require 'spec_helper' describe GraphQL::Query do let(:query_string) { %| query getFlavor($cheeseId: Int!) { brie: cheese(id: 1) { ...cheeseFields, taste: flavor }, cheese(id: $cheeseId) { __typename, id, ...cheeseFields, ... edibleFields, ... on Cheese { cheeseKind: flavor }, } fromSource(source: COW) { id } fromSheep: fromSource(source: SHEEP) { id } firstSheep: searchDairy(product: [{source: SHEEP}]) { __typename, ... dairyFields, ... milkFields } favoriteEdible { __typename, fatContent } } fragment cheeseFields on Cheese { flavor } fragment edibleFields on Edible { fatContent } fragment milkFields on Milk { source } fragment dairyFields on AnimalProduct { ... on Cheese { flavor } ... on Milk { source } } |} let(:debug) { false } let(:operation_name) { nil } let(:max_depth) { nil } let(:query_variables) { {"cheeseId" => 2} } let(:schema) { DummySchema } let(:query) { schema, query_string, variables: query_variables, debug: debug, operation_name: operation_name, max_depth: max_depth, )} let(:result) { query.result } describe '#result' do it 'returns fields on objects' do expected = {"data"=> { "brie" => { "flavor" => "Brie", "taste" => "Brie" }, "cheese" => { "__typename" => "Cheese", "id" => 2, "flavor" => "Gouda", "fatContent" => 0.3, "cheeseKind" => "Gouda", }, "fromSource" => [{ "id" => 1 }, {"id" => 2}], "fromSheep"=>[{"id"=>3}], "firstSheep" => { "__typename" => "Cheese", "flavor" => "Manchego" }, "favoriteEdible"=>{"__typename"=>"Milk", "fatContent"=>0.04}, }} assert_equal(expected, result) end describe "when it hits null objects" do let(:query_string) {%| { maybeNull { cheese { flavor, similarCheese(source: [SHEEP]) { flavor } } } } |} it "skips null objects" do expected = {"data"=> { "maybeNull" => { "cheese" => nil } }} assert_equal(expected, result) end end end it 'exposes fragments' do assert_equal(GraphQL::Language::Nodes::FragmentDefinition, query.fragments['cheeseFields'].class) end it 'correctly identifies parse error location' do # "Correct" is a bit of an overstatement. All Parslet errors get surfaced # at the beginning of the query they were in, since Parslet sees the query # as invalid. It would be great to have more granularity here. e = assert_raises(GraphQL::ParseError) do GraphQL.parse(" query getCoupons { allCoupons: {data{id}} } ") end assert_equal('Extra input after last repetition at line 2 char 9.', e.message) assert_equal(2, e.line) assert_equal(9, e.col) end describe "merging fragments with different keys" do let(:query_string) { %| query getCheeseFieldsThroughDairy { ... cheeseFrag3 dairy { ...flavorFragment ...fatContentFragment } } fragment flavorFragment on Dairy { cheese { flavor } milks { id } } fragment fatContentFragment on Dairy { cheese { fatContent } milks { fatContent } } fragment cheeseFrag1 on Query { cheese(id: 1) { id } } fragment cheeseFrag2 on Query { cheese(id: 1) { flavor } } fragment cheeseFrag3 on Query { ... cheeseFrag2 ... cheeseFrag1 } |} it "should include keys from each fragment" do expected = {"data" => { "dairy" => { "cheese" => { "flavor" => "Brie", "fatContent" => 0.19 }, "milks" => [ { "id" => "1", "fatContent" => 0.04, } ], }, "cheese" => { "id" => 1, "flavor" => "Brie" }, }} assert_equal(expected, result) end end describe "malformed queries" do describe "whitespace-only" do let(:query_string) { " " } it "doesn't blow up" do assert_equal({}, result) end end describe "empty string" do let(:query_string) { "" } it "doesn't blow up" do assert_equal({}, result) end end end describe "field argument default values" do let(:query_string) {%| query getCheeses( $search: [DairyProductInput] $searchWithDefault: [DairyProductInput] = [{source: COW}] ){ noVariable: searchDairy(product: $search) { ... cheeseFields } noArgument: searchDairy { ... cheeseFields } variableDefault: searchDairy(product: $searchWithDefault) { ... cheeseFields } } fragment cheeseFields on Cheese { flavor } |} it "has a default value" do default_source = schema.query.fields["searchDairy"].arguments["product"].default_value[0]["source"] assert_equal("SHEEP", default_source) end describe "when a variable is used, but not provided" do it "uses the default_value" do assert_equal("Manchego", result["data"]["noVariable"]["flavor"]) end end describe "when the argument isn't passed at all" do it "uses the default value" do assert_equal("Manchego", result["data"]["noArgument"]["flavor"]) end end describe "when the variable has a default" do it "uses the variable default" do assert_equal("Brie", result["data"]["variableDefault"]["flavor"]) end end end describe "query variables" do let(:query_string) {%| query getCheese($cheeseId: Int!){ cheese(id: $cheeseId) { flavor } } |} describe "when they can be coerced" do let(:query_variables) { {"cheeseId" => 2.0} } it "coerces them on the way in" do assert("Gouda", result["data"]["cheese"]["flavor"]) end end describe "when they can't be coerced" do let(:query_variables) { {"cheeseId" => "2"} } it "raises an error" do expected = { "errors" => [ { "message" => "Variable cheeseId of type Int! was provided invalid value", "locations"=>[{ "line" => 2, "column" => 24 }], "value" => "2", "problems" => [{ "path" => [], "explanation" => 'Could not coerce value "2" to Int' }] } ] } assert_equal(expected, result) end end describe "when they aren't provided" do let(:query_variables) { {} } it "raises an error" do expected = { "errors" => [ { "message" => "Variable cheeseId of type Int! was provided invalid value", "locations" => [{"line" => 2, "column" => 24}], "value" => nil, "problems" => [{ "path" => [], "explanation" => "Expected value to not be null" }] } ] } assert_equal(expected, result) end end describe "default values" do let(:query_string) {%| query getCheese($cheeseId: Int = 3){ cheese(id: $cheeseId) { id, flavor } } |} describe "when no value is provided" do let(:query_variables) { {} } it "uses the default" do assert(3, result["data"]["cheese"]["id"]) assert("Manchego", result["data"]["cheese"]["flavor"]) end end describe "when a value is provided" do it "uses the provided variable" do assert(2, result["data"]["cheese"]["id"]) assert("Gouda", result["data"]["cheese"]["flavor"]) end end describe "when complex values" do let(:query_variables) { {"search" => [{"source" => "COW"}]} } let(:query_string) {%| query getCheeses($search: [DairyProductInput]!){ cow: searchDairy(product: $search) { ... on Cheese { flavor } } } |} it "coerces recursively" do assert_equal("Brie", result["data"]["cow"]["flavor"]) end end end end describe "#max_depth" do it "defaults to the schema's max_depth" do assert_equal 5, query.max_depth end describe "overriding max_depth" do let(:max_depth) { 12 } it "overrides the schema's max_depth" do assert_equal 12, query.max_depth end end end end