# # Simple extensions of Hal Fultons tool to show dependencies between ruby # source files (see https://hypermetrics.com/rubyhacker/code/rdep/). The basic # extensions can be found at the end of the function find_files. # # Source: [https://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/rgl/rgl/examples/rdep-rgl.rb] # # Additionaly rdep-rgl.rb generates a graphics file named # File.basename(ARGV[0]) + ".png". # # Requires RGL (https://rgl.sourceforge.net) and Graphviz # (www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/download.html). # # ruby rdep-rgl.rb j:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.6/rdoc/rdoc.rb # # produces the following graph: link:rdoc.rb.png # require 'rgl/adjacency' require 'rgl/dot' =begin rdep - The Ruby Dependency Tool Version 1.4 Hal E. Fulton 2 November 2002 Ruby's license Purpose Determine the library files on which a specified Ruby file is dependent (and their location and availability). Usage notes Usage: ruby rdep.rb sourcefile The sourcefile may or may not have a .rb extension. The directories in the $: array (which includes the RUBYLIB environment variable) are searched first. File extensions are currently searched for in this order: no extension, .rb, .o, .so, .dll (this may not be correct). If there are no detected dependencies, the program will give the message, "No dependencies found." If the program finds [auto]load and require statements that it can understand, it searches for the specified files. Any recognized Ruby source files (*.rb) are processed recursively in the same way. No attempt is made to open the files that appear to be binary. The program will print up to four lists (any or all may be omitted): 1. A list of files it found by going through RUBYLIB.; 2. A list of files found under the searchroot (or under '.'); 3. A list of directories under searchroot which should perhaps be added to RUBYLIB; and 4. A list of files (without extensions) which could not be found. If there were unparseable [auto]load or require statements, a warning will be issued. Between lists 3 and 4, the program will give an opinion about the overall situation. The worst case is that files were not found; the uncertain case is when there were unparseable statements; and the best case is when all files could be found (lists 1 and 2). Exit codes 0 - Usage or successful execution 1 - Nonexistent sourcefile specified 2 - Improper sourcefile (pipe, special file, ...) 3 - Some kind of problem reading a file Limitations Requires Ruby 1.6.0 or higher No recursion on binaries Can't look at dynamically built names Can't detect "tested" requires (e.g.: flag = require "foo.rb") [auto]load/require can be preceded only by whitespace on the line Only recognizes simple strings ("file" or 'file') Does not recognized named constants (e.g.: require MyFile) Assumes every directory entry is either a file or subdirectory Does not handle the Windows variable RUBYLIB_PREFIX May be SLOW if a directory structure is deep (especially on Windows with 1.6.x) Known bugs: Logic may be incorrect in terms of search order, file extensions, etc. Injected a bug in 1.3: In rare cases will recurse until stack overflow Revision history Version 1.0 - 13 October 2000 - Initial release Version 1.1 - 10 July 2001 - Bug fixes Version 1.2 - 15 August 2002 - Works correctly on Win98 Version 1.3 - 21 October 2002 - Removed globals; removed search root; added $: instead of RUBYLIB; etc. Version 1.4 - 2 November 2002 - Fixed autoload recursion bug To-do list Possibly change extension search order? Possibly add extensions to list? Are explicit extensions allowed other than .rb? Is a null extension really legal? Additional tests/safeguards? (file permissions, non-empty files,...) Change inconsistent expansion of tilde, dot, etc.? Make it smarter somehow?? =end # # File.doc_skip - iterator to skip embedded docs in Ruby input file # class File def doc_skip loop do str = gets break if not str if str =~ /^=begin([ \t]|$)/ loop do str = gets break if not str break if str =~ /^=end([ \t]|$)/ end else yield str end end end end class Dependency attr_reader :graph # # unquote - Find the value of a string. Called from scan. # def unquote(str) # Still more kludgy code. return nil if str == nil if [?', ?"].include? str[0] # ' Unconfuse gvim str = str[1..