require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') require 'json' include ApiResource describe "Base" do after(:all) do TestResource.reload_class_attributes end describe "Loading data from a hash" do describe "Determining Attributes, Scopes, and Associations from the server" do it "should determine it's attributes when the class loads" do tst = tst.attribute?(:name).should be_true tst.attribute?(:age).should be_true end it "should determine it's associations when the class loads" do tst = tst.association?(:has_many_objects).should be_true tst.association?(:belongs_to_object).should be_true end it "should be able to determine scopes when the class loads" do tst = tst.scope?(:paginate).should be_true tst.scope?(:active).should be_true end end context "Attributes" do before(:all) do TestResource.define_attributes :attr1, :attr2 end it "should set attributes for the data loaded from a hash" do tst ={:attr1 => "attr1", :attr2 => "attr2"}) tst.attr1?.should be_true tst.attr1.should eql("attr1") tst.attr1 = "test" tst.attr1.should eql("test") end it "should create protected attributes for unknown attributes trying to be loaded" do tst ={:attr1 => "attr1", :attr3 => "attr3"}) tst.attr3?.should be_true tst.attr3.should eql("attr3") lambda { tst.attr3 = "test" }.should raise_error end end context "Associations" do before(:all) do TestResource.has_many :has_many_objects TestResource.has_one :has_one_object TestResource.belongs_to :belongs_to_object end after(:all) do TestResource.related_objects.each do |key,val| val.clear end end context "MultiObjectProxy" do it "should create a MultiObjectProxy for has_many associations" do tst ={:has_many_objects => []}) tst.has_many_objects.should be_a(Associations::MultiObjectProxy) end it "should throw an error if a has many association is not nil or an array or a hash" do{:has_many_objects => nil}) lambda {{:has_many_objects => "invalid"}) }.should raise_error end it "should properly load the data from the provided array or hash" do tst ={:has_many_objects => [{:service_uri => '/path'}]}) tst.has_many_objects.remote_path.should eql('/path') tst ={:has_many_objects => {:service_uri => '/path'}}) tst.has_many_objects.remote_path.should eql('/path') end end context "SingleObjectProxy" do it "should create a SingleObjectProxy for belongs to and has_one associations" do tst = => {}, :has_one_object => {}) tst.belongs_to_object.should be_a(Associations::SingleObjectProxy) tst.has_one_object.should be_a(Associations::SingleObjectProxy) end it "should throw an error if a belongs_to or has_many association is not a hash or nil" do lambda { => []) }.should raise_error lambda { => []) }.should raise_error end it "should properly load data from the provided hash" do tst = => {:service_uri => "/path"}) tst.has_one_object.remote_path.should eql('/path') end end end end describe "Request parameters and paths" do after(:each) do TestResource.element_name = TestResource.model_name.element TestResource.collection_name = TestResource.element_name.to_s.pluralize end it "should set the element name and collection name by default" do TestResource.element_name.should eql("test_resource") TestResource.collection_name.should eql("test_resources") end it "should be able to set the element and collection names to anything" do TestResource.element_name = "element" TestResource.collection_name = "elements" TestResource.element_name.should eql("element") TestResource.collection_name.should eql("elements") end it "should propery generate collection paths and element paths with the new names and the default format json" do TestResource.element_name = "element" TestResource.collection_name = "elements" TestResource.new_element_path.should eql("/elements/new.json") TestResource.collection_path.should eql("/elements.json") TestResource.element_path(1).should eql("/elements/1.json") TestResource.element_path(1, :active => true).should eql("/elements/1.json?active=true") end it "should be able to set the format" do TestResource.format.extension.to_sym.should eql(:json) TestResource.format = :xml TestResource.format.extension.to_sym.should