use either::Either; use magnus::{ prelude::*, r_hash::ForEach, typed_data::Obj, IntoValue, RArray, RHash, RString, Value, }; use polars::frame::row::{rows_to_schema_supertypes, Row}; use polars::frame::NullStrategy; use polars::io::avro::AvroCompression; use polars::io::mmap::ReaderBytes; use polars::io::RowIndex; use polars::prelude::pivot::{pivot, pivot_stable}; use polars::prelude::*; use polars_core::utils::try_get_supertype; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::io::{BufWriter, Cursor}; use std::num::NonZeroUsize; use std::ops::Deref; use crate::conversion::*; use crate::file::{get_either_file, get_file_like, get_mmap_bytes_reader, EitherRustRubyFile}; use crate::map::dataframe::{ apply_lambda_unknown, apply_lambda_with_bool_out_type, apply_lambda_with_primitive_out_type, apply_lambda_with_utf8_out_type, }; use crate::rb_modules; use crate::series::{to_rbseries_collection, to_series_collection}; use crate::{RbExpr, RbLazyFrame, RbPolarsErr, RbResult, RbSeries}; #[magnus::wrap(class = "Polars::RbDataFrame")] pub struct RbDataFrame { pub df: RefCell, } impl From for RbDataFrame { fn from(df: DataFrame) -> Self { RbDataFrame::new(df) } } impl RbDataFrame { pub fn new(df: DataFrame) -> Self { RbDataFrame { df: RefCell::new(df), } } fn finish_from_rows( rows: Vec, infer_schema_length: Option, schema: Option, schema_overrides_by_idx: Option>, ) -> RbResult { // Object builder must be registered crate::on_startup::register_object_builder(); let mut final_schema = rows_to_schema_supertypes(&rows,|n| std::cmp::max(1, n))) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; // Erase scale from inferred decimals. for dtype in final_schema.iter_dtypes_mut() { if let DataType::Decimal(_, _) = dtype { *dtype = DataType::Decimal(None, None) } } // Integrate explicit/inferred schema. if let Some(schema) = schema { for (i, (name, dtype)) in schema.into_iter().enumerate() { if let Some((name_, dtype_)) = final_schema.get_at_index_mut(i) { *name_ = name; // If schema dtype is Unknown, overwrite with inferred datatype. if !matches!(dtype, DataType::Unknown) { *dtype_ = dtype; } } else { final_schema.with_column(name, dtype); } } } // Optional per-field overrides; these supersede default/inferred dtypes. if let Some(overrides) = schema_overrides_by_idx { for (i, dtype) in overrides { if let Some((_, dtype_)) = final_schema.get_at_index_mut(i) { if !matches!(dtype, DataType::Unknown) { *dtype_ = dtype; } } } } let df = DataFrame::from_rows_and_schema(&rows, &final_schema).map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(df.into()) } pub fn init(columns: RArray) -> RbResult { let mut cols = Vec::new(); for i in columns.each() { cols.push(<&RbSeries>::try_convert(i?)?.series.borrow().clone()); } let df = DataFrame::new(cols).map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(RbDataFrame::new(df)) } pub fn estimated_size(&self) -> usize { self.df.borrow().estimated_size() } pub fn read_csv(arguments: &[Value]) -> RbResult { // start arguments // this pattern is needed for more than 16 let rb_f = arguments[0]; let infer_schema_length = Option::::try_convert(arguments[1])?; let chunk_size = usize::try_convert(arguments[2])?; let has_header = bool::try_convert(arguments[3])?; let ignore_errors = bool::try_convert(arguments[4])?; let n_rows = Option::::try_convert(arguments[5])?; let skip_rows = usize::try_convert(arguments[6])?; let projection = Option::>::try_convert(arguments[7])?; let separator = String::try_convert(arguments[8])?; let rechunk = bool::try_convert(arguments[9])?; let columns = Option::>::try_convert(arguments[10])?; let encoding = Wrap::::try_convert(arguments[11])?; let n_threads = Option::::try_convert(arguments[12])?; let