require 'spec_helper' describe "A blog post" do before :all do module SomeModule; end end after :all do Object.send :remove_const, :SomeModule end with_model :BlogPost do # The table block works just like a migration. table do |t| t.string :title t.timestamps null: false end # The model block works just like the class definition. model do include SomeModule has_many :comments validates_presence_of :title def self.some_class_method 'chunky' end def some_instance_method 'bacon' end end end # with_model classes can have associations. with_model :Comment do table do |t| t.string :text t.belongs_to :blog_post t.timestamps null: false end model do belongs_to :blog_post end end it "can be accessed as a constant" do expect(BlogPost).to be end it "has the module" do expect(BlogPost.include?(SomeModule)).to eq true end it "has the class method" do expect(BlogPost.some_class_method).to eq 'chunky' end it "has the instance method" do expect( eq 'bacon' end it "can do all the things a regular model can" do record = expect(record).to_not be_valid record.title = "foo" expect(record).to be_valid expect( eq true expect(record.reload).to eq record record.comments.create!(:text => "Lorem ipsum") expect(record.comments.count).to eq 1 end # with_model classes can have inheritance. class Car < ActiveRecord::Base self.abstract_class = true end with_model :Ford, superclass: Car do end it "has a specified superclass" do expect(Ford < Car).to eq true end end describe "with_model can be run within RSpec :all hook" do with_model :BlogPost, scope: :all do table do |t| t.string :title end end before :all do BlogPost.create # without scope: :all these will fail end it "has been initialized within before(:all)" do expect(BlogPost.count).to eq 1 end end describe "another example group" do it "does not have the constant anymore" do expect(defined?(BlogPost)).to be_falsy end end describe "with table options" do with_model :WithOptions do table :id => false do |t| t.string 'foo' t.timestamps null: false end end it "respects the additional options" do expect( include("id") end end