#! /usr/bin/env ruby # == Synopsis # Performs pagedepth, url list, and count functionality # Meant to be run daily as a cron job # # == Usage # anemone_url_list.rb [options] url # # == Options # -r, --relative Output relative URLs (rather than absolute) # -o, --output filename Filename to save URL list to. Defaults to urls.txt. # # == Author # Chris Kite $:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "lib") require 'anemone' require 'optparse' require 'rdoc/usage' require 'ostruct' options = OpenStruct.new options.relative = false options.output_file = 'urls.txt' # make sure that the last option is a URL we can crawl begin URI(ARGV.last) rescue RDoc::usage() Process.exit end # parse command-line options opts = OptionParser.new opts.on('-r', '--relative') { options.relative = true } opts.on('-o', '--output filename') {|o| options.output_file = o } opts.parse!(ARGV) root = ARGV.last Anemone.crawl(root) do |anemone| anemone.after_crawl do |pages| puts "Crawl results for #{root}\n" # print a list of 404's not_found = [] pages.each_value do |page| url = page.url.to_s not_found << url if page.not_found? end if !not_found.empty? puts "\n404's:" not_found.each do |url| if options.relative puts URI(url).path.to_s else puts url end num_linked_from = 0 pages.urls_linking_to(url).each do |u| u = u.path if options.relative num_linked_from += 1 puts " linked from #{u}" if num_linked_from > 10 puts " ..." break end end end print "\n" end # remove redirect aliases, and calculate pagedepths pages = pages.shortest_paths!(root).uniq depths = pages.values.inject({}) do |depths, page| depths[page.depth] ||= 0 depths[page.depth] += 1 depths end # print the page count puts "Total pages: #{pages.size}\n" # print a list of depths depths.sort.each { |depth, count| puts "Depth: #{depth} Count: #{count}" } # output a list of urls to file file = open(options.output_file, 'w') pages.each_key do |url| url = options.relative ? url.path.to_s : url.to_s file.puts url end end end