path = Option::::try_convert(arguments[13])?; let overwrite_dtype = Option::)>>::try_convert(arguments[14])?; // TODO fix let overwrite_dtype_slice = Option::>>::None; // Option::>>::try_convert(arguments[15])?; let low_memory = bool::try_convert(arguments[16])?; let comment_prefix = Option::::try_convert(arguments[17])?; let quote_char = Option::::try_convert(arguments[18])?; let null_values = Option::>::try_convert(arguments[19])?; let try_parse_dates = bool::try_convert(arguments[20])?; let skip_rows_after_header = usize::try_convert(arguments[21])?; let row_index = Option::<(String, IdxSize)>::try_convert(arguments[22])?; let sample_size = usize::try_convert(arguments[23])?; let eol_char = String::try_convert(arguments[24])?; let truncate_ragged_lines = bool::try_convert(arguments[25])?; // end arguments let null_values =|w| w.0); let eol_char = eol_char.as_bytes()[0]; let row_index =|(name, offset)| RowIndex { name, offset }); let quote_char = if let Some(s) = quote_char { if s.is_empty() { None } else { Some(s.as_bytes()[0]) } } else { None }; let overwrite_dtype =|overwrite_dtype| { overwrite_dtype .iter() .map(|(name, dtype)| { let dtype = dtype.0.clone(); Field::new(name, dtype) }) .collect::() }); let overwrite_dtype_slice =|overwrite_dtype| { overwrite_dtype .iter() .map(|dt| dt.0.clone()) .collect::>() }); let mmap_bytes_r = get_mmap_bytes_reader(rb_f)?; let df = CsvReader::new(mmap_bytes_r) .infer_schema(infer_schema_length) .has_header(has_header) .with_n_rows(n_rows) .with_separator(separator.as_bytes()[0]) .with_skip_rows(skip_rows) .with_ignore_errors(ignore_errors) .with_projection(projection) .with_rechunk(rechunk) .with_chunk_size(chunk_size) .with_encoding(encoding.0) .with_columns(columns) .with_n_threads(n_threads) .with_path(path) .with_dtypes( .with_dtypes_slice(overwrite_dtype_slice.as_deref()) .low_memory(low_memory) .with_comment_prefix(comment_prefix.as_deref()) .with_null_values(null_values) .with_try_parse_dates(try_parse_dates) .with_quote_char(quote_char) .with_end_of_line_char(eol_char) .with_skip_rows_after_header(skip_rows_after_header) .with_row_index(row_index) .sample_size(sample_size) .truncate_ragged_lines(truncate_ragged_lines) .finish() .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(df.into()) } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn read_parquet( rb_f: Value, columns: Option>, projection: Option>, n_rows: Option, parallel: Wrap, row_index: Option<(String, IdxSize)>, low_memory: bool, use_statistics: bool, rechunk: bool, ) -> RbResult { use EitherRustRubyFile::*; let row_index =|(name, offset)| RowIndex { name, offset }); let result = match get_either_file(rb_f, false)? { Rb(f) => { let buf = f.as_buffer(); ParquetReader::new(buf) .with_projection(projection) .with_columns(columns) .read_parallel(parallel.0) .with_n_rows(n_rows) .with_row_index(row_index) .set_low_memory(low_memory) .use_statistics(use_statistics) .set_rechunk(rechunk) .finish() } Rust(f) => ParquetReader::new(f.into_inner()) .with_projection(projection) .with_columns(columns) .read_parallel(parallel.0) .with_n_rows(n_rows) .with_row_index(row_index) .use_statistics(use_statistics) .set_rechunk(rechunk) .finish(), }; let df = result.map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(RbDataFrame::new(df)) } pub fn read_ipc( rb_f: Value, columns: Option>, projection: Option>, n_rows: Option, row_index: Option<(String, IdxSize)>, memory_map: bool, ) -> RbResult { let row_index =|(name, offset)| RowIndex { name, offset }); let mmap_bytes_r = get_mmap_bytes_reader(rb_f)?; let df = IpcReader::new(mmap_bytes_r) .with_projection(projection) .with_columns(columns) .with_n_rows(n_rows) .with_row_index(row_index) .memory_mapped(memory_map) .finish() .