', :done => i, :total => total}) sleep 0.1 end # close(true) will set the bar to 100% before closing. # use this when you are sure your operation has finished but # for some reason 'done' may still be smaller than 'total'. # # this is not necessary in this example, and usually a bad idea, # but demonstrating here so you know it exists. p.close(true) end # DEMO 2 def demo_2 total = 100000 step = 1000 text = " "*30 + "Need to change text in mid-progress? No Problemo!" + " "*5 + "As seen in: DEMO 2 - Scrolling madness" p = PowerBar.new j = 0 (0..total).step(step).each do |i| woah = sprintf('%-26s', text[j%text.length..j%text.length+25]) p.show({:msg => woah, :done => i, :total => total}) j += 1 sleep 0.1 end p.close end # DEMO 3 def demo_3 total = 100000 step = 1000 text = "DEMO 3 - Don't sweat your message width too much, we can squeeze it some" p = PowerBar.new j = 0 (0..total).step(step).each do |i| woah = text[0..j] p.show({:msg => woah, :done => i, :total => total}) j += 1 sleep 0.1 end p.close end # DEMO 4 def demo_4 total = 100000 step = 1000 text = "\e[0mDEMO 4 - Colors!" interstitial = [ "Oh, btw, know what?\n", "You may use PowerBar#print to print messages while the bar is running.\n", "Awesome, right?\n" ] p = PowerBar.new p.settings.tty.finite.template.main = \ "${} ${ }\e[0m${/s} \e[33;1m${%} " + "\e[36;1m${}\e[31;1m${ ETA: }" p.settings.tty.finite.template.padchar = "\e[30;1m\u2589" p.settings.tty.finite.template.barchar = "\e[34;1m\u2589" p.settings.tty.finite.template.exit = "\e[?25h\e[0m" # clean up after us p.settings.tty.finite.template.close = "\e[?25h\e[0m\n" # clean up after us p.settings.tty.finite.output = Proc.new{ |s| # The default output function truncates our # string to to enable the "squeezing" as seen in the # previous demo. This doesn't mix so well with ANSI-colors, # so if you want to use colors you'll have to make the output # a little more naive. Like this: $stderr.print s } j = 0 (0..total).step(step).each do |i| p.show({:msg => text, :done => i, :total => total}) j += 1 if 0 == j % 25 p.print interstitial.shift end sleep 0.1 end p.close end # DEMO 5 def demo_5 total = 100000 step = 1000 text = "DEMO 5 - When total is :unknown then we only display what we know" p = PowerBar.new j = 0 (0..total).step(step).each do |i| p.show({:msg => text, :done => i, :total => :unknown}) j += 1 sleep 0.1 end p.close end # DEMO 6 def demo_6 total = 100000 step = 1000 text = "DEMO 6 - Still :unknown, now with a different template" p = PowerBar.new p.settings.tty.infinite.template.main = \ '${} > ${Rate: /s, }elapsed: ${}' j = 0 (0..total).step(step).each do |i| p.show({:msg => text, :done => i, :total => :unknown}) j += 1 sleep 0.1 end p.close end # DEMO 7 def demo_7 total = 100000 step = 1000 text = "DEMO 7 - Forcing notty mode" p = PowerBar.new p.settings.force_mode = :notty j = 0 (0..total).step(step).each do |i| p.show({:msg => text, :done => i, :total => total}) j += 1 if j == 60 p.print "Hint: Of course PowerBar#print also works when in :notty-mode\n" end sleep 0.1 end p.close end # DEMO 8 def demo_8 total = 100000 step = 1000 log = Logger.new(STDOUT) text = "DEMO 8 - Forcing notty mode and using a logger" p = PowerBar.new p.settings.force_mode = :notty p.settings.notty.finite.output = Proc.new { |s| log.debug(s.chomp) unless s == '' } j = 0 (0..total).step(step).each do |i| p.show({:msg => text, :done => i, :total => total}) j += 1 if j == 60 p.print "Hint: Yes, PowerBar#print also works here. ;)\n" end sleep 0.1 end p.close end # DEMO 9 def demo_9 total = 100000 step = 1000 puts "DEMO 9 - No output by PowerBar." puts "Here we use it to collect stats silently, and then we roll our own output:\n-" p = PowerBar.new j = 0 (0..total).step(step).each do |i| # update() does not output anything, it only updates (who would've guessed!) p.update({:done => i, :total => total}) j += 1 if 0 == j % 50 puts "elapsed is: #{p.elapsed}, humanized elapsed is: #{p.h_elapsed}" puts "percent is: #{p.percent}, humanized percent is: #{p.h_percent}" puts "eta is: #{p.eta}, humanized eta is: #{p.h_eta}" puts "done is: #{p.done}, humanized done is: #{p.h_done}" puts "total is: #{p.total}, humanized done is: #{p.h_total}" puts "total is: #{p.total}, humanized done is: #{p.h_total}" puts "bar is: #{p.bar}" puts "-" end sleep 0.1 end #p.close # no need to close this one end # DEMO 10 def demo_10 total = 100000 step = 1000 text = " " * 30 + "DEMO 10 - OMGWTFBBQ!" p = PowerBar.new p.settings.tty.finite.template.padchar = "\e[30;1m\u2589" p.settings.tty.finite.template.barchar = "\e[34;1m\u2589" p.settings.tty.finite.output = Proc.new{ |s| $stderr.print s } j = 0 total = 300000000 step = 1000000 spin = ')|(|' spun = ',.oO^`^Oo' (0..total).step(step).each do |i| p.send(:state).scope = nil # omghax, don't try this at home! wtf = sprintf('%-26s', text[j%text.length..j%text.length+25]) .gsub(/./) { |char| char.send(rand(2).zero? ? :downcase : :upcase) } p.show( { :msg => wtf, :done => i, :total => total, :settings => { :tty => { :finite => { :template => { :barchar => "\e[36;1m" + spin[j%spin.length], :padchar => "\e[0;34m" + spun[j%spun.length], :main => "\e[#{rand(1)};3#{rand(7)}m${}\e[0m "+ "\e[0m${ }\e[0m${/s} "+ "\e[33;1m${%} " + "\e[36;1m${}\e[31;1m${ ETA: }", :exit => "\e[?25h\e[0m", :close => "\e[?25h\e[0m\n" } } } } # chrr.. } ) j += 1 sleep 0.1 end p.wipe puts "Thanks for watching! ;-)" end begin method("demo_#{ARGV[0]}".to_sym).call rescue (1..10).each do |i| method("demo_#{i}".to_sym).call puts "---" sleep 1 end end