// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // portions copyright @2009 Apple, Inc. // License: Licened under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*global module test htmlbody ok equals same stop start */ htmlbody(''); (function() { var pane = SC.ControlTestPane.design() .add("progress basic", SC.ProgressView, { value: 25, minimum: 0, maximum: 100 }) .add("progress disabled", SC.ProgressView, { value: 25, minimum: 0, maximum: 100, isEnabled: NO }) .add("progress basic value 0", SC.ProgressView, { value: 0, minimum: 0, maximum: 100 }) .add("progress basic value 100", SC.ProgressView, { value: 100, minimum: 0, maximum: 100 }) .add("progress basic max 50", SC.ProgressView, { value: 25, minimum: 0, maximum: 50 }) // Slider View UI .add("slider basic", SC.SliderView, { value: 50, minimum: 0, maximum: 100 }) .add("slider disabled", SC.SliderView, { value: 50, minimum: 0, maximum: 100, isEnabled: NO }) .add("slider value 100", SC.SliderView, { value: 100, minimum: 0, maximum: 100 }) .add("slider basic step 20", SC.SliderView, { value: 50, minimum: 0, maximum: 100, step: 20 }); pane.show(); // add a test to show the test pane // .......................................................... // TEST VIEWS // module("SC.ProgressView UI"); test("basic", function() { var view = pane.view('progress basic'); ok(!view.$().hasClass('disabled'), 'should NOT have disabled class'); ok(view.$('.sc-inner'), 'should have sc-inner class'); ok(view.$('.sc-outer-head'), 'should have sc-outer-head class'); ok(view.$('.sc-outer-tail'), 'should have sc-outer-tail class'); ok(view.$('.sc-inner-head'), 'should have sc-inner-head class'); ok(view.$('.sc-inner-tail'), 'should have sc-inner-tail class'); equals(view.$('.sc-inner').css("width"), "25%", 'width should be 25%'); equals(view.$('.sc-inner').width(), 84, 'pixel width '); }); test("disabled", function() { var view = pane.view('progress disabled'); ok(view.$().hasClass('disabled'), 'should have disabled class'); ok(view.$('.sc-inner'), 'should have sc-inner class'); equals(view.$('.sc-inner').css("width"), "0%", 'width should be 0%'); equals(view.$('.sc-inner').width(), 0, 'pixel width '); }); test("basic value 0", function() { var view = pane.view('progress basic value 0'); ok(!view.$().hasClass('disabled'), 'should NOT have disabled class'); ok(view.$('.sc-inner'), 'should have sc-inner class'); equals(view.$('.sc-inner').css("width"), "0%", 'width should be 0%'); equals(view.$('.sc-inner').width(), 0, 'pixel width '); }); test("basic value 100", function() { var view = pane.view('progress basic value 100'); ok(!view.$().hasClass('disabled'), 'should NOT have disabled class'); ok(view.$('.sc-inner'), 'should have sc-inner class'); equals(view.$('.sc-inner').css("width"), "100%", 'width should be 100%'); equals(view.$('.sc-inner').width(), 338, 'pixel width '); }); test("basic max 50", function() { var view = pane.view('progress basic max 50'); ok(!view.$().hasClass('disabled'), 'should NOT have disabled class'); ok(view.$('.sc-inner'), 'should have sc-inner class'); equals(view.$('.sc-inner').css("width"), "50%", 'width should be 50%'); equals(view.$('.sc-inner').width(), 169, 'pixel width '); }); // .......................................................... // TEST CHANGING PROGRESS BARS // test("changing value from empty -> value", function() { var view = pane.view('progress basic value 0'); equals(view.$('.sc-inner').width(), 0, 'precon - pixel width should be 0'); SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.set('value', 50); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(view.$('.sc-inner').css("width"), "50%", 'width should be 50%'); equals(view.$('.sc-inner').width(), 169, 'pixel width '); }); test("changing value from full -> empty", function() { var view = pane.view('progress basic value 100'); equals(view.$('.sc-inner').width(), 338, 'precon - pixel width should be 316'); SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.set('value', 0); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(view.$('.sc-inner').css("width"), "0%", 'width should be 0%'); equals(view.$('.sc-inner').width(), 0, 'pixel width '); }); test("changing value from full -> negative number", function() { var view = pane.view('progress basic value 100'); SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.set('value', 100); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(view.$('.sc-inner').width(), 338, 'precon - pixel width should be 338'); SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.set('value', -10); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(view.$('.sc-inner').css("width"), "0%", 'width should be 0%'); equals(view.$('.sc-inner').width(), 0, 'pixel width '); }); test("changing value to over maximum", function() { var view = pane.view('progress basic'); equals(view.$('.sc-inner').width(), 84, 'precon - pixel width should be 84'); SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.set('value', 110); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(view.$('.sc-inner').css("width"), "100%", 'width should be 100%'); equals(view.$('.sc-inner').width(), 338, 'pixel width '); }); test("changing value to a string", function() { var view = pane.view('progress basic'); SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.set('value', 25); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(view.$('.sc-inner').width(), 84, 'precon - pixel width should be 84'); SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.set('value', 'aString'); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(view.$('.sc-inner').css("width"), "0%", 'width should be 0%'); equals(view.$('.sc-inner').width(), 0, 'pixel width '); }); // .......................................................... // SC.SliderView // module("SC.SliderView UI"); test("basic", function() { var view = pane.view('slider basic'); ok(!view.$().hasClass('disabled'), 'should NOT have disabled class'); ok(view.$('.sc-inner'), 'should have sc-inner class'); ok(view.$('.sc-handle'), 'should have sc-handle class'); equals(view.$('.sc-handle').css('left'), '50%', 'left of sc-handle should be 50%'); }); test("disabled", function() { var view = pane.view('slider disabled'); ok(view.$().hasClass('disabled'), 'should have disabled class'); ok(view.$('.sc-inner'), 'should have sc-inner class'); ok(view.$('.sc-handle'), 'should have sc-handle class'); equals(view.$('.sc-handle').css('left'), '50%', 'left of sc-handle should be 50%'); }); test("basic value 100", function() { var view = pane.view('slider value 100'); ok(!view.$().hasClass('disabled'), 'should have disabled class'); ok(view.$('.sc-inner'), 'should have sc-inner class'); ok(view.$('.sc-handle'), 'should have sc-handle class'); equals(view.$('.sc-handle').css('left'), '100%', 'left of sc-handle should be 100%'); }); test("basic step 20", function() { var view = pane.view('slider basic step 20'); ok(!view.$().hasClass('disabled'), 'should have disabled class'); ok(view.$('.sc-inner'), 'should have sc-inner class'); ok(view.$('.sc-handle'), 'should have sc-handle class'); equals(view.$('.sc-handle').css('left'), '60%', 'left of sc-handle should be 60%'); }); })();