eql(:xml) TestResource.format = :json end it "should be able to set an http timeout" do TestResource.timeout = 5 TestResource.timeout.should eql(5) TestResource.connection.timeout.should eql(5) end end describe "Serialization" do before(:all) do TestResource.has_many :has_many_objects TestResource.define_attributes :attr1, :attr2 TestResource.include_root_in_json = true end before(:each) do TestResource.include_root_in_json = false end context "JSON" do it "should be able to serialize itself without the root" do TestResource.include_root_in_json = false tst ={:attr1 => "attr1", :attr2 => "attr2"}) hash = JSON.parse(tst.to_json) hash["attr1"].should eql("attr1") hash["attr2"].should eql("attr2") end it "should be able to serialize itself with the root" do TestResource.include_root_in_json = true tst ={:attr1 => "attr1", :attr2 => "attr2"}) hash = JSON.parse(tst.to_json) hash["test_resource"].should_not be_nil end it "should not include associations by default" do tst ={:attr1 => "attr1", :attr2 => "attr2", :has_many_objects => []}) hash = JSON.parse(tst.to_json) hash["has_many_objects"].should be_nil end it "should include associations passed given in the include_associations array" do tst ={:attr1 => "attr1", :attr2 => "attr2", :has_many_objects => []}) hash = JSON.parse(tst.to_json(:include_associations => [:has_many_objects])) hash["has_many_objects"].should_not be_nil end it "should not include unknown attributes unless they are passed in via the include_extras array" do tst ={:attr1 => "attr1", :attr2 => "attr2", :attr3 => "attr3"}) hash = JSON.parse(tst.to_json) hash["attr3"].should be_nil hash = JSON.parse(tst.to_json(:include_extras => [:attr3])) hash["attr3"].should_not be_nil end it "should ignore fields set under the except option" do tst ={:attr1 => "attr1", :attr2 => "attr2", :attr3 => "attr3"}) hash = JSON.parse(tst.to_json(:except => [:attr1])) hash["attr1"].should be_nil end end context "XML" do it "should only be able to serialize itself with the root" do tst ={:attr1 => "attr1", :attr2 => "attr2"}) hash = Hash.from_xml(tst.to_xml) hash["test_resource"].should_not be_nil end it "should properly serialize associations if they are included" do tst ={:attr1 => "attr1", :attr2 => "attr2", :has_many_objects => []}) hash = Hash.from_xml(tst.to_xml(:include_associations => [:has_many_objects])) hash["test_resource"]["has_many_objects"].should eql([]) end end end describe "Finding Data" do before(:all) do TestResource.reload_class_attributes end it "should be able to find all" do resources = TestResource.find(:all) resources.size.should eql(5) resources.each{|r| r.should be_a TestResource} end it "should be able to find first or last" do res = TestResource.first res.should be_a TestResource be_blank res.age.should_not be_blank res = TestResource.last res.should be_a TestResource be_blank res.age.should_not be_blank end it "should be able to find by id" do res = TestResource.find(2) res.should be_a TestResource eql(2) end end describe "Saving Data" do before(:all) do TestResource.include_root_in_json = true TestResource.reload_class_attributes end context "Creating new records" do before(:all) do TestResource.has_many :has_many_objects end it "should be able to post new data via the create method" do tr = TestResource.create({:name => "Ethan", :age => 20}) be_blank end it "should be able to post new data via the save method" do tr ={:name => "Ethan", :age => 20}) be_true be_blank end context("Override create to return the json") do before(:all) do TestResource.send(:alias_method, :old_create, :create) TestResource.send(:alias_method, :old_save, :save) TestResource.send(:define_method, :create) do |*args| opts = args.extract_options! # When we create we should not include any blank attributes unless they are associations except = self.class.include_blank_attributes_on_create ? {} :{|k,v| v.blank?