# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module TencentCloud module Hcm module V20181106 # Evaluation请求参数结构体 class EvaluationRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param SessionId: 图片唯一标识,一张图片一个SessionId; # @type SessionId: String # @param Image: 图片数据,需要使用base64对图片的二进制数据进行编码,与url参数二者填一即可; # @type Image: String # @param HcmAppid: 业务应用ID,与账号应用APPID无关,是用来方便客户管理服务的参数,新的 HcmAppid 可以在[控制台](https://console.cloud.tencent.com/hcm)【应用管理】下新建。 # @type HcmAppid: String # @param Url: 图片url,与Image参数二者填一即可; # @type Url: String # @param SupportHorizontalImage: 横屏拍摄开关,若开启则支持传输横屏拍摄的图片; # @type SupportHorizontalImage: Boolean # @param RejectNonArithmeticImage: 拒绝非速算图(如风景图、人物图)开关,若开启,则遇到非速算图会快速返回拒绝的结果,但极端情况下可能会影响评估结果(比如算式截图贴到风景画里可能被判为非速算图直接返回了)。 # @type RejectNonArithmeticImage: Boolean # @param IsAsync: 异步模式标识,0:同步模式,1:异步模式。默认为同步模式 # @type IsAsync: Integer # @param EnableDispRelatedVertical: 是否展开耦合算式中的竖式计算 # @type EnableDispRelatedVertical: Boolean # @param EnableDispMidresult: 是否展示竖式算式的中间结果和格式控制字符 # @type EnableDispMidresult: Boolean # @param EnablePdfRecognize: 是否开启pdf识别,默认开启 # @type EnablePdfRecognize: Boolean # @param PdfPageIndex: pdf页码,从0开始,默认为0 # @type PdfPageIndex: Integer # @param LaTex: 是否返回LaTex,默认为0返回普通格式,设置成1返回LaTex格式 # @type LaTex: Integer # @param RejectVagueArithmetic: 用于选择是否拒绝模糊题 目。打开则丢弃模糊题目, 不进行后续的判题返回结 果。 # @type RejectVagueArithmetic: Boolean attr_accessor :SessionId, :Image, :HcmAppid, :Url, :SupportHorizontalImage, :RejectNonArithmeticImage, :IsAsync, :EnableDispRelatedVertical, :EnableDispMidresult, :EnablePdfRecognize, :PdfPageIndex, :LaTex, :RejectVagueArithmetic extend Gem::Deprecate deprecate :IsAsync, :none, 2024, 5 deprecate :IsAsync=, :none, 2024, 5 def initialize(sessionid=nil, image=nil, hcmappid=nil, url=nil, supporthorizontalimage=nil, rejectnonarithmeticimage=nil, isasync=nil, enabledisprelatedvertical=nil, enabledispmidresult=nil, enablepdfrecognize=nil, pdfpageindex=nil, latex=nil, rejectvaguearithmetic=nil) @SessionId = sessionid @Image = image @HcmAppid = hcmappid @Url = url @SupportHorizontalImage = supporthorizontalimage @RejectNonArithmeticImage = rejectnonarithmeticimage @IsAsync = isasync @EnableDispRelatedVertical = enabledisprelatedvertical @EnableDispMidresult = enabledispmidresult @EnablePdfRecognize = enablepdfrecognize @PdfPageIndex = pdfpageindex @LaTex = latex @RejectVagueArithmetic = rejectvaguearithmetic end def deserialize(params) @SessionId = params['SessionId'] @Image = params['Image'] @HcmAppid = params['HcmAppid'] @Url = params['Url'] @SupportHorizontalImage = params['SupportHorizontalImage'] @RejectNonArithmeticImage = params['RejectNonArithmeticImage'] @IsAsync = params['IsAsync'] @EnableDispRelatedVertical = params['EnableDispRelatedVertical'] @EnableDispMidresult = params['EnableDispMidresult'] @EnablePdfRecognize = params['EnablePdfRecognize'] @PdfPageIndex = params['PdfPageIndex'] @LaTex = params['LaTex'] @RejectVagueArithmetic = params['RejectVagueArithmetic'] end end # Evaluation返回参数结构体 class EvaluationResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param