# RTCM3 parser require_relative 'util' module GPS_PVT class RTCM3 def initialize(io) @io = io @buf = [] end def RTCM3.checksum(packet, range = 0..-4) GPS_PVT::Util::CRC24Q::checksum(packet[range]) end module Packet def decode(bits_list, offset = nil) # 24 is offset of header in transport layer Util::BitOp::extract(self, bits_list, offset || 24) end def message_number decode([12]).first end DataFrame = proc{ unum_gen = proc{|n, sf| next [n, proc{|v| v}] unless sf [n, sf.kind_of?(Rational) ? proc{|v| (sf * v).to_f} : proc{|v| sf * v}] } num_gen = proc{|n, sf| lim = 1 << (n - 1) lim2 = lim << 1 next [n, proc{|v| v >= lim ? v - lim2 : v}] unless sf [n, sf.kind_of?(Rational) ? proc{|v| v -= lim2 if v >= lim; (sf * v).to_f} : proc{|v| v -= lim2 if v >= lim; sf * v}] } num_sign_gen = proc{|n, sf| lim = 1 << (n - 1) next [n, proc{|v| v >= lim ? lim - v : v}] unless sf [n, sf.kind_of?(Rational) ? proc{|v| v = lim - v if v >= lim; (sf * v).to_f} : proc{|v| v = lim - v if v >= lim; sf * v}] } invalidate = proc{|orig, err| [orig[0], proc{|v| v == err ? nil : orig[1].call(v)}] } idx_list_gen = proc{|n, start| start ||= 0 idx_list = (start...(start+n)).to_a.reverse [n, proc{|v| idx_list.inject([]){|res, idx| res.unshift(idx) if (v & 0x1) > 0 break res unless (v >>= 1) > 0 res } }] } sc2rad = 3.1415926535898 df = { # {df_num => [bits, post_process] or generator_proc, ...} 1 => proc{|n| n}, 2 => 12, 3 => 12, 4 => unum_gen.call(30, Rational(1, 1000)), # [sec] 5 => 1, 6 => 5, 7 => 1, 8 => 3, 9 => 6, 10 => 1, 11 => invalidate.call(unum_gen.call(24, Rational(2, 100)), 0x800000), # [m] 12 => invalidate.call(num_gen.call(20, Rational(5, 10000)), 0x80000), # [m] 13 => 7, 14 => unum_gen.call(8, 299_792.458), # [m] 15 => invalidate.call(unum_gen.call(8, Rational(1, 4)), 0), # [db-Hz], 16 => 2, 17 => invalidate.call(num_gen.call(14, Rational(2, 100)), 0x2000), # [m] 18 => num_gen.call(20, Rational(5, 10000)), # [m] 19 => 7, 20 => invalidate.call(unum_gen.call(8, Rational(1, 4)), 0), # [db-Hz] 21 => 6, 22 => 1, 23 => 1, 24 => 1, 25 => num_gen.call(38, Rational(1, 10000)), # [m] 34 => unum_gen.call(27, Rational(1, 1000)), # [sec] 35 => 5, 36 => 1, 37 => 3, 38 => 6, 39 => 1, 40 => [5, proc{|v| v - 7}], 41 => invalidate.call(unum_gen.call(25, Rational(2, 100)), 0x1000000), # [m] 42 => invalidate.call(num_gen.call(20, Rational(5, 10000)), 0x80000), # [m] 43 => 7, 44 => unum_gen.call(7, 599_584.916), # [m] 45 => invalidate.call(unum_gen.call(8, Rational(1, 4)), 0), # [db-Hz], 46 => 2, 47 => invalidate.call(num_gen.call(14, Rational(2, 100)), 0x2000), # [m] 48 => invalidate.call(num_gen.call(20, Rational(5, 10000)), 0x80000), # [m] 49 => 7, 50 => invalidate.call(unum_gen.call(8, Rational(1, 4)), 0), # [db-Hz] 51 => 16, 52 => 17, 53 => 