AllCops: Exclude: - bin/* # Exclude db/schema.rb and db/[CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE]_schema.rb by default. # See: - db/*schema.rb - log/**/* - public/**/* - storage/**/* # Enable checking Active Support extensions. # See: ActiveSupportExtensionsEnabled: true # What version of Rails is the inspected code using? If a value is specified # for TargetRailsVersion then it is used. Acceptable values are specified # as a float (i.e. 5.1); the patch version of Rails should not be included. # If TargetRailsVersion is not set, RuboCop will parse the Gemfile.lock or # gems.locked file to find the version of Rails that has been bound to the # application. If neither of those files exist, RuboCop will use Rails 5.0 # as the default. TargetRailsVersion: ~ # This cop from rubocop was added to the Rubocop-Rails # config as part of this PR: # # in order to support some Rails-specific methods. At the # time of writing, it's disabled in Standard, so it's # disabled here. Lint/RedundantSafeNavigation: Enabled: false Lint/SafeNavigationChain: Enabled: true AllowedMethods: - present? - blank? - presence - presence_in - try - try! - in? Rails/ActionControllerFlashBeforeRender: Enabled: false Rails/ActionControllerTestCase: Enabled: false Rails/ActionFilter: Enabled: true Rails/ActionOrder: Enabled: false Rails/ActiveRecordAliases: Enabled: true Rails/ActiveRecordCallbacksOrder: Enabled: true Rails/ActiveRecordOverride: Enabled: true Rails/ActiveSupportAliases: Enabled: false Rails/ActiveSupportOnLoad: Enabled: true Rails/AddColumnIndex: Enabled: true Rails/AfterCommitOverride: Enabled: true Rails/ApplicationController: Enabled: true Rails/ApplicationJob: Enabled: true Rails/ApplicationMailer: Enabled: true Rails/ApplicationRecord: Enabled: true Rails/ArelStar: Enabled: true Rails/AssertNot: Enabled: false Rails/AttributeDefaultBlockValue: Enabled: true Rails/BelongsTo: Enabled: true Rails/Blank: Enabled: true Rails/BulkChangeTable: Enabled: true Rails/CompactBlank: Enabled: true Rails/ContentTag: Enabled: true Rails/CreateTableWithTimestamps: Enabled: true Rails/DangerousColumnNames: Enabled: true Rails/Date: Enabled: true Rails/DefaultScope: Enabled: false Rails/Delegate: Enabled: false Rails/DelegateAllowBlank: Enabled: true Rails/DeprecatedActiveModelErrorsMethods: Enabled: false Rails/DotSeparatedKeys: Enabled: true Rails/DuplicateAssociation: Enabled: true AutoCorrect: false Rails/DuplicateScope: Enabled: true Rails/DurationArithmetic: Enabled: true Rails/DynamicFindBy: Enabled: true Rails/EagerEvaluationLogMessage: Enabled: true Rails/EnumHash: Enabled: true Rails/EnumUniqueness: Enabled: true Rails/EnvLocal: Enabled: true Rails/EnvironmentComparison: Enabled: true Rails/EnvironmentVariableAccess: Enabled: true Rails/Exit: Enabled: true Rails/ExpandedDateRange: Enabled: true Rails/FilePath: Enabled: true Rails/FindBy: Enabled: true Rails/FindById: Enabled: true Rails/FindEach: Enabled: true Rails/FreezeTime: Enabled: false Rails/HasAndBelongsToMany: Enabled: true Rails/HasManyOrHasOneDependent: Enabled: true Rails/HelperInstanceVariable: Enabled: true Rails/HttpPositionalArguments: Enabled: true Rails/HttpStatus: Enabled: false Rails/I18nLazyLookup: Enabled: false Rails/I18nLocaleAssignment: Enabled: true Rails/I18nLocaleTexts: Enabled: false Rails/IgnoredColumnsAssignment: Enabled: true Rails/IgnoredSkipActionFilterOption: Enabled: true Rails/IndexBy: Enabled: false Rails/IndexWith: Enabled: false Rails/Inquiry: Enabled: false Rails/InverseOf: Enabled: true Rails/LexicallyScopedActionFilter: Enabled: true Rails/LinkToBlank: Enabled: true Rails/MailerName: Enabled: true Rails/MatchRoute: Enabled: true Rails/MigrationClassName: Enabled: true Rails/NegateInclude: Enabled: false Rails/NotNullColumn: Enabled: false Rails/OrderById: Enabled: true Rails/Output: Enabled: true Rails/OutputSafety: Enabled: false Rails/Pick: Enabled: true Rails/Pluck: Enabled: true Rails/PluckId: Enabled: true Rails/PluckInWhere: Enabled: true Rails/PluralizationGrammar: Enabled: false Rails/Presence: Enabled: true Rails/Present: Enabled: false Rails/RakeEnvironment: Enabled: false Rails/ReadWriteAttribute: Enabled: true Rails/RedundantActiveRecordAllMethod: Enabled: false Rails/RedundantAllowNil: Enabled: true Rails/RedundantForeignKey: Enabled: true Rails/RedundantPresenceValidationOnBelongsTo: Enabled: true Rails/RedundantReceiverInWithOptions: Enabled: true Rails/RedundantTravelBack: Enabled: true Rails/ReflectionClassName: Enabled: true Rails/RefuteMethods: Enabled: false Rails/RelativeDateConstant: Enabled: true Rails/RenderInline: Enabled: false Rails/RenderPlainText: Enabled: true Rails/RequestReferer: Enabled: false Rails/RequireDependency: Enabled: false Rails/ResponseParsedBody: Enabled: false Rails/ReversibleMigration: Enabled: true Rails/ReversibleMigrationMethodDefinition: Enabled: true Rails/RootJoinChain: Enabled: true Rails/RootPathnameMethods: Enabled: true Rails/RootPublicPath: Enabled: true Rails/SafeNavigation: Enabled: true Rails/SafeNavigationWithBlank: Enabled: true Rails/SaveBang: Enabled: true Rails/SchemaComment: Enabled: false Rails/ScopeArgs: Enabled: true Rails/SelectMap: Enabled: false Rails/ShortI18n: Enabled: false Rails/SkipsModelValidations: Enabled: false Rails/SquishedSQLHeredocs: Enabled: false Rails/StripHeredoc: Enabled: true Rails/TableNameAssignment: Enabled: false Rails/ThreeStateBooleanColumn: Enabled: pending Rails/TimeZone: Enabled: true Rails/TimeZoneAssignment: Enabled: true Rails/ToFormattedS: Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: to_fs Rails/ToSWithArgument: Enabled: true Rails/TopLevelHashWithIndifferentAccess: Enabled: true Rails/TransactionExitStatement: Enabled: true Rails/UniqBeforePluck: Enabled: true Rails/UniqueValidationWithoutIndex: Enabled: true Rails/UnknownEnv: Enabled: false Rails/UnusedIgnoredColumns: Enabled: true Rails/UnusedRenderContent: Enabled: true Rails/Validation: Enabled: true Rails/WhereEquals: Enabled: true Rails/WhereExists: Enabled: false Rails/WhereMissing: Enabled: true Rails/WhereNot: Enabled: true Rails/WhereNotWithMultipleConditions: Enabled: false Style/InvertibleUnlessCondition: Enabled: false