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(RbDataFrame::new(df)) } pub fn read_avro( rb_f: Value, columns: Option>, projection: Option>, n_rows: Option, ) -> RbResult { use polars::io::avro::AvroReader; let file = get_file_like(rb_f, false)?; let df = AvroReader::new(file) .with_projection(projection) .with_columns(columns) .with_n_rows(n_rows) .finish() .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(RbDataFrame::new(df)) } pub fn write_avro( &self, rb_f: Value, compression: Wrap>, ) -> RbResult<()> { use polars::io::avro::AvroWriter; if let Ok(s) = String::try_convert(rb_f) { let f = std::fs::File::create(s).unwrap(); AvroWriter::new(f) .with_compression(compression.0) .finish(&mut self.df.borrow_mut()) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; } else { let mut buf = get_file_like(rb_f, true)?; AvroWriter::new(&mut buf) .with_compression(compression.0) .finish(&mut self.df.borrow_mut()) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; } Ok(()) } pub fn read_json(rb_f: Value) -> RbResult { // memmap the file first let mmap_bytes_r = get_mmap_bytes_reader(rb_f)?; let mmap_read: ReaderBytes = (&mmap_bytes_r).into(); let bytes = mmap_read.deref(); // Happy path is our column oriented json as that is most performant // on failure we try match serde_json::from_slice::(bytes) { Ok(df) => Ok(df.into()), // try arrow json reader instead // this is row oriented Err(e) => { let msg = format!("{e}"); if msg.contains("successful parse invalid data") { let e = RbPolarsErr::from(PolarsError::ComputeError(msg.into())); Err(e) } else { let out = JsonReader::new(mmap_bytes_r) .with_json_format(JsonFormat::Json) .finish() .map_err(|e| RbPolarsErr::other(format!("{:?}", e)))?; Ok(out.into()) } } } } pub fn read_ndjson(rb_f: Value) -> RbResult { let mmap_bytes_r = get_mmap_bytes_reader(rb_f)?; let out = JsonReader::new(mmap_bytes_r) .with_json_format(JsonFormat::JsonLines) .finish() .map_err(|e| RbPolarsErr::other(format!("{:?}", e)))?; Ok(out.into()) } pub fn write_json(&self, rb_f: Value, pretty: bool, row_oriented: bool) -> RbResult<()> { let file = BufWriter::new(get_file_like(rb_f, true)?); let r = match (pretty, row_oriented) { (_, true) => JsonWriter::new(file) .with_json_format(JsonFormat::Json) .finish(&mut self.df.borrow_mut()), (true, _) => serde_json::to_writer_pretty(file, &*self.df.borrow()) .map_err(|e| PolarsError::ComputeError(format!("{:?}", e).into())), (false, _) => serde_json::to_writer(file, &*self.df.borrow()) .map_err(|e| PolarsError::ComputeError(format!("{:?}", e).into())), }; r.map_err(|e| RbPolarsErr::other(format!("{:?}", e)))?; Ok(()) } pub fn write_ndjson(&self, rb_f: Value) -> RbResult<()> { let file = BufWriter::new(get_file_like(rb_f, true)?); let r = JsonWriter::new(file) .with_json_format(JsonFormat::JsonLines) .finish(&mut self.df.borrow_mut()); r.map_err(|e| RbPolarsErr::other(format!("{:?}", e)))?; Ok(()) } pub fn read_rows( rb_rows: RArray, infer_schema_length: Option, schema: Option>, ) -> RbResult { let mut rows = Vec::with_capacity(rb_rows.len()); for v in rb_rows.each() { let rb_row = RArray::try_convert(v?)?; let mut row = Vec::with_capacity(rb_row.len()); for val in rb_row.each() { row.push(Wrap::::try_convert(val?)