# This class is the model that PodBuilder uses for every pod spec. The model is instantiated # from Pod::Specification module PodBuilder class PodfileItem # @return [String] The git repo # attr_reader :repo # @return [String] The git branch # attr_reader :branch # @return [String] A checksum for the spec # attr_reader :checksum # @return [String] Matches @name unless for subspecs were it stores the name of the root pod # attr_reader :root_name # @return [String] The name of the pod, which might be the subspec name if appicable # attr_reader :name # @return [String] The pinned tag of the pod, if any # attr_reader :tag # @return [String] The pinned version of the pod, if any # attr_reader :version # @return Array<[String]> The available versions of the pod # attr_reader :available_versions # @return [String] Local path, if any # attr_accessor :path # @return [String] Local podspec path, if any # attr_accessor :podspec_path # @return [String] The pinned commit of the pod, if any # attr_reader :commit # @return [String] The module name # attr_reader :module_name # @return [String] The swift version if applicable # attr_reader :swift_version # @return [Array] The pod's dependency names, if any. Use dependencies() to get the [Array] # attr_reader :dependency_names # @return [Array] The pod's external dependency names (excluding subspecs), if any # attr_reader :external_dependency_names # @return [Bool] True if the pod is shipped as a static binary # attr_reader :is_static # @return [Array] The pod's xcconfig configuration # attr_reader :xcconfig # @return [Bool] Is external pod # attr_accessor :is_external # @return [String] Header directory name # attr_accessor :header_dir # @return [String] The pod's build configuration # attr_accessor :build_configuration # @return [String] The pod's vendored frameworks # attr_accessor :vendored_frameworks # @return [String] The pod's vendored libraries # attr_accessor :vendored_libraries # @return [String] Framweworks the pod needs to link to # attr_accessor :frameworks # @return [String] Weak framweworks the pod needs to link to # attr_accessor :weak_frameworks # @return [String] Libraries the pod needs to link to # attr_accessor :libraries # @return [String] Source_files # attr_accessor :source_files # @return [String] License # attr_accessor :license # @return [String] Summary # attr_accessor :summary # @return [Hash] Source # attr_accessor :source # @return [Hash] Authors # attr_accessor :authors # @return [String] Homepage # attr_accessor :homepage # @return [Array] Default subspecs # attr_accessor :default_subspecs # @return [Bool] Defines module # attr_accessor :defines_module # @return [Bool] Should build as xcframework # attr_accessor :build_xcframework # @return [Bool] True if it's a pod that doesn't provide source code (is already shipped as a prebuilt pod) # attr_accessor :is_prebuilt # @return [Bool] True if warnings should be inhibited for the pod # attr_accessor :inhibit_warnings # Initialize a new instance # # @param [Specification] spec # # @param [Hash] checkout_options # def initialize(spec, all_specs, target_definitions, checkout_options, supported_platforms) @name = spec.name @root_name = spec.name.split("/").first @checksum = spec.checksum checkout_options_keys = [@root_name, @name] if opts_key = checkout_options_keys.detect { |x| checkout_options.has_key?