} opts[:except] = opts[:except] ? opts[:except].concat(except.keys).uniq.symbolize_array : except.keys.symbolize_array opts[:include_associations] = opts[:include_associations] ? opts[:include_associations].concat(args) : [] opts[:include_extras] ||= [] encode(opts) end TestResource.send(:define_method, :save) do |*args| new? ? create(*args) : update(*args) end end after(:all) do TestResource.send(:alias_method, :create, :old_create) TestResource.send(:alias_method, :save, :old_save) end it "should be able to include associations when saving if they are specified" do tr = => "Ethan", :age => 20) hash = JSON.parse( hash['test_resource']['has_many_objects'].should be_nil hash = JSON.parse( => [:has_many_objects])) hash['test_resource']['has_many_objects'].should eql([]) end it "should not include nil attributes when creating by default" do tr = => "Ethan") hash = JSON.parse( hash['test_resource']['age'].should be_nil hash['test_resource']['name'].should eql("Ethan") end it "should include nil attributes if they are passed in through the include_extras" do tr = => "Ethan") hash = JSON.parse( => [:age])) hash['test_resource'].key?('age').should be_true end it "should include nil attributes when creating if include_nil_attributes_on_create is true" do TestResource.include_blank_attributes_on_create = true tr = => "Ethan") hash = JSON.parse( hash['test_resource'].key?('age').should be_true TestResource.include_blank_attributes_on_create = false end end end context "Updating old records" do before(:all) do TestResource.send(:alias_method, :old_update, :update) TestResource.send(:alias_method, :old_save, :save) TestResource.send(:define_method, :update) do |*args| opts = args.extract_options! # When we create we should not include any blank attributes except = self.class.attribute_names - self.changed.symbolize_array changed_associations ={|item| self.association?(item)} opts[:except] = opts[:except] ? opts[:except].concat(except).uniq.symbolize_array : except.symbolize_array opts[:include_associations] = opts[:include_associations] ? opts[:include_associations].concat(args).concat(changed_associations).uniq : changed_associations.concat(args) opts[:include_extras] ||= [] opts[:except] = [:id] if self.class.include_all_attributes_on_update encode(opts) end TestResource.send(:define_method, :save) do |*args| new? ? create(*args) : update(*args) end end after(:all) do TestResource.send(:alias_method, :update, :old_update) TestResource.send(:alias_method, :save, :old_save) end it "should be able to put updated data via the update method" do tr = => 1, :name => "Ethan") tr.should_not be_new # Thus we know we are calling update tr.age = 6 hash = JSON.parse(tr.update) hash['test_resource']['age'].should eql(6) hash = JSON.parse( hash['test_resource']['age'].should eql(6) end it "should only include changed attributes when updating" do tr = => 1, :name => "Ethan") tr.should_not be_new # Thus we know we are calling update tr.age = 6 hash = JSON.parse( hash['test_resource']['name'].should be_nil end it "should include changed associations without specification" do tr = => 1, :name => "Ethan") tr.has_many_objects = [] hash = JSON.parse( hash['test_resource']['has_many_objects'].should_not be_blank end it "should include unchanged associations if they are specified" do tr = => 1, :name => "Ethan") hash = JSON.parse( hash['test_resource']['has_many_objects'].should eql([]) end it "should include all attributes if include_all_attributes_on_update is true" do TestResource.include_all_attributes_on_update = true tr = => 1, :name => "Ethan") hash = JSON.parse( hash['test_resource']['name'].should eql("Ethan") hash['test_resource'].key?('age').should be_true TestResource.include_all_attributes_on_update = false end end end describe "Deleting data" do it "should be able to delete an id from the class method" do TestResource.delete(1).should be_true end it "should be able to destroy itself as an instance" do tr = => 1, :name => "Ethan") tr.destroy.should be_true end end describe "Random methods" do it "should know if it is persisted" do tr = => 1, :name => "Ethan") tr.persisted?.should be_true tr = => "Ethan") tr.persisted?.should be_false end end describe "Inheritable Accessors" do it "should copy the default values down to any level of subclass" do class Child < TestResource; end eql( be_blank end end end