5, 54 => 8, 55 => 12, 56 => 1, 57 => 16, 71 => 8, 76 => 10, 77 => 4, 78 => 2, 79 => num_gen.call(14, Rational(sc2rad, 1 << 43)), # [rad/s] 81 => unum_gen.call(16, 1 << 4), # [sec] 82 => num_gen.call(8, Rational(1, 1 << 55)), # [s/s^2] 83 => num_gen.call(16, Rational(1, 1 << 43)), # [s/s] 84 => num_gen.call(22, Rational(1, 1 << 31)), # [sec] 85 => 10, 86 => num_gen.call(16, Rational(1, 1 << 5)), # [m] 87 => num_gen.call(16, Rational(sc2rad, 1 << 43)), # [rad/s] 88 => num_gen.call(32, Rational(sc2rad, 1 << 31)), # [rad/s] 89 => num_gen.call(16, Rational(1, 1 << 29)), # [rad] 90 => unum_gen.call(32, Rational(1, 1 << 33)), 91 => num_gen.call(16, Rational(1, 1 << 29)), # [rad] 92 => unum_gen.call(32, Rational(1, 1 << 19)), # [m^1/2] 93 => unum_gen.call(16, 1 << 4), # [sec] 94 => num_gen.call(16, Rational(1, 1 << 29)), # [rad] 95 => num_gen.call(32, Rational(sc2rad, 1 << 31)), # [rad/s] 96 => num_gen.call(16, Rational(1, 1 << 29)), # [rad] 97 => num_gen.call(32, Rational(sc2rad, 1 << 31)), # [rad/s] 98 => num_gen.call(16, Rational(1, 1 << 5)), # [m] 99 => num_gen.call(32, Rational(sc2rad, 1 << 31)), # [rad] 100 => num_gen.call(24, Rational(sc2rad, 1 << 43)), # [rad/s] 101 => num_gen.call(8, Rational(1, 1 << 31)), # [sec] 102 => 6, 103 => 1, 104 => 1, 105 => 1, 106 => [2, proc{|v| [0, 30, 45, 60][v] * 60}], # [s] 107 => [12, proc{|v| hh, mm, ss = [v >> 7, (v & 0x7E) >> 1, (v & 0x1) > 0 ? 30 : 0] hh * 3600 + mm * 60 + ss # [sec] }], 108 => 1, 109 => 1, 110 => unum_gen.call(7, 15 * 60), # [sec] 111 => num_sign_gen.call(24, Rational(1000, 1 << 20)), # [m/s] 112 => num_sign_gen.call(27, Rational(1000, 1 << 11)), # [m] 113 => num_sign_gen.call(5, Rational(1000, 1 << 30)), # [m/s^2] 120 => 1, 121 => num_sign_gen.call(11, Rational(1, 1 << 40)), 122 => 2, # (M) 123 => 1, # (M) 124 => num_sign_gen.call(22, Rational(1, 1 << 30)), # [sec] 125 => num_sign_gen.call(5, Rational(1, 1 << 30)), # [sec], (M) 126 => 5, # [day] 127 => 1, # (M) 128 => 4, # (M) 129 => invalidate.call(unum_gen.call(11), 0), # [day] 130 => 2, # 1 => GLONASS-M, (M) fields are active 131 => 1, 132 => invalidate.call(unum_gen.call(11), 0), # [day] 133 => num_sign_gen.call(32, Rational(1, 1 << 31)), # [sec] 134 => invalidate.call(unum_gen.call(5), 0), # [4year], (M) 135 => num_sign_gen.call(22, Rational(1, 1 << 30)), # [sec], (M) 136 => 1, # (M) 137 => 1, 141 => 1, 142 => 1, 248 => 30, 364 => 2, 393 => 1, 394 => idx_list_gen.call(64, 1), 395 => idx_list_gen.call(32, 1), 396 => proc{|df394, df395| x_list = df394.product(df395) idx_list = idx_list_gen.call(x_list.size)[1] [x_list.size, proc{|v| x_list.values_at(*idx_list.call(v))}] }, 397 => invalidate.call(unum_gen.call(8, Rational(1, 1000)), 0xFF), # [sec] 398 => unum_gen.call(10, Rational(1, 1000 << 