(x) } @repo = checkout_options[opts_key][:git] @tag = checkout_options[opts_key][:tag] @commit = checkout_options[opts_key][:commit] @path = checkout_options[opts_key][:path] @podspec_path = checkout_options[opts_key][:podspec] @branch = checkout_options[opts_key][:branch] @is_external = true else @repo = spec.root.source[:git] @tag = spec.root.source[:tag] @commit = spec.root.source[:commit] @is_external = false end @defines_module = nil # nil is not specified if override = spec.attributes_hash.dig("pod_target_xcconfig", "DEFINES_MODULE") @defines_module = (override == "YES") end @vendored_frameworks = extract_vendored_frameworks(spec, all_specs) @vendored_libraries = extract_vendored_libraries(spec, all_specs) @frameworks = [] @weak_frameworks = [] @libraries = [] @frameworks += extract_array(spec.attributes_hash, "framework") @frameworks += extract_array(spec.attributes_hash, "frameworks") supported_platforms.each do |platform| @frameworks += extract_array(spec.attributes_hash[platform], "framework") @frameworks += extract_array(spec.attributes_hash[platform], "frameworks") end @weak_frameworks += extract_array(spec.attributes_hash, "weak_framework") @weak_frameworks += extract_array(spec.attributes_hash, "weak_frameworks") supported_platforms.each do |platform| @weak_frameworks += extract_array(spec.attributes_hash[platform], "weak_framework") @weak_frameworks += extract_array(spec.attributes_hash[platform], "weak_frameworks") end @libraries += extract_array(spec.attributes_hash, "library") @libraries += extract_array(spec.attributes_hash, "libraries") supported_platforms.each do |platform| @libraries += extract_array(spec.attributes_hash[platform], "library") @libraries += extract_array(spec.attributes_hash[platform], "libraries") end @header_dir = spec.attributes_hash["header_dir"] @version = spec.root.version.version @available_versions = spec.respond_to?(:spec_source) ? spec.spec_source.versions(@root_name)&.map(&:to_s) : [@version] @swift_version = spec.root.swift_version&.to_s @module_name = spec.root.module_name @default_subspecs = extract_array(spec.attributes_hash, "default_subspecs") if default_subspec = spec.attributes_hash["default_subspec"] @default_subspecs.push(default_subspec) end if @name == @root_name && @default_subspecs.empty? @default_subspecs += all_specs.select { |t| t.name.include?("/") && t.name.split("/").first == @root_name }.map { |t| t.name.split("/").last } end @dependency_names = spec.attributes_hash.fetch("dependencies", {}).keys + default_subspecs.map { |t| "#{@root_name}/#{t}" } supported_platforms.each do |platform| @dependency_names += (spec.attributes_hash.dig(platform, "dependencies") || {}).keys end @dependency_names.uniq! @external_dependency_names = @dependency_names.select { |t| !t.start_with?(root_name) } @is_static = spec.root.attributes_hash["static_framework"] || false @xcconfig = spec.root.attributes_hash["xcconfig"] || {} if spec.attributes_hash.has_key?("script_phases") Configuration.skip_pods += [name, root_name] Configuration.skip_pods.uniq! puts "Will skip '#{root_name}' which defines script_phase in podspec".blue end default_subspecs_specs ||= begin subspecs = all_specs.select { |t| t.name.split("/").first == @root_name } subspecs.select { |t| @default_subspecs.include?(t.name.split("/").last) } end root_spec = all_specs.detect { |t| t.name == @root_name } || spec @source_files = source_files_from([spec, root_spec] + default_subspecs_specs) @build_configuration = spec.root.attributes_hash.dig("pod_target_xcconfig", "prebuild_configuration") || "release" @build_configuration.downcase! default_license = "MIT" @license = spec.root.attributes_hash.fetch("license", {"type"=>"#{default_license}"})["type"] || default_license @summary = spec.root.attributes_hash.fetch("summary", "A summary for #{@name}") @source = spec.root.attributes_hash.fetch("source", { "git"=>"https://github.com/Subito-it/PodBuilder.git" }) @authors = spec.root.attributes_hash.fetch("authors", {"PodBuilder"=>"pod@podbuilder.com"}) @homepage = spec.root.attributes_hash.fetch("homepage", "https://github.com/Subito-it/PodBuilder") if Configuration.build_xcframeworks_all build_as_xcframework = !Configuration.build_xcframeworks_exclude.include?(@root_name) else build_as_xcframework = Configuration.build_xcframeworks_include.include?