require 'zabbixapi' # settings #api_url = 'http://zabbix/zabbix12/api_jsonrpc.php' api_url = 'http://zabbix/zabbix13/api_jsonrpc.php' #api_url = 'http://zabbix/zabbix20/api_jsonrpc.php' api_login = 'Admin' api_password = 'zabbix' zbx = ZabbixApi.connect( :url => api_url, :user => api_login, :password => api_password, :debug => false ) hostgroup = "hostgroup______1" template = "template______1" application = "application_____1" item = "item_____1" host = "hostname____1" trigger = "trigger____1" user = "user____1" user2 = "user____2" graph = "graph___a" puts "### Zabbix API server version #{zbx.server.version} ###" describe ZabbixApi, "test_api" do it "SERVER: Get version api" do zbx.server.version.should be_kind_of(String) end it "HOSTGROUP: Create" do zbx.hostgroups.create(:name => hostgroup).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "HOSTGROUP: Find" do zbx.hostgroups.get_id(:name => hostgroup).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "HOSTGROUP: Find unknown" do zbx.hostgroups.get_id(:name => "#{hostgroup}______").should be_kind_of(NilClass) end it "HOSTGROUP: Create or update" do zbx.hostgroups.create_or_update(:name => hostgroup).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "TEMPLATE: Create" do zbx.templates.create( :host => template, :groups => [:groupid => zbx.hostgroups.get_id(:name => hostgroup)] ).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "TEMPLATE: Check full data" do zbx.templates.get_full_data(:host => template)[0]['host'].should be_kind_of(String) end it "TEMPLATE: Find" do zbx.templates.get_id(:host => template).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "TEMPLATE: Find unknown" do zbx.templates.get_id(:host => "#{template}_____").should be_kind_of(NilClass) end it "APPLICATION: Create" do zbx.applications.create( :name => application, :hostid => zbx.templates.get_id(:host => template) ) end it "APPLICATION: Full info check" do zbx.applications.get_full_data(:name => application)[0]['applicationid'].should be_kind_of(String) end it "APPLICATION: Find" do zbx.applications.get_id(:name => application).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "APPLICATION: Find unknown" do zbx.applications.get_id(:name => "#{application}___").should be_kind_of(NilClass) end it "ITEM: Create" do zbx.items.create( :description => item, :key_ => "proc.num[aaa]", :hostid => zbx.templates.get_id(:host => template), :applications => [zbx.applications.get_id(:name => application)] ).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "ITEM: Full info check" do zbx.items.get_full_data(:description => item)[0]['itemid'].should be_kind_of(String) end it "ITEM: Find" do zbx.items.get_id(:description => item).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "ITEM: Update" do zbx.items.update( :itemid => zbx.items.get_id(:description => item), :status => 0 ).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "ITEM: Create or update" do zbx.items.create_or_update( :description => item, :key_ => "proc.num[aaa]", :type => 6, :hostid => zbx.templates.get_id(:host => template), :applications => [zbx.applications.get_id(:name => application)] ).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "ITEM: Get unknown" do zbx.items.get_id(:description => "#{item}_____") end it "HOST: Create" do zbx.hosts.create( :host => host, :ip => "", :groups => [:groupid => zbx.hostgroups.get_id(:name => hostgroup)] ).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "HOST: Update or create" do zbx.hosts.create_or_update( :host => host, :ip => "", :groups => [:groupid => zbx.hostgroups.get_id(:name => hostgroup)] ).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "HOST: Find unknown" do zbx.hosts.get_id(:host => "#{host}___").should be_kind_of(NilClass) end it "HOST: Find" do zbx.hosts.get_id(:host => host).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "HOST: Update" do zbx.hosts.update( :hostid => zbx.hosts.get_id(:host => host), :status => 0 ) end it "TEMPLATE: Get all templates linked with host" do zbx.templates.get_ids_by_host( :hostids => [zbx.hosts.get_id(:host => host)] ).should be_kind_of(Array) end it "TEMPLATE: Linked hosts with templates" do zbx.templates.mass_add( :hosts_id => [zbx.hosts.get_id(:host => host)], :templates_id => [zbx.templates.get_id(:host => template)] ).should be_kind_of(TrueClass) end it "TEMPLATE: Unlink hosts from templates" do zbx.templates.mass_remove( :hosts_id => [zbx.hosts.get_id(:host => host)], :templates_id => [zbx.templates.get_id(:host => template)] ).should be_kind_of(TrueClass) end it "TEMPLATE: Get all" do zbx.templates.all.should be_kind_of(Hash) end it "TRIGGER: Create" do zbx.triggers.create( :description => trigger, :expression => "{#{template}:proc.num[aaa].last(0)}<1", :comments => "Bla-bla is faulty (disaster)", :priority => 5, :status => 0, :templateid => 0, :type => 0 ).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "TRIGGER: Find" do zbx.triggers.get_id(:description => trigger).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "GRAPH: Create" do gitems = { :itemid => zbx.items.get_id(:description => item), :calc_fnc => "2", :type => "0", :periods_cnt => "5" } zbx.graphs.create( :gitems => [gitems], :show_triggers => "0", :name => graph, :width => "900", :height => "200" ).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "GRAPH: Find gititems" do zbx.graphs.get_items( zbx.graphs.get_id(:name => graph) ) end it "GRAPH: Find" do zbx.graphs.get_id( :name => graph ).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "GRAPH: Update" do zbx.graphs.update( :graphid => zbx.graphs.get_id( :name => graph, :hostid => zbx.hosts.get_id(:host => host) ), :ymax_type => 1 ).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "GRAPH: Create or Update" do gitems = { :itemid => zbx.items.get_id(:description => item), :calc_fnc => "3", :type => "0", :periods_cnt => "5" } zbx.graphs.create_or_update( :gitems => [gitems], :show_triggers => "1", :name => graph, :width => "900", :height => "200" ).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "GRAPH: Delete" do zbx.graphs.delete(zbx.graphs.get_id(:name => graph)).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "TRIGGER: Delete" do zbx.triggers.delete( zbx.triggers.get_id(:description => trigger) ).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "HOST: Delete" do zbx.hosts.delete( zbx.hosts.get_id(:host => host) ).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "ITEM: Delete" do zbx.items.delete( zbx.items.get_id(:description => item) ).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "APPLICATION: Delete" do zbx.applications.delete( zbx.applications.get_id(:name => application) ) end it "TEMPLATE: Delete" do zbx.templates.delete(zbx.templates.get_id(:host => template)) end it "HOSTGROUP: Delete" do zbx.hostgroups.delete( zbx.hostgroups.get_id(:name => hostgroup) ).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "USER: Create" do zbx.users.create( :alias => "Test #{user}", :name => user, :surname => user, :passwd => user ).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "USER: Find" do zbx.users.get_full_data(:name => user)[0]['name'].should be_kind_of(String) end it "USER: Update" do zbx.users.update(:userid => zbx.users.get_id(:name => user), :name => user2).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "USER: Find unknown" do zbx.users.get_id(:name => "#{user}_____") end it "USER: Delete" do zbx.users.delete(zbx.users.get_id(:name => user2)).should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "QUERY" do zbx.query( :method => "apiinfo.version", :params => {} ).should be_kind_of(String) end end