?.0); } rows.push(Row(row)); } Self::finish_from_rows(rows, infer_schema_length,|wrap| wrap.0), None) } pub fn read_hashes( dicts: Value, infer_schema_length: Option, schema: Option>, schema_overrides: Option>, ) -> RbResult { let mut schema_columns = PlIndexSet::new(); if let Some(s) = &schema { schema_columns.extend(s.0.iter_names().map(|n| n.to_string())) } let (rows, names) = dicts_to_rows(&dicts, infer_schema_length, schema_columns)?; let mut schema_overrides_by_idx: Vec<(usize, DataType)> = Vec::new(); if let Some(overrides) = schema_overrides { for (idx, name) in names.iter().enumerate() { if let Some(dtype) = overrides.0.get(name) { schema_overrides_by_idx.push((idx, dtype.clone())); } } } let rbdf = Self::finish_from_rows( rows, infer_schema_length,|wrap| wrap.0), Some(schema_overrides_by_idx), )?; unsafe { rbdf.df .borrow_mut() .get_columns_mut() .iter_mut() .zip(&names) .for_each(|(s, name)| { s.rename(name); }); } let length = names.len(); if names.into_iter().collect::>().len() != length { let err = PolarsError::SchemaMismatch("duplicate column names found".into()); Err(RbPolarsErr::from(err))?; } Ok(rbdf) } pub fn read_hash(data: RHash) -> RbResult { let mut cols: Vec = Vec::new(); data.foreach(|name: String, values: Value| { let obj: Value = rb_modules::series().funcall("new", (name, values))?; let rbseries = obj.funcall::<_, _, &RbSeries>("_s", ())?; cols.push(rbseries.series.borrow().clone()); Ok(ForEach::Continue) })?; let df = DataFrame::new(cols).map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(df.into()) } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn write_csv( &self, rb_f: Value, include_header: bool, separator: u8, quote_char: u8, batch_size: Wrap, datetime_format: Option, date_format: Option, time_format: Option, float_precision: Option, null_value: Option, ) -> RbResult<()> { let batch_size = batch_size.0; let null = null_value.unwrap_or_default(); if let Ok(s) = String::try_convert(rb_f) { let f = std::fs::File::create(s).unwrap(); // no need for a buffered writer, because the csv writer does internal buffering CsvWriter::new(f) .include_header(include_header) .with_separator(separator) .with_quote_char(quote_char) .with_batch_size(batch_size) .with_datetime_format(datetime_format) .with_date_format(date_format) .with_time_format(time_format) .with_float_precision(float_precision) .with_null_value(null) .finish(&mut self.df.borrow_mut()) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; } else { let mut buf = Cursor::new(Vec::new()); CsvWriter::new(&mut buf) .include_header(include_header) .with_separator(separator) .with_quote_char(quote_char) .with_batch_size(batch_size) .with_datetime_format(datetime_format) .with_date_format(date_format) .with_time_format(time_format) .with_float_precision(float_precision) .with_null_value(null) .finish(&mut self.df.borrow_mut()) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; // TODO less copying let rb_str = RString::from_slice(&buf.into_inner()); rb_f.funcall::<_, _, Value>("write", (rb_str,))?; } Ok(()) } pub fn write_ipc( &self, rb_f: Value, compression: Wrap>, ) -> RbResult<()> { if let Ok(s) = String::try_convert(rb_f) { let f = std::fs::File::create(s).unwrap(); IpcWriter::new(f) .with_compression(compression.0) .finish(&mut self.df.borrow_mut()) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; } else { let mut buf = Cursor::new(Vec::new()); IpcWriter::new(&mut buf) .with_compression(compression.0) .finish(&mut self.df.borrow_mut()) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; // TODO less copying let rb_str = RString::from_slice(&buf.into_inner()); rb_f.funcall::<_, _, Value>("write", (rb_str,))?; } Ok(()) } pub fn row_tuple(&self, idx: i64) -> Value { let idx = if idx < 0 { (self.df.borrow().height() as i64 + idx) as usize } else { idx as usize }; RArray::from_iter( self.df .borrow() .get_columns() .iter() .map(|s| match s.dtype() { DataType::Object(_, _) => { let obj: Option<&ObjectValue> = s.get_object(idx).map(|any| any.into()); obj.unwrap().to_object() } _ => Wrap(s.get(idx).unwrap()).into_value(), }), ) .as_value() } pub fn