# Shirinji Container manager for dependency injection in Ruby. ## Principles Dependencies Injection is strongly connected with the IOC (inversion of controls) pattern. IOC is often seen as a "Java thing" and tend to be rejected by Ruby community. Yet, it's heavily used in javascript world and fit perfectly with prototyped language. ```javascript function updateUI(evt) { /* ... */ } $.ajax('/action', { onSuccess: updateUI, ... }) ``` A simple script like that is very common in Javascript and nobody is shocked by that. Yet, it's using the IOC pattern. The `$.ajax` method is delegating the action to perform when the request is successful to something else, focusing only on handling the http communication part. Dependencies injection is nothing more than the exact same principle but applied to objects instead of functions. Let's follow an example step by step from "the rails way" to a proper way to understand it better. ```ruby class User < ActiveRecord::Base after_create :publish_statistics, :send_confirmation_email private def publish_statistics StatisticsGateway.publish_event(:new_user, user.id) end def send_confirmation_email UserMailer.confirm_email(user).deliver end end ``` This is called "the rails way" and everybody with a tiny bit of experience knows that this way is not valid. Your model is gonna send statistics and emails each time it's saved, even when it's not in the context of signing up a new user (confusion between sign up, a business level operation and create, a persistency level operation). There are plenty of situation where you actually don't want those operations to be performed (db seeding, imports, fixtures in tests ...) That's where services pattern comes to the rescue. Let's do it in a very simple fashion and just move everything "as it is" in a service. ```ruby class SignUpUserService def call(user) user.signed_up_at = Time.now user.save! StatisticsGateway.publish_event(:new_user, user.id) UserMailer.confirm_email(user).deliver end end ## test RSpec.describe SignUpUserService do let(:service) { described_class.new } describe '.call' do let(:message_instance) { double(deliver: nil) } let(:user) { FactoryGirl.build_stubbed(:user, id: 1) } before do allow(StatisticsGateway).to receive(:publish_event) allow(UserMailer).to receive(:confirm_email).and_return(message_instance) end it 'saves user' do expect(user).to receive(:save!) service.call(user) end it 'sets signed up time' do service.call(user) expect(user.signed_up_at).to_not be_nil # there are better ways to test that but we don't care here end it 'publishes statistics' do expect(StatisticsGateway).to receive(:publish_event).with(:new_user, 1) service.call(user) end it 'notifies user for identity confirmation' do expect(UserMailer).to receive(:confirm_email).with(user) expect(message_instance).to receive(:deliver) service.call(user) end end end ``` It's a bit better. Now when we want to write a user in DB, it's not acting as a signup regardless the context. It will act as a sign up only when we call SignUpService. Yet, if we look a the tests for this service, we have to mock `StatisticsGateway` and `UserMailer` in order for the test to run properly. It means that we need a very precise knowledge of the implementation, and we need to mock global static objects which can be a very big problem (for example, if the same class is called twice in very different contexts in the same method) Also, if we decide to switch our statistics solution, or if we decide to change the way we notify users for identity confirmation, our test for signing up a user will have to change. It shouldn't. The way we sign up users should not change according to the solution we chose to send emails. This demonstrate that our object has too many responsibilities. If you want to write efficient, fast, scalable, readable ... code, you should restrict your objects to one and only one responsbility. ```ruby class SignUpUserService def call(user) user.signed_up_at = Time.now user.save! PublishUserStatisticsService.new.call(user) SendUserEmailConfirmationService.new.call(user) # implementation omitted for those services, you can figure it out end end ``` Now, our service has fewer responsibilities BUT, testing will be even harder because mocking `new` method on both "sub services" will be even more dirty than before. We can solve this problem very easily ```ruby class SignUpUserService def call(user) user.signed_up_at = Time.now user.save! publish_user_statistics_service.call(user) send_user_email_confirmation_service.call(user) end private def publish_user_statistics_service PublishUserStatisticsService.new end def send_user_email_confirmation_service SendUserEmailConfirmationService.new end end ## test RSpec.describe SignUpUserService do let(:publish_statistics_service) { double(call: nil) } let(:send_email_confirmation_service) { double(call: nil) } let(:service) { described_class.new } before do allow(service).to receive(:publish_user_statistics_service).and_return(publish_statistics_service) allow(service).to receive(:send_user_email_confirmation_service).and_return(send_email_confirmation_service) end # ... end ``` Our tests are now much easier to write. They're also much faster because our test is very specialized and focus only on the service itself. But if you think about it, this service still has too many responsibilities. It still carrying the responsibility of choosing which service will execute the "sub tasks" and more important, it's in charge of creating those services instances. Instead of having strong dependencies to other services, we can make them "weak" and increase our code flexibility if we want to reuse it in another project. ```ruby class SignUpUserService attr_reader :publish_user_statistics_service, :send_user_email_confirmation_service def initialize( publish_user_statistics_service:, send_user_email_confirmation_service:, ) @publish_user_statistics_service = publish_user_statistics_service @send_user_email_confirmation_service = send_user_email_confirmation_service end def call(user) user.signed_up_at = Time.now user.save! publish_user_statistics_service.call(user) send_user_email_confirmation_service.call(user) end end ``` Now our service is completely agnostic about which solution is used to perform the "sub tasks". It's the responsibility of it's environment to provide this information. But in a real world example, building such a tree is a complete nightmare and impossible to maintain. It's where Shiringji comes to the rescue. ## Usage ```ruby map = Shirinji::Map.new do bean(:sign_up_user_service, klass: "SignUpUserService") bean(:publish_user_statistics_service, klass: "PublishUserStatisticsService") bean(:send_user_email_confirmation_service, klass: "SendUserEmailConfirmationService") end resolver = Shirinji::Resolver.new(map) resolver.resolve(:sign_up_user_service) #=> <#SignUpUserService @publish_user_statistics_service=<#PublishUserStatisticsService ...> ...> ``` In this example, because `SingUpUserService` constructor parameters match beans with the same name, Shirinji will automatically resolve them. In a case where a parameter name match no bean, it has to be mapped explicitly. ```ruby map = Shirinji::Map.new do bean(:sign_up_user_service, klass: "SignUpUserService") do attr :publish_user_statistics_service, ref: :user_publish_statistics_service end # note the name is different bean(:user_publish_statistics_service, klass: "PublishUserStatisticsService") bean(:send_user_email_confirmation_service, klass: "SendUserEmailConfirmationService") end resolver = Shirinji::Resolver.new(map) resolver.resolve(:sign_up_user_service) #=> <#SignUpUserService @publish_user_statistics_service=<#PublishUserStatisticsService ...> ...> ``` Shirinji provides scopes to help you organize your dependencies ```ruby map = Shirinji::Map.new do scope module: :Services, suffix: :service, klass_suffix: :Service do scope module: :User, prefix: :user do bean(:signup, klass: 'Signup') end end # is the same as bean(:user_signup_service, klass: 'Services::User::SignupService') end ``` If you need a dependency to return a class instead of an instance, you can disable the bean construction ```ruby map = Shirinji::Map.new do bean(:foo, klass: 'Foo', construct: false) end resolver.resolve(:foo) #=> Foo ``` Shirinji also provide a caching mecanism to achieve singleton pattern without having to implement the pattern in your classes. It means the same class can be used as a singleton AND a regular class at the same time without any code change. Singleton is the default access mode for a bean. ```ruby map = Shirinji::Map.new do bean(:foo, klass: 'Foo', access: :singleton) # foo is singleton bean(:bar, klass: 'Bar', access: :instance) # bar is not end resolver = Shirinji::Resolver.new(map) resolver.resolve(:foo).object_id #=> 1 resolver.resolve(:foo).object_id #=> 1 resolver.resolve(:bar).object_id #=> 2 resolver.resolve(:bar).object_id #=> 3 ``` You can also create beans that contain single values. It will help you to avoid referencing global variables in your code. ```ruby map = Shirinji::Map.new do bean(:config, value: Proc.new { Application.config }) bean(:foo, klass: 'Foo') end resolver = Shirinji::Resolver.new(map) class Foo attr_reader :config def initialize(config:) @config = config end end resolver.resolve(:foo) #=> <#Foo @config=<#OpenStruct ...> ...> ``` Values can be anything. A `Proc` will be lazily evaluated. They also obey the singleton / instance strategy. ## Notes - It is absolutely mandatory for your beans to be stateless to use the singleton mