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errorFunctionTypeCallbackInfoFunctionInforeturn_typeparam_typesFFI::FunctionTypeLastErrorerror=bigdecimalBigDecimal%.35Leto_snative_type method not implementedto_native method not implementedfrom_native method not implementednative_type did not return instance of FFI::TypeMappednative_typeconverterFFI::Type::MappedMemoryPointerfrom_stringFFI::MemoryPointerfailed to allocate closure from poolffi_prep_cif failed. status=%#xPlatformBYTE_ORDERLITTLE_ENDIANBIG_ENDIANINT8_ALIGNINT8_SIZEINT16_ALIGNINT16_SIZEINT32_ALIGNINT32_SIZEINT64_ALIGNINT64_SIZELONG_ALIGNLONG_SIZEFLOAT_ALIGNFLOAT_SIZEDOUBLE_ALIGNDOUBLE_SIZELONG_DOUBLE_ALIGNLONG_DOUBLE_SIZEADDRESS_ALIGNADDRESS_SIZE#<%s address=%p size=%lu>#<%s address=%p>cannot duplicate unbounded memory areacannot duplicate unreadable/unwritable memory areawrong argument type, expected Integer or FFI::Pointerunknown byte ordercallerfirstcalling free on non allocated pointer %s from %sPointernull?addressto_i==NULLFFI::Pointerindex %d out of boundsno Struct layout configured for %sinvalid Struct layout for %sinvalid pointer in structNo such field '%s'argument not an instance of structset not supported for %swrong argument type %s (expected %s)Invalid Struct layoutstruct layout == nullput_reference_value called for non-reference typewrong argument type %s (expected Pointer or Buffer)memory of %ld bytes too small for struct %s (expected at least %ld)get not supported for %sStructInlineArrayCharArraypointer=layoutlayout=[]=eachto_ato_str@pointer@layoutFFI::Struct::InlineArrayFFI::Structwrong type in @layout ivar (expected FFI::StructLayout)StructByValuestruct_classFFI::StructByValuecannot create libffi union representation for alignment %dput not supported for %swrong type for field %d.type of field %d not supportedtype of field %d has zero sizeStruct size is zeroString is longer (%ld bytes) than the char array (%d bytes)cannot set array fieldwrong type (expected Proc or Function)wrong argument type %s (expected Symbol/String)wrong argument type %s (expected FFI::Type)reference_required?StructLayoutFieldNumberStringoffsetalignmentfieldsmembers__union!FFI::StructFieldFFI::StructLayout#<%s::%s size=%d alignment=%d>#<%s::%p size=%d alignment=%d>wrong typeTypeDefscustom_typedefsBuiltinNativeTypeVOIDTYPE_VOIDINT8TYPE_INT8SCHARCHARUINT8TYPE_UINT8UCHARINT16TYPE_INT16SHORTSSHORTUINT16TYPE_UINT16USHORTINT32TYPE_INT32INTSINTUINT32TYPE_UINT32UINTINT64TYPE_INT64LONG_LONGSLONG_LONGUINT64TYPE_UINT64ULONG_LONGLONGTYPE_LONGSLONGULONGTYPE_ULONGFLOAT32TYPE_FLOAT32FLOATFLOAT64TYPE_FLOAT64LONGDOUBLETYPE_LONGDOUBLEPOINTERTYPE_POINTERSTRINGTYPE_STRINGBUFFER_INTYPE_BUFFER_INBUFFER_OUTTYPE_BUFFER_OUTBUFFER_INOUTTYPE_BUFFER_INOUTBOOLTYPE_BOOLVARARGSTYPE_VARARGSFFI::Type::BuiltinFFI::TypeUnknown type: %d@fixedtype_map@type_mapwrong type. Expected (FFI::Type)Incorrect parameter type (%s)Invalid parameter type #%xInvalid return typeVariadicInvokerinvokeFFI::VariadicInvokerFFI/home/lars/comcard/ffi/ext/ffi_c/libffi/src/prep_cif.ccif != NULL(!isvariadic) || (nfixedargs >= 1)nfixedargs <= ntotalargs    ASSERTION FAILURE: %s at %s:%d a != NULLa->type <= FFI_TYPE_LASTa->type == FFI_TYPE_VOID || a->size > 0a->type == FFI_TYPE_VOID || a->alignment > 0(a->type != FFI_TYPE_STRUCT && a->type != FFI_TYPE_COMPLEX) || a->elements != NULLa->type != FFI_TYPE_COMPLEX || (a->elements != NULL && a->elements[0] != NULL && a->elements[1] == NULL)/home/lars/comcard/ffi/ext/ffi_c/libffi/src/arm/ffi.cregp <= argpeo_regp < argp!stack_used/selinuxr/proc/mountsselinuxfs /proc/self/statusPaX:max system bytes = %10lu system bytes = %10lu in use bytes = %10lu ronoexeclibffiLIBFFI_TMPDIRTMPDIR/tmp/var/tmp/dev/shmHOME/etc/mtab/ffiXXXXXX/proc/%d/mapsr%lx-%lx %9s %lx %9s %ld %s@@@A@@@@@@@@@@@AA@@@@@@@@@A@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@C@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@8LX\`DddhlhllhxlpptxD|xH||`H P  L+p,t-.p0t1x 4|5(KxP|XZl|qv,ẑH̘LxܚlDtTTܢxا|h((@\xlD ķ`tr?8@\  ,?400T0QP|Q!8 !$!|$nl|m!mmlm!(x!d0!4<Dl! !`<8!D$!;;:;!KPKK!DtQ Q!p[([Z [!\<!DD!0\!!Q ? 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