module Tracer module Changes def self.included(base) base.send :extend, ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def log_record_changes(options = {}) send :include, InstanceMethods class_attribute :changes_logging_options self.changes_logging_options = options.dup %i(ignore skip only).each do |k| changes_logging_options[k] = [changes_logging_options[k]] { |attr| attr.is_a?(Hash) ? attr.stringify_keys : attr.to_s } end options_on = Array.wrap(options[:on]) # so that a single symbol can be passed in without wrapping it in an `Array` after_create :log_create, :if => :log_changes? if options_on.empty? || options_on.include?(:create) if options_on.empty? || options_on.include?(:update) before_update :log_update, :if => :log_changes? end after_destroy :log_destroy, :if => :log_changes? if options_on.empty? || options_on.include?(:destroy) end end module InstanceMethods private def log_create Tracer::Client.log_changes( item_id: id, item_type:, event: 'create', changes: changes_for_tracing, ) rescue => e Log.exception_with_alert(e, 'Ошибка регистрации создания', 'log_changes create', item_id: id, item_type: end def log_update if changed_notably? Tracer::Client.log_changes( item_id: id, item_type:, event: 'update', object: object_attrs_for_tracing(item_before_change), changes: changes_for_tracing, ) end rescue => e Log.exception_with_alert(e, 'Ошибка регистрации изменения', 'log_changes update', item_id: id, item_type: end def log_destroy if persisted? Tracer::Client.log_changes( item_id: id, item_type:, event: 'destroy', object: object_attrs_for_tracing(item_before_change), ) end rescue => e Log.exception_with_alert(e, 'Ошибка регистрации удаления', 'log_changes destroy', item_id: id, item_type: end def object_attrs_for_tracing(object) object_attrs = object.attributes.except(*changes_logging_options[:skip]).with_indifferent_access unwrap_serialized_attributes(object_attrs) do |object_attrs, values, attr| object_attrs[attr] = values[attr] if values.key?(attr) end object_attrs.as_json end def changes_for_tracing changed = self.changes.delete_if do |key, value| !notably_changed.include?(key) end unwrap_serialized_attributes(changed) do |changed, (a, b), attr| if (a.key?(attr) || b.key?(attr)) && a[attr] != b[attr] changed[attr] = [a[attr], b[attr]] end end changed.as_json end # attrs должны быть либо с ключами-символами, либо HashWithIndifferentAccess def unwrap_serialized_attributes(attrs) stored_attrs = self.class.stored_attributes serialized = attrs.extract!(*stored_attrs.keys) serialized.each do |store_attr, value| stored_attrs[store_attr.to_sym].each do |attr| yield(attrs, value, attr) end end end def item_before_change previous = self.dup # `dup` clears timestamps so we add them back. all_timestamp_attributes.each do |column| previous[column] = send(column) if self.class.column_names.include?(column.to_s) and not try(column).nil? end previous.tap do |prev| = id # `dup` clears the `id` so we add that back { |k,v| self.class.column_names.include?(k) }.each { |attr, before| prev[attr] = before } end end def changed_notably? notably_changed.any? end def notably_changed only = self.changes_logging_options[:only].dup # remove Hash arguments and then evaluate whether the attributes (the keys of the hash) should also get pushed into the collection only.delete_if do |obj| obj.is_a?(Hash) && obj.each { |attr, condition| only << attr if condition.respond_to?(:call) && } end only.empty? ? changed_and_not_ignored : (changed_and_not_ignored & only) end def changed_and_not_ignored ignore = self.changes_logging_options[:ignore].dup # remove Hash arguments and then evaluate whether the attributes (the keys of the hash) should also get pushed into the collection ignore.delete_if do |obj| obj.is_a?(Hash) && obj.each { |attr, condition| ignore << attr if condition.respond_to?(:call) && } end skip = self.changes_logging_options[:skip] changed - ignore - skip end end def log_changes? if_condition = self.changes_logging_options[:if] unless_condition = self.changes_logging_options[:unless] (if_condition.blank? || && !unless_condition.try(:call, self) end end end ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do include Tracer::Changes end