-2] else "" end end # # scan - Scans a line and returns the filename from a load or require # statement. Returns null string if there was a parsing problem. # Returns nil if this is not a load or require. # def scan(line) line.strip! if line =~ /^load/ or line =~ /^auto/ or line =~ /^require/ @has_dep = true # At least one dependency found. # Kludge!! junk = %w[ require load autoload ( ) , ] + [""] temp = line.split(/[ \t\(\),]/) - junk if temp[2] and temp[2][0].chr =~ /[#;]/ # Comments, semi... temp = temp[0..1] end if temp[-1] =~ /\#\{/ # #{} means trouble str = "" else str = unquote(temp[-1]) # May return nil. end str else nil end end # # find_files - The heart of the program. Search for files using $: # def find_files(source) # loadable - This file or some variant can be found in one of the # directories in $: loadable = false files = [] # Save a list of load/require files. found = [] # Save a list of files found (.rb only for now) # Open the file, strip embedded docs, and look for load/require statements. begin File.open(source).doc_skip { |line| files << scan(line) } rescue => err puts "Problem processing file #{source}: #{err}" caller.each { |x| puts " #{x}" } exit 3 end # If no dependencies, don't bother searching! if !@has_dep puts "No dependencies found." exit 0 end files.compact! catch(:skip) do for file in files if file == "" # Warning @warnfiles << source next end throw :skip if (@inpath.include? file) || (@cantfind.include? file) if file =~ /\.rb$/ # Don't add suffix to *.rb suffixes = [""] # Hmm... .rbw?? Probably not needed. else suffixes = @suffixes # Use any suffix (extension) end # Look through search path (@search_path) for dir in @search_path for suf in suffixes filename = dir + file + suf loadable = test ?e, filename break if loadable end if loadable @inpath << filename # Files we found in RUBYLIB # Add to 'found' if it's a source file (so we can recurse) found << filename if filename =~ /\.rb$/ break end end @cantfind << file if !loadable end end found.uniq! found.compact! @graph.add_vertex(source) list = found found.each { |x| @graph.add_edge(source, x) list += find_files(x) } list end # # print_list - Print a header message followed by a list of files # or directories. # def print_list(header, list) return if list.empty? puts header + "\n\n" # Extra newlines list.each { |x| puts " #{x}" } puts "\n" # Extra newline end SEP = File::Separator DIRSEP = SEP == "/" ? ":" : ";" def execute @has_dep = false @warnfiles = [] @newdirs = [] @inpath = [] @cantfind = [] @suffixes = [""] + %w[ .rb .o .so .dll ] @rdirs = [] @global_found = [] @graph = RGL::DirectedAdjacencyGraph.new # No parameters? Usage message if not ARGV[0] puts "Usage: ruby rdep.rb sourcefile [searchroot]" exit 0 end # Does sourcefile exist? if !test ?e, ARGV[0] puts "#{ARGV[0]} does not exist." exit 1 end # Is sourcefile a "real" file? if !test ?f, ARGV[0] puts "#{ARGV[0]} is not a regular file." exit 2 end # Be sure to search under the dir where the # program lives... @proghome = File.dirname(File.expand_path(ARGV[0])) if @proghome != File.expand_path(".") $: << @proghome end # Get list of dirs in $: @search_path = $: @search_path.collect! { |x| x[-1] == SEP ? x : x + SEP } # All real work happens here -- big recursive find find_files(ARGV[0]) @warnfiles.uniq! @cantfind.uniq! @newdirs.uniq! @inpath.map! { |x| File.expand_path(x) } @inpath.uniq! # # Now, what are all the results? Report to user. # if @inpath[0] print_list("Found in search path:", @inpath) if !@cantfind.empty? && @warnfiles.empty? puts "This will probably be sufficient.\n" end end # Did we use any dirs under the "home"? homedirs = @inpath.find_all { |x| x =~ Regexp.new("^"+@proghome) } if homedirs[0] # not empty homedirs.map! { |x| File.dirname(x) }.uniq! puts "Consider adding these directories to RUBYPATH:\n\n" homedirs.each { |x| puts " #{x}" } puts if @warnfiles[0] and homedirs == [] # There are unparseable statements. puts "This will probably NOT be sufficient. See below.\n\n" end end # What's our opinion? if @cantfind[0] # There are unknown files. puts "This will probably NOT be sufficient. See below.\n\n" elsif @warnfiles[0] and homedirs == [] # There are unparseable statements. puts "Files may still be missing. See below.\n\n" else # We think everything is OK. puts "This will probably be sufficient." end # Report unknown files print_list("Not located anywhere:", @cantfind) # Print warning about load/require strings we couldn't understand print_list("Warning: Unparseable usages of 'load' or 'require' in:", @warnfiles) end end d = Dependency.new d.execute begin d.graph.write_to_graphic_file('png', File.basename(ARGV[0]), 'label' => "Dependencies of #{ARGV[0]}") rescue ArgumentError d.graph.write_to_graphic_file('png', File.basename(ARGV[0])) end exit 0