- content_for :title, "Getting Started" .doc-text %p The pattern library contains the UI building blocks of Casebook. It is divided into sections that reflect the categories of components we use: %section.uf-description %h2 Sections %ul %li =link_to "Grids and Spacing", undercase.category_path(category: "grids") — grids %li =link_to "Colors", undercase.category_path(category: "colors") — colors %li =link_to "Borders", undercase.category_path(category: "borders") — borders %li =link_to "Typography", undercase.category_path(category: "typography") — typography %li = link_to "Components", undercase.category_path(category: "components") — components %li = link_to "Forms", undercase.category_path(category: "forms") — forms %li = link_to "Lists", undercase.category_path(category: "lists") — lists %li = link_to "Buttons", undercase.category_path(category: "buttons") — buttons %li = link_to "Links", undercase.category_path(category: "links") — links %li = link_to "Icons", undercase.category_path(category: "icons") — icons %li = link_to "Popups", undercase.category_path(category: "popups") — modals, dropdowns, popovers %li = link_to "Language", undercase.category_path(category: "language") — language/grammar/tone for different kinds of copy %section %h2 When Should I Add a Pattern %p If you can’t find an existing pattern in the library to implement a feature, revisit the design to see if it can be adjusted to use one. Otherwise, break the feature into atomic components and add each component as a pattern. For example, if you create a card with a formatted list and a styled fieldset, add the list and fieldset as distinct patterns.