row_tuples(&self) -> Value { let df = &self.df; RArray::from_iter((0..df.borrow().height()).map(|idx| { RArray::from_iter( self.df .borrow() .get_columns() .iter() .map(|s| match s.dtype() { DataType::Object(_, _) => { let obj: Option<&ObjectValue> = s.get_object(idx).map(|any| any.into()); obj.unwrap().to_object() } _ => Wrap(s.get(idx).unwrap()).into_value(), }), ) })) .as_value() } pub fn to_numo(&self) -> Option { let mut st = None; for s in self.df.borrow().iter() { let dt_i = s.dtype(); match st { None => st = Some(dt_i.clone()), Some(ref mut st) => { *st = try_get_supertype(st, dt_i).ok()?; } } } let _st = st?; // TODO None } pub fn write_parquet( &self, rb_f: Value, compression: String, compression_level: Option, statistics: bool, row_group_size: Option, data_page_size: Option, ) -> RbResult<()> { let compression = parse_parquet_compression(&compression, compression_level)?; if let Ok(s) = String::try_convert(rb_f) { let f = std::fs::File::create(s).unwrap(); ParquetWriter::new(f) .with_compression(compression) .with_statistics(statistics) .with_row_group_size(row_group_size) .with_data_page_size(data_page_size) .finish(&mut self.df.borrow_mut()) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; } else { let buf = get_file_like(rb_f, true)?; ParquetWriter::new(buf) .with_compression(compression) .with_statistics(statistics) .with_row_group_size(row_group_size) .with_data_page_size(data_page_size) .finish(&mut self.df.borrow_mut()) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; } Ok(()) } pub fn add(&self, s: &RbSeries) -> RbResult { let df = (&*self.df.borrow() + &*s.series.borrow()).map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(df.into()) } pub fn sub(&self, s: &RbSeries) -> RbResult { let df = (&*self.df.borrow() - &*s.series.borrow()).map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(df.into()) } pub fn div(&self, s: &RbSeries) -> RbResult { let df = (&*self.df.borrow() / &*s.series.borrow()).map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(df.into()) } pub fn mul(&self, s: &RbSeries) -> RbResult { let df = (&*self.df.borrow() * &*s.series.borrow()).map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(df.into()) } pub fn rem(&self, s: &RbSeries) -> RbResult { let df = (&*self.df.borrow() % &*s.series.borrow()).map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(df.into()) } pub fn add_df(&self, s: &Self) -> RbResult { let df = (&*self.df.borrow() + &*s.df.borrow()).map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(df.into()) } pub fn sub_df(&self, s: &Self) -> RbResult { let df = (&*self.df.borrow() - &*s.df.borrow()).map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(df.into()) } pub fn div_df(&self, s: &Self) -> RbResult { let df = (&*self.df.borrow() / &*s.df.borrow()).map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(df.into()) } pub fn mul_df(&self, s: &Self) -> RbResult { let df = (&*self.df.borrow() * &*s.df.borrow()).map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(df.into()) } pub fn rem_df(&self, s: &Self) -> RbResult { let df = (&*self.df.borrow() % &*s.df.borrow()).map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(df.into()) } pub fn sample_n( &self, n: &RbSeries, with_replacement: bool, shuffle: bool, seed: Option, ) -> RbResult { let df = self .df .borrow() .sample_n(&n.series.borrow(), with_replacement, shuffle, seed) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(df.into()) } pub fn sample_frac( &self, frac: &RbSeries, with_replacement: bool, shuffle: bool, seed: Option, ) -> RbResult { let df = self .df .borrow() .sample_frac(&frac.series.borrow(), with_replacement, shuffle, seed) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(df.into()) } pub fn rechunk(&self) -> Self { self.df.borrow().agg_chunks().into() } pub fn to_s(&self) -> String { format!