10)), # [sec] 399 => invalidate.call(num_gen.call(14), 0x2000), # [m/s] 400 => invalidate.call(num_gen.call(15, Rational(1, 1000 << 24)), 0x4000), # [sec], 401 => invalidate.call(num_gen.call(22, Rational(1, 1000 << 29)), 0x200000), # [sec], 402 => 4, 403 => invalidate.call(unum_gen.call(6), 0), # [dB-Hz], 404 => invalidate.call(num_gen.call(15, Rational(1, 10000)), 0x4000), # [m/s] 405 => invalidate.call(num_gen.call(20, Rational(1, 1000 << 29)), 0x80000), # [sec] 406 => invalidate.call(num_gen.call(24, Rational(1, 1000 << 31)), 0x800000), # [sec] 407 => 10, 408 => invalidate.call(unum_gen.call(10, Rational(1, 1 << 4)), 0), # [dB-Hz] 409 => 3, 411 => 2, 412 => 2, 416 => 3, 417 => 1, 418 => 3, 420 => 1, 429 => 4, :uint => proc{|n| n}, } df[27] = df[26] = df[25] df[117] = df[114] = df[111] df[118] = df[115] = df[112] df[119] = df[116] = df[113] {430..433 => 81..84, 434 => 71, 435..449 => 86..100, 450 => 79, 451 => 78, 452 => 76, 453 => 77, 454 => 102, 455 => 101, 456 => 85, 457 => 137}.each{|dst, src| # QZSS ephemeris => GPS src = (src.to_a rescue [src]).flatten (dst.to_a rescue ([dst] * src.size)).flatten.zip(src).each{|i, j| df[i] = df[j]} } df.merge!({ :SBAS_prn => [6, proc{|v| v + 120}], :SBAS_iodn => 8, :SBAS_tod => num_gen.call(13, 1 << 4), :SBAS_ura => df[77], :SBAS_xy => num_gen.call(30, Rational(8, 100)), :SBAS_z => num_gen.call(25, Rational(4, 10)), :SBAS_dxy => num_gen.call(17, Rational(1, 1600)), :SBAS_dz => num_gen.call(18, Rational(1, 250)), :SBAS_ddxy => num_gen.call(10, Rational(1, 80000)), :SBAS_ddz => num_gen.call(10, Rational(1, 16000)), :SBAS_agf0 => num_gen.call(12, Rational(1, 1 << 31)), :SBAS_agf1 => num_gen.call(8, Rational(1, 1 << 40)), }) df.define_singleton_method(:generate_prop){|idx_list| hash = Hash[*([:bits, :op].collect.with_index{|k, i| [k, idx_list.collect{|idx, *args| case prop = self[idx] when Proc; prop = prop.call(*args) end [prop].flatten(1)[i] }] }.flatten(1))].merge({:df => idx_list}) hash[:bits_total] = hash[:bits].inject{|a, b| a + b} || 0 hash } df }.call MessageType = Hash[*({ 1001..1004 => (2..8).to_a, 1005 => [2, 3, 21, 22, 23, 24, 141, 25, 142, [1, 1], 26, 364, 27], 1009..1012 => [2, 3, 34, 5, 35, 36, 37], 1013 => [2, 3, 51, 52, 53, 54], 1019 => [2, 9, (76..79).to_a, 71, (81..103).to_a, 137].flatten, # 488 bits @see Table 3.5-21 1020 => [2, 38, 40, (104..136).to_a].flatten, # 360 bits @see Table 3.5-21 # @see BNC Ntrip client DecodeSBASEphemeris() of RTCM3Decorder.cpp # https://software.rtcm-ntrip.org/browser/ntrip/trunk/BNC/src/RTCM3/RTCM3Decoder.cpp 1043 => [2] + [:prn, :iodn, :tod, :ura, [:xy] * 2, :z, [:dxy] * 2, :dz, [:ddxy] * 2, :ddz, :agf0, :agf1].flatten.collect{|k| "SBAS_#{k}".to_sym}, 1044 => [2, (429..457).to_a].flatten, # 485 bits 1070..1229 => [2, [:uint, 12], [:uint, 30], 393], # 55 bits part of messages will be overwritten 1071..1077 => [2, 3, 4, 393, 409, [1, 7], 411, 412, 417, 418, 394, 395], # 169 bits @see Table 3.5-78 1081..1087 => [2, 3, 416, 34, 393, 409, [1, 7], 411, 412, 417, 418, 394, 395], # 169 bits @see Table 3.5-93 1091..1097 => [2, 3, 248, 393, 409, [1, 7], 411, 412, 417, 418, 394, 395], # 169 bits @see Table 3.5-98 1101..1107 => [2, 3, 4, 393, 409, [1, 7], 411, 412, 417, 418, 394, 395], # 169 bits 1111..1117 => [2, 3, 4, 393, 409, [1, 7], 411, 412, 417, 418, 394, 395], # 169 bits 1121..1127 => [2, 3, 4, 393, 409, [1, 7], 411, 412, 417, 418, 394, 395], # 169 bits }.collect{|mt_list, df_list| (mt_list.to_a rescue [mt_list]).collect{|mt| [mt, DataFrame.generate_prop(df_list)] } }.flatten(2))] module GPS_Observation def ranges res = { :sat => select{|v, df| df == 9}.transpose[0], :pseudo_range_rem => select{|v, df| df == 11}.transpose[0], } add_proc = proc{|k, df, base| values = select{|v, df_| df_ == df} next if values.empty? res[k] = values.transpose[0] res[k] = res[k].zip(res[base]).collect{|a, b| (a + b) rescue nil} if base } add_proc.call(:pseudo_range, 14, :pseudo_range_rem) suffix = res[:pseudo_range] ? "" : "_rem" base = "pseudo_range#{suffix}".to_sym add_proc.call("phase_range#{suffix}".to_sym, 12, base) add_proc.call(:cn, 15) add_proc.call("pseudo_range_L2#{suffix}".to_sym, 17, base) add_proc.call("phase_range_L2#{suffix}".to_sym, 18, base) add_proc.call(:cn_L2, 20) res end end module GLONASS_Observation def ranges res = { :sat => select{|v, df| df == 38}.transpose[0], :freq_ch => select{|v, df| df == 40}.transpose[0], :pseudo_range_rem => select{|v, df| df == 41}.transpose[0], } add_proc = proc{|k, df, base| values = select{|v, df_| df_ == df} next if values.empty? res[k] = values.transpose[0] res[k] = res[k].zip(res[base]).collect{|a, b| (a + b) rescue nil} if base } add_proc.call(:pseudo_range, 44, :pseudo_range_rem) suffix = res[:pseudo_range] ? "" : "_rem" base = "pseudo_range#{suffix}".to_sym add_proc.call("phase_range#{suffix}".to_sym, 42, base) add_proc.call(:cn, 45) add_proc.call("pseudo_range_L2#{suffix}".to_sym, 47, base) add_proc.call("phase_range_L2#{suffix}".to_sym, 48, base) add_proc.call(:cn_L2, 50) res end end module GPS_Ephemeris KEY2IDX = {:svid => 1, :WN => 2, :URA_index => 3, :dot_i0 => 5, :iode => 6, :t_oc => 7, :a_f2 => 8, :a_f1 => 9, :a_f0 => 10, :iodc => 11, :c_rs => 12, :delta_n => 13, :M0 => 14, :c_uc => 15, :e => 16, :c_us => 17, :sqrt_A => 18, :t_oe => 19, :c_ic => 20, :Omega0 => 21, :c_is => 22, :i0 => 23, :c_rc => 24, :omega => 25, :dot_Omega0 => 26, :t_GD => 27, :SV_health => 28} def params # TODO WN is truncated to 0-1023 res = Hash[*(KEY2IDX.collect{|k, i| [k, self[i][0]]}.flatten(1))] res[:fit_interval] = [self[29][0], res[:iodc]] res end end module SBAS_Ephemeris KEY2IDX = {:svid => 1, :iodn => 2, :tod => 3, :URA_index => 4, :x => 5, :y => 6, :z => 7, :dx => 8, :dy => 9, :dz => 10, :ddx => 11, :ddy => 12, :ddz => 13, :a_Gf0 => 14, :a_Gf1 => 15} def params # TODO WN is required to provide Hash[*(KEY2IDX.collect{|k, i| [k, self[i][0]]}.flatten(1))] end end module GLONASS_Ephemeris def params # TODO insufficient: :n => ?(String4); extra: :P3 # TODO generate time with t_b, N_T, NA, N_4 # TODO GPS.i is required to modify to generate EPhemeris_with_GPS_Time k_i = {:svid => 1, :freq_ch => 2, :P1 => 5, :t_k => 6, :B_n => 7, :P2 => 8, :t_b => 9, :xn_dot => 10, :xn => 11, :xn_ddot => 12, :yn_dot => 13, :yn => 14, :yn_ddot => 15, :zn_dot => 16, :zn => 17, :zn_ddot => 18, :P3 => 19, :gamma_n => 20, :p => 21, :tau_n => 23, :delta_tau_n => 24, :E_n => 25, :P4 => 26, :F_T_index => 27, :N_T => 28, :M => 29} k_i.merge!({:NA => 31, :tau_c => 32, :N_4 => 33, :tau_GPS => 34}) if self[30][0] == 1 # check DF131 res = Hash[*(k_i.collect{|k, i| [k, self[i][0]]}.flatten(1))] res.reject!{|k, v| case k when :N_T; v == 0 when :p, :delta_tau_n, :P4, :F_T_index, :N_4, :tau_GPS; true # TODO sometimes delta_tau_n is valid? else; false end } if (res[:M] != 1) # check DF130 res end end module QZSS_Ephemeris KEY2IDX = {:svid => 1, :t_oc => 2, :a_f2 => 3, :a_f1 => 4, :a_f0 => 5, :iode => 6, :c_rs => 7, :delta_n => 8, :M0 => 9, :c_uc => 10, :e => 11, :c_us => 12, :sqrt_A => 13, :t_oe => 14, :c_ic => 15, :Omega0 => 16, :c_is => 17, :i0 => 18, :c_rc => 19, :omega => 20, :dot_Omega0 => 21, :dot_i0 => 22, :WN => 24, :URA_index => 25, :SV_health => 26, :t_GD => 27, :iodc => 28} def params # TODO PRN = svid + 192, WN is truncated to 0-1023 res = Hash[*(KEY2IDX.collect{|k, i| [k, self[i][0]]}.flatten(1))] res[:fit_interval] = [self[29][0], res[:iodc], :QZSS] res end end module MSM_Header def more_data? self.find{|v| v[1] == 393}[0] == 1 end def property idx_sat = self.find_index{|v| v[1] == 394} { :sats => self[idx_sat][0], :cells => self[idx_sat + 2][0], # DF396 :header_items => idx_sat + 3, } end end module MSM include MSM_Header def ranges {:sat_sig => property[:cells]} # expect to be overriden end SPEED_OF_LIGHT = 299_792_458 end module MSM1_2_3 include MSM def ranges sats, cells, offset = property.values_at(:sats, :cells, :header_items) nsat, ncell = [sats.size, cells.size] res = {:sat_sig => cells} range_rough = cells.collect{|sat, sig| # DF398 self[offset + sats.find_index(sat)][0] } add_proc = proc{|idx_cell| values = self[offset + (nsat * 1) + (ncell * idx_cell), ncell] next if values.empty? k = {400 => :pseudo_range_rem, 401 => :phase_range_rem}[values[0][1]] next unless k res[k] = values.zip(range_rough).collect{|(v, df), v_base| ((v_base + v) * SPEED_OF_LIGHT) rescue nil } } add_proc.call(0) add_proc.call(1) res[:halfc_amb] = self[-ncell, ncell].transpose[0] if self[-1][1] == 420 res end end module MSM4_6 include MSM def ranges sats, cells, offset = property.values_at(:sats, :cells, :header_items) nsat, ncell = [sats.size, cells.size] range_rough = self[offset, nsat] # DF397 range_rough2 = self[offset + (nsat * 1), nsat] # DF398 range_fine = self[offset + (nsat * 2), ncell] # DF400/405 phase_fine = self[offset + (nsat * 2) + (ncell * 1), ncell] # DF401/406 halfc_amb = self[offset + (nsat * 2) + (ncell * 3), ncell] # DF420 cn = self[offset + (nsat * 2) + (ncell * 4), ncell] # DF403/408 Hash[*([:sat_sig, :pseudo_range, :phase_range, :cn, :halfc_amb].zip( [cells] + cells.collect.with_index{|(sat, sig), i| i2 = sats.find_index(sat) rough_ms = (range_rough2[i2][0] + range_rough[i2][0]) rescue nil [(((range_fine[i][0] + rough_ms) * SPEED_OF_LIGHT) rescue nil), (((phase_fine[i][0] + rough_ms) * SPEED_OF_LIGHT) rescue nil), cn[i][0], halfc_amb[i][0]] }.transpose).flatten(1))] end end module MSM5_7 include MSM def ranges sats, cells, offset = property.values_at(:sats, :cells, :header_items) nsat, ncell = [sats.size, cells.size] range_rough = self[offset, nsat] # DF397 range_rough2 = self[offset + (nsat * 2), nsat] # DF398 delta_rough = self[offset + (nsat * 3), nsat] # DF399 range_fine = self[offset + (nsat * 4), ncell] # DF400/405 phase_fine = self[offset + (nsat * 4) + (ncell * 1), ncell] # DF401/406 halfc_amb = self[offset + (nsat * 4) + (ncell * 3), ncell] # DF420 cn = self[offset + (nsat * 4) + (ncell * 4), ncell] # DF403/408 delta_fine = self[offset + (nsat * 4) + (ncell * 5), ncell] # DF404 Hash[*([:sat_sig, :pseudo_range, :phase_range, :phase_range_rate, :cn, :halfc_amb].zip( [cells] + cells.collect.with_index{|(sat, sig), i| i2 = sats.find_index(sat) rough_ms = (range_rough2[i2][0] + range_rough[i2][0]) rescue nil [(((range_fine[i][0] + rough_ms) * SPEED_OF_LIGHT) rescue nil), (((phase_fine[i][0] + rough_ms) * SPEED_OF_LIGHT) rescue nil), ((delta_fine[i][0] + delta_rough[i2][0]) rescue nil), cn[i][0], halfc_amb[i][0]] }.transpose).flatten(1))] end end def parse msg_num = message_number return nil unless (mt = MessageType[msg_num]) # return [[value, df], ...] values, df_list, attributes = [[], [], []] add_proc = proc{|target, offset| values += decode(target[:bits], offset).zip(target[:op]).collect{|v, op| op ? op.call(v) : v } df_list += target[:df] } add_proc.call(mt) case msg_num when 1001..1004 nsat = values[4] offset = 24 + mt[:bits_total] add_proc.call(DataFrame.generate_prop(([{ 1001 => (9..13).to_a, 1002 => (9..15).to_a, 1003 => (9..13).to_a + (16..19).to_a, 1004 => (9..20).to_a, }[msg_num]] * nsat).flatten), offset) attributes << GPS_Observation when 1009..1012 nsat = values[4] offset = 24 + mt[:bits_total] add_proc.call(DataFrame.generate_prop(([{ 1009 => (38..43).to_a, 1010 => (38..45).to_a, 1011 => (38..43).to_a + (46..49).to_a, 1012 => (38..50).to_a, }[msg_num]] * nsat).flatten), offset) attributes << GLONASS_Observation when 1013 add_proc.call(DataFrame.generate_prop( ((55..57).to_a * values[4]).flatten), 24 + mt[:bits_total]) when 1019 attributes << GPS_Ephemeris when 1020 attributes << GLONASS_Ephemeris when 1043 attributes << SBAS_Ephemeris when 1044 attributes << QZSS_Ephemeris when 1071..1077, 1081..1087, 1091..1097, 1101..1107, 1111..1117, 1121..1127 # 107X(GPS), 108X(GLONASS), 109X(GALILEO), 110X(SBAS), 111X(QZSS), 112X(Beidou) nsat, nsig = [-2, -1].collect{|i| values[i].size} offset = 24 + mt[:bits_total] df396 = DataFrame.generate_prop([[396, values[-2], values[-1]]]) add_proc.call(df396, offset) ncell = values[-1].size offset += df396[:bits_total] msm_proc = proc{|sat_data, signal_data| msm_sat = DataFrame.generate_prop(([sat_data] * nsat).transpose.flatten(1)) add_proc.call(msm_sat, offset) offset += msm_sat[:bits_total] msm_sig = DataFrame.generate_prop(([signal_data] * ncell).transpose.flatten(1)) add_proc.call(msm_sig, offset) } case msg_num % 10 when 1 attributes << MSM1_2_3 msm_proc.call([398], [400]) when 2 attributes << MSM1_2_3 msm_proc.call([398], [401, 402, 420]) when 3 attributes << MSM1_2_3 msm_proc.call([398], [400, 401, 402, 420]) when 4 attributes << MSM4_6 msm_proc.call([397, 398], [400, 401, 402, 420, 403]) when 5 attributes << MSM5_7 msm_proc.call([397, [:uint, 4], 398, 399], [400, 401, 402, 420, 403, 404]) when 6 attributes << MSM4_6 msm_proc.call([397, 398], [405, 406, 407, 420, 408]) when 7 attributes << MSM5_7 msm_proc.call([397, [:uint, 4], 398, 399], [405, 406, 407, 420, 408, 404]) else attributes << MSM # for #range end end attributes << MSM_Header if (1070..1229).include?(msg_num) res = values.zip(df_list) attributes.empty? ? res : res.extend(*attributes) end end def read_packet while !@io.eof? if @buf.size < 6 then @buf += @io.read(6 - @buf.size).unpack('C*') return nil if @buf.size < 6 end if @buf[0] != 0xD3 then @buf.shift next elsif (@buf[1] & 0xFC) != 0x0 then @buf = @buf[2..-1] next end len = ((@buf[1] & 0x3) << 8) + @buf[2] if @buf.size < len + 6 then @buf += @io.read(len + 6 - @buf.size).unpack('C*') return nil if @buf.size < len + 6 end #p (((["%02X"] * 3) + ["%06X"]).join(', '))%[*(@buf[(len + 3)..(len + 5)]) + [RTCM3::checksum(@buf)]] if "\0#{@buf[(len + 3)..(len + 5)].pack('C3')}".unpack('N')[0] != RTCM3::checksum(@buf) then @buf = @buf[2..-1] next end packet = @buf[0..(len + 5)] @buf = @buf[(len + 6)..-1] return packet.extend(Packet) end return nil end end end