I18n Data Repository for Rails 2.3 ================================== [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/svenfuchs/rails-i18n.png)](http://travis-ci.org/svenfuchs/rails-i18n) Central point to collect locale data for use in Ruby on Rails 2.3. If your Rails version is 4.0 or above, visit the [master](https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n) branch. If your Rails version is 3.x, visit the [rails-3-x](https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/rails-3-x) branch. ## Installation Download the locale files that are found in the directory [rails/locale](http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/rails-2-3/rails/locale/) and put them into the `config/locales` directory of your Rails application. If any translation doesn't suit well to the requirements of your application, edit them or add your own locale files. For more information, visit [Rails Internationalization (I18n) API](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/i18n.html) on the _RailsGuides._ ## License [MIT](https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/blob/master/MIT-LICENSE.txt) ## Contributors See [https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/contributors](https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/contributors) ## Special thanks [Tsutomu Kuroda](https://github.com/kuroda) for untiringly taking care of this repository, issues and pull requests