SessionId: 图片唯一标识,一张图片一个SessionId; # @type SessionId: String # @param Items: 识别出的算式信息; # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Items: Array # @param TaskId: 任务 id,用于查询接口 # @type TaskId: String # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :SessionId, :Items, :TaskId, :RequestId extend Gem::Deprecate deprecate :TaskId, :none, 2024, 5 deprecate :TaskId=, :none, 2024, 5 def initialize(sessionid=nil, items=nil, taskid=nil, requestid=nil) @SessionId = sessionid @Items = items @TaskId = taskid @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @SessionId = params['SessionId'] unless params['Items'].nil? @Items = [] params['Items'].each do |i| item_tmp = Item.new item_tmp.deserialize(i) @Items << item_tmp end end @TaskId = params['TaskId'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # 识别出的算术式信息及评估结果 class Item < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Item: 识别的算式是否正确,算式运算结果: # ‘YES’:正确 # ‘NO’: 错误 # ‘NA’: 非法参数 # ‘EMPTY’: 未作答 # @type Item: String # @param ItemString: 识别出的算式,识别出的文本行字符串 # @type ItemString: String # @param ItemCoord: 识别的算式在图片上的位置信息,文本行在旋转纠正之后的图像中的像素坐 标,表示为(左上角 x, 左上角 y,宽 width, 高 height) # @type ItemCoord: :class:`Tencentcloud::Hcm.v20181106.models.ItemCoord` # @param Answer: 错题推荐答案,算式运算结果正确返回为 "",算式运算结果错误返回推荐答案 (注:暂不支持多个关系运算符(如 1<10<7)、 无关系运算符(如 frac(1,2)+frac(2,3))、单 位换算(如 1 元=100 角)错题的推荐答案 返回) # (注:使用@@标记答案填写区域) # @type Answer: String # @param ExpressionType: 算式题型编号,如加减乘除四则题型,具体题型及编号如下:1 加减乘除四则 2 加减乘除已知结果求运算因子3 判断大小 4 约等于估算 5 带余数除法 6 分数四则运算 7 单位换算 8 竖式加减法 9 竖式乘除法 10 脱式计算 11 解方程 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ExpressionType: String # @param ItemConf: 文本行置信度 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ItemConf: Float # @param QuestionId: 用于标识题目 id,如果有若干算式属于同一 题,则其对应的 id 相同。 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type QuestionId: String attr_accessor :Item, :ItemString, :ItemCoord, :Answer, :ExpressionType, :ItemConf, :QuestionId def initialize(item=nil, itemstring=nil, itemcoord=nil, answer=nil, expressiontype=nil, itemconf=nil, questionid=nil) @Item = item @ItemString = itemstring @ItemCoord = itemcoord @Answer = answer @ExpressionType = expressiontype @ItemConf = itemconf @QuestionId = questionid end def deserialize(params) @Item = params['Item'] @ItemString = params['ItemString'] unless params['ItemCoord'].nil? @ItemCoord = ItemCoord.new @ItemCoord.deserialize(params['ItemCoord']) end @Answer = params['Answer'] @ExpressionType = params['ExpressionType'] @ItemConf = params['ItemConf'] @QuestionId = params['QuestionId'] end end # 目标算式在图片上的坐标信息 class ItemCoord < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Height: 算式高度 # @type Height: Integer # @param Width: 算式宽度 # @type Width: Integer # @param X: 算式图的左上角横坐标 # @type X: Integer # @param Y: 算式图的左上角纵坐标 # @type Y: Integer attr_accessor :Height, :Width, :X, :Y def initialize(height=nil, width=nil, x=nil, y=nil) @Height = height @Width = width @X = x @Y = y end def deserialize(params) @Height = params['Height'] @Width = params['Width'] @X = params['X'] @Y = params['Y'] end end end end end