("{}", self.df.borrow()) } pub fn get_columns(&self) -> RArray { let cols = self.df.borrow().get_columns().to_vec(); to_rbseries_collection(cols) } pub fn columns(&self) -> Vec { self.df .borrow() .get_column_names() .iter() .map(|v| v.to_string()) .collect() } pub fn set_column_names(&self, names: Vec) -> RbResult<()> { self.df .borrow_mut() .set_column_names(&names) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(()) } pub fn dtypes(&self) -> RArray { RArray::from_iter( self.df .borrow() .iter() .map(|s| Wrap(s.dtype().clone()).into_value()), ) } pub fn n_chunks(&self) -> usize { self.df.borrow().n_chunks() } pub fn shape(&self) -> (usize, usize) { self.df.borrow().shape() } pub fn height(&self) -> usize { self.df.borrow().height() } pub fn width(&self) -> usize { self.df.borrow().width() } pub fn hstack_mut(&self, columns: RArray) -> RbResult<()> { let columns = to_series_collection(columns)?; self.df .borrow_mut() .hstack_mut(&columns) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(()) } pub fn hstack(&self, columns: RArray) -> RbResult { let columns = to_series_collection(columns)?; let df = self .df .borrow() .hstack(&columns) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(df.into()) } pub fn extend(&self, df: &RbDataFrame) -> RbResult<()> { self.df .borrow_mut() .extend(&df.df.borrow()) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(()) } pub fn vstack_mut(&self, df: &RbDataFrame) -> RbResult<()> { self.df .borrow_mut() .vstack_mut(&df.df.borrow()) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(()) } pub fn vstack(&self, df: &RbDataFrame) -> RbResult { let df = self .df .borrow() .vstack(&df.df.borrow()) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(df.into()) } pub fn drop_in_place(&self, name: String) -> RbResult { let s = self .df .borrow_mut() .drop_in_place(&name) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(RbSeries::new(s)) } pub fn drop_nulls(&self, subset: Option>) -> RbResult { let df = self .df .borrow() .drop_nulls(subset.as_ref().map(|s| s.as_ref())) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(df.into()) } pub fn drop(&self, name: String) -> RbResult { let df = self.df.borrow().drop(&name).map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(RbDataFrame::new(df)) } pub fn select_at_idx(&self, idx: usize) -> Option { self.df .borrow() .select_at_idx(idx) .map(|s| RbSeries::new(s.clone())) } pub fn get_column_index(&self, name: String) -> Option { self.df.borrow().get_column_index(&name) } pub fn get_column(&self, name: String) -> RbResult { self.df .borrow() .column(&name) .map(|s| RbSeries::new(s.clone())) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from) } pub fn select(&self, selection: Vec) -> RbResult { let df = self .df .borrow() .select(selection) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(RbDataFrame::new(df)) } pub fn take(&self, indices: Vec) -> RbResult { let indices = IdxCa::from_vec("", indices); let df = self.df.borrow().take(&indices).map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(RbDataFrame::new(df)) } pub fn take_with_series(&self, indices: &RbSeries) -> RbResult { let binding = indices.series.borrow(); let idx = binding.idx().map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; let df = self.df.borrow().take(idx).map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(RbDataFrame::new(df)) } pub fn replace(&self, column: String, new_col: &RbSeries) -> RbResult<()> { self.df .borrow_mut() .replace(&column, new_col.series.borrow().clone()) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(()) } pub