(@root_name) end @build_xcframework = build_as_xcframework @is_prebuilt = extract_is_prebuilt(spec, all_specs, checkout_options, supported_platforms) @inhibit_warnings = target_definitions.any? { |t| t.inhibits_warnings_for_pod?(@name) } end def pod_specification(all_poditems, parent_spec = nil) spec_raw = {} spec_raw["name"] = @name spec_raw["module_name"] = @module_name spec_raw["source"] = {} if repo = @repo spec_raw["source"]["git"] = repo end if tag = @tag spec_raw["source"]["tag"] = tag end if commit = @commit spec_raw["source"]["commit"] = commit end spec_raw["version"] = @version if swift_version = @swift_version spec_raw["swift_version"] = swift_version end spec_raw["static_framework"] = is_static spec_raw["frameworks"] = @frameworks spec_raw["libraries"] = @libraries spec_raw["xcconfig"] = @xcconfig spec_raw["dependencies"] = @dependency_names.map { |x| [x, []] }.to_h spec = Pod::Specification.from_hash(spec_raw, parent_spec) all_subspec_items = all_poditems.select { |x| x.is_subspec && x.root_name == @name } spec.subspecs = all_subspec_items.map { |x| x.pod_specification(all_poditems, spec) } return spec end def inspect return "#{@name} repo=#{@repo} pinned=#{@tag || @commit} is_static=#{@is_static} deps=#{@dependencies || "[]"}" end def to_s return @name end def dependencies(available_pods) return available_pods.select { |x| @dependency_names.include?(x.name) } end def recursive_dependencies(available_pods) names = [name] deps = [] last_count = -1 while deps.count != last_count do last_count = deps.count updated_names = [] names.each do |name| if pod = available_pods.detect { |t| t.name == name } deps.push(pod) updated_names += pod.dependency_names end end names = updated_names.uniq deps.uniq! end root_names = deps.map(&:root_name).uniq # We need to build all other common subspecs to properly build the item # Ex. # PodA depends on DepA/subspec1 # PodB depends on DepA/subspec2 # # When building PodA we need to build both DepA subspecs because they might # contain different code deps += available_pods.select { |t| root_names.include?(t.root_name) && t.root_name != t.name } deps.uniq! return deps end # @return [Bool] True if it's a subspec # def is_subspec @root_name != @name end # @return [Bool] True if it's a development pod # def is_development_pod @path != nil end # @return [String] The podfile entry # def entry(include_version = true, include_pb_entry = true) e = "pod '#{@name}'" e_suffix = "" if !is_prebuilt && inhibit_warnings e_suffix = ", :inhibit_warnings => true" end unless include_version return e + e_suffix end if is_external if @path e += ", :path => '#{@path}'" elsif @podspec_path e += ", :podspec => '#{@podspec_path}'" else if @repo e += ", :git => '#{@repo}'" end if @tag e += ", :tag => '#{@tag}'" end if @commit e += ", :commit => '#{@commit}'" end if @branch e += ", :branch => '#{@branch}'" end end else e += ", '=#{@version}'" end e += e_suffix if include_pb_entry && !is_prebuilt prebuilt_info_path = PodBuilder::prebuiltpath("#{root_name}/#{Configuration::prebuilt_info_filename}") if File.exist?(prebuilt_info_path) data = JSON.parse(File.read(prebuilt_info_path)) swift_version = data["swift_version"] is_static = data["is_static"] || false e += "#{prebuilt_marker()} is<#{is_static}>" if swift_version e += " sv<#{swift_version}>" end else e += prebuilt_marker() end end return e end def podspec_name return name.gsub("/", "_") end def prebuilt_rel_path return "#{module_name}.framework" end def prebuilt_podspec_path(absolute_path = true) podspec_path = PodBuilder::prebuiltpath("#{@root_name}/#{@root_name}.podspec") if absolute_path return podspec_path else pod_path = Pathname.new(podspec_path).relative_path_from(Pathname.new(PodBuilder::basepath)).to_s end end def prebuilt_entry(include_pb_entry = true, absolute_path = false) podspec_dirname = File.dirname(prebuilt_podspec_path(absolute_path = absolute_path)) entry = "pod '#{name}', :path => '#{podspec_dirname}'" if include_pb_entry && !is_prebuilt entry += prebuilt_marker() end return entry end def prebuilt_marker return " # pb<#{name}>" end def has_subspec(named) unless !is_subspec return false end return named.split("/").first == name end def has_common_spec(named) return root_name == named.split("/").first end private # @return [Bool] True if it's a pod that doesn't provide source code (is already shipped as a prebuilt pod) # def extract_is_prebuilt(spec, all_specs, checkout_options, supported_platforms) if Configuration.force_prebuild_pods.include?(@root_name) || Configuration.force_prebuild_pods.include?(@name) return false end # We treat pods to skip like prebuilt ones if Configuration.skip_pods.include?(@root_name) || Configuration.skip_pods.include?(@name) return true end if default_subspecs != nil && default_subspecs.count > 0 default_subspecs.each do |default_subspec_name| if (default_spec = all_specs.detect { |t| t.name == "#{root_name}/#{default_subspec_name}" }) default_item = PodfileItem.new(default_spec, all_specs, [], checkout_options, supported_platforms) if default_item.is_prebuilt return true end end end end # Podspecs aren't always properly written (source_file key is often used instead of header_files) # Therefore it can become tricky to understand which pods are already precompiled by boxing a .framework or .a embedded_as_vendored = vendored_frameworks.map { |x| File.basename(x) }.include?("#{module_name}.framework") embedded_as_static_lib = vendored_libraries.map { |x| File.basename(x) }.include?("lib#{module_name}.a") only_headers = (source_files.count > 0 && @source_files.all? { |x| x.end_with?(".h") }) no_sources = (@source_files.count == 0 || only_headers) && (@vendored_frameworks + @vendored_libraries).count > 0 if !no_sources && !only_headers return false else return (no_sources || only_headers || embedded_as_static_lib || embedded_as_vendored) end end def extract_vendored_frameworks(spec, all_specs) items = [] supported_platforms = spec.available_platforms.flatten.map(&:name).map(&:to_s) items += [spec.attributes_hash["vendored_frameworks"]] items += [spec.attributes_hash["vendored_framework"]] items += supported_platforms.map { |x| spec.attributes_hash.fetch(x, {})["vendored_frameworks"] } items += supported_platforms.map { |x| spec.attributes_hash.fetch(x, {})["vendored_framework"] } return items.flatten.uniq.compact end def extract_vendored_libraries(spec, all_specs) items = [] supported_platforms = spec.available_platforms.flatten.map(&:name).map(&:to_s) items += [spec.attributes_hash["vendored_libraries"]] items += [spec.attributes_hash["vendored_library"]] items += supported_platforms.map { |x| spec.attributes_hash.fetch(x, {})["vendored_libraries"] } items += supported_platforms.map { |x| spec.attributes_hash.fetch(x, {})["vendored_library"] } return items.flatten.uniq.compact end def extract_array(dict, key) if dict.nil? return [] end element = dict.fetch(key, []) if element.instance_of? String element = [element] end return element end def source_files_from_string(source) # Transform source file entries # "Networking{Response,Request}*.{h,m}" -> ["NetworkingResponse*.h", "NetworkingResponse*.m", "NetworkingRequest*.h", "NetworkingRequest*.m"] files = [] if source.is_a? String matches = source.match(/(.*){(.*)}(.*)/) if matches&.size == 4 res = matches[2].split(",").map { |t| "#{matches[1]}#{t}#{matches[3]}" } if res.any? { |t| t.include?("{") } return res.map { |t| source_files_from_string(t) }.flatten end return res end return source.split(",") else if source.any? { |t| t.include?("{") } return source.map { |t| source_files_from_string(t) }.flatten end return source end end def source_files_from(specs) files = specs.map { |t| t.attributes_hash.fetch("source_files", []) }.flatten return source_files_from_string(files).uniq end end end