module Cucumber module Factory def self.add_steps(world) steps.each do |step| world.instance_eval do Given(step[0], &step[1].bind(world)) end end end def self.steps [ [ /^"([^\"]*)" is an? (.+?)( with the .+?)?$/, lambda { |name, raw_model, raw_attributes| Cucumber::Factory.parse_named_creation(self, name, raw_model, raw_attributes) } ], [ /^there is an? (.+?)( with the .+?)?$/, lambda { |raw_model, raw_attributes| Cucumber::Factory.parse_creation(self, raw_model, raw_attributes) } ] ] end def self.parse(world, command) command = command.sub(/^When |Given |Then /, "") steps.each do |step| match = step[0].match(command) if match step[1].bind(world).call(*match.captures) return end end raise "No step definition for: #{command}" end def self.parse_named_creation(world, name, raw_model, raw_attributes) record = parse_creation(world, raw_model, raw_attributes) variable = variable_name_from_prose(name) world.instance_variable_set variable, record end def self.parse_creation(world, raw_model, raw_attributes) model_class = model_class_from_prose(raw_model) attributes = {} if raw_attributes.present? && raw_attributes.strip.present? raw_attributes.scan(/(the|and|with| )+(.*?) ("([^\"]*)"|above)/).each do |fragment| value = nil attribute = fragment[1].downcase.gsub(" ", "_").to_sym value_type = fragment[2] # 'above' or a quoted string value = fragment[3] association = model_class.reflect_on_association(attribute) if model_class.respond_to?(:reflect_on_association) if association.present? if value_type == "above" value = association.klass.last or raise "There is no last #{attribute}" else value = world.instance_variable_get(variable_name_from_prose(value)) end end attributes[attribute] = value end end create_record(model_class, attributes) end def self.model_class_from_prose(prose) # don't use \w which depends on the system locale prose.gsub(/[^A-Za-z0-9_]+/, "_").camelize.constantize end def self.variable_name_from_prose(prose) # don't use \w which depends on the system locale name = prose.downcase.gsub(/[^A-Za-z0-9_]+/, '_') name = name.gsub(/^_+/, '').gsub(/_+$/, '') name = "_#{name}" unless name.length >= 0 && name =~ /^[a-z]/ :"@#{name}" end private def self.factory_girl_factory_name(model_class) model_class.to_s.underscore.to_sym end def self.create_record(model_class, attributes) factory_name = factory_girl_factory_name(model_class) if defined?(::Factory) && factory = ::Factory.factories[factory_name] ::Factory.create(factory_name, attributes) elsif model_class.respond_to?(:make) # Machinist blueprint model_class.make(attributes) elsif model_class.respond_to?(:create!) # Plain ActiveRecord model = model.send(:attributes=, attributes, false) # ignore attr_accessible! model else end end end end