fn replace_column(&self, index: usize, new_col: &RbSeries) -> RbResult<()> { self.df .borrow_mut() .replace_column(index, new_col.series.borrow().clone()) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(()) } pub fn insert_column(&self, index: usize, new_col: &RbSeries) -> RbResult<()> { self.df .borrow_mut() .insert_column(index, new_col.series.borrow().clone()) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(()) } pub fn slice(&self, offset: usize, length: Option) -> Self { let df = self.df.borrow().slice( offset as i64, length.unwrap_or_else(|| self.df.borrow().height()), ); df.into() } pub fn head(&self, length: Option) -> Self { self.df.borrow().head(length).into() } pub fn tail(&self, length: Option) -> Self { self.df.borrow().tail(length).into() } pub fn is_unique(&self) -> RbResult { let mask = self.df.borrow().is_unique().map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(mask.into_series().into()) } pub fn is_duplicated(&self) -> RbResult { let mask = self .df .borrow() .is_duplicated() .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(mask.into_series().into()) } pub fn equals(&self, other: &RbDataFrame, null_equal: bool) -> bool { if null_equal { self.df.borrow().equals_missing(&other.df.borrow()) } else { self.df.borrow().equals(&other.df.borrow()) } } pub fn with_row_index(&self, name: String, offset: Option) -> RbResult { let df = self .df .borrow() .with_row_index(&name, offset) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(df.into()) } pub fn clone(&self) -> Self { RbDataFrame::new(self.df.borrow().clone()) } pub fn melt( &self, id_vars: Vec, value_vars: Vec, value_name: Option, variable_name: Option, ) -> RbResult { let args = MeltArgs { id_vars: strings_to_smartstrings(id_vars), value_vars: strings_to_smartstrings(value_vars), value_name:|s| s.into()), variable_name:|s| s.into()), streamable: false, }; let df = self.df.borrow().melt2(args).map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(RbDataFrame::new(df)) } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn pivot_expr( &self, index: Vec, columns: Vec, values: Option>, maintain_order: bool, sort_columns: bool, aggregate_expr: Option<&RbExpr>, separator: Option, ) -> RbResult { let fun = match maintain_order { true => pivot_stable, false => pivot, }; let agg_expr =|aggregate_expr| aggregate_expr.inner.clone()); let df = fun( &self.df.borrow(), index, columns, values, sort_columns, agg_expr, separator.as_deref(), ) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(RbDataFrame::new(df)) } pub fn partition_by( &self, by: Vec, maintain_order: bool, include_key: bool, ) -> RbResult { let out = if maintain_order { self.df.borrow().partition_by_stable(by, include_key) } else { self.df.borrow().partition_by(by, include_key) } .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(RArray::from_iter(out.into_iter().map(RbDataFrame::new))) } pub fn shift(&self, periods: i64) -> Self { self.df.borrow().shift(periods).into() } pub fn lazy(&self) -> RbLazyFrame { self.df.borrow().clone().lazy().into() } pub fn max_horizontal(&self) -> RbResult> { let s = self .df .borrow() .max_horizontal() .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(|s| s.into())) } pub fn min_horizontal(&self) -> RbResult> { let s = self .df .borrow() .min_horizontal() .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(|s| s.into())) } pub fn sum_horizontal(&self, ignore_nulls: bool) -> RbResult> { let null_strategy = if ignore_nulls { NullStrategy::Ignore } else { NullStrategy::Propagate }; let s = self .df .borrow() .sum_horizontal(null_strategy) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(|s| s.into())) } pub fn mean_horizontal(&self, ignore_nulls: bool) -> RbResult> { let null_strategy = if ignore_nulls { NullStrategy::Ignore } else { NullStrategy::Propagate }; let s = self .df .borrow() .mean_horizontal(null_strategy) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(|s| s.into())) } pub fn to_dummies( &self, columns: Option>, separator: Option, drop_first: bool, ) -> RbResult { let df = match columns { Some(cols) => self.df.borrow().columns_to_dummies( cols.iter().map(|x| x as &str).collect(), separator.as_deref(), drop_first, ), None => self .df .borrow() .to_dummies(separator.as_deref(), drop_first), } .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(df.into()) } pub fn null_count(&self) -> Self { let df = self.df.borrow().null_count(); df.into() } pub fn apply( &self, lambda: Value, output_type: Option>, inference_size: usize, ) -> RbResult<(Value, bool)> { let df = &self.df.borrow(); let output_type =|dt| dt.0); let out = match output_type { Some(DataType::Int32) => { apply_lambda_with_primitive_out_type::(df, lambda, 0, None).into_series() } Some(DataType::Int64) => { apply_lambda_with_primitive_out_type::(df, lambda, 0, None).into_series() } Some(DataType::UInt32) => { apply_lambda_with_primitive_out_type::(df, lambda, 0, None) .into_series() } Some(DataType::UInt64) => { apply_lambda_with_primitive_out_type::(df, lambda, 0, None) .into_series() } Some(DataType::Float32) => { apply_lambda_with_primitive_out_type::(df, lambda, 0, None) .into_series() } Some(DataType::Float64) => { apply_lambda_with_primitive_out_type::(df, lambda, 0, None) .into_series() } Some(DataType::Boolean) => { apply_lambda_with_bool_out_type(df, lambda, 0, None).into_series() } Some(DataType::Date) => { apply_lambda_with_primitive_out_type::(df, lambda, 0, None) .into_date() .into_series() } Some(DataType::Datetime(tu, tz)) => { apply_lambda_with_primitive_out_type::(df, lambda, 0, None) .into_datetime(tu, tz) .into_series() } Some(DataType::String) => { apply_lambda_with_utf8_out_type(df, lambda, 0, None).into_series() } _ => return apply_lambda_unknown(df, lambda, inference_size), }; Ok((Obj::wrap(RbSeries::from(out)).as_value(), false)) } pub fn shrink_to_fit(&self) { self.df.borrow_mut().shrink_to_fit(); } pub fn hash_rows(&self, k0: u64, k1: u64, k2: u64, k3: u64) -> RbResult { let hb = ahash::RandomState::with_seeds(k0, k1, k2, k3); let hash = self .df .borrow_mut() .hash_rows(Some(hb)) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(hash.into_series().into()) } pub fn transpose(&self, keep_names_as: Option, column_names: Value) -> RbResult { let new_col_names = if let Ok(name) = >::try_convert(column_names) { Some(Either::Right(name)) } else if let Ok(name) = String::try_convert(column_names) { Some(Either::Left(name)) } else { None }; Ok(self .df .borrow_mut() .transpose(keep_names_as.as_deref(), new_col_names) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)? .into()) } pub fn upsample( &self, by: Vec, index_column: String, every: String, offset: String, stable: bool, ) -> RbResult { let out = if stable { self.df.borrow().upsample_stable( by, &index_column, Duration::parse(&every), Duration::parse(&offset), ) } else { self.df.borrow().upsample( by, &index_column, Duration::parse(&every), Duration::parse(&offset), ) }; let out = out.map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(out.into()) } pub fn to_struct(&self, name: String) -> RbSeries { let s = self.df.borrow().clone().into_struct(&name); s.into_series().into() } pub fn unnest(&self, names: Vec) -> RbResult { let df = self.df.borrow().unnest(names).map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(df.into()) } pub fn clear(&self) -> Self { self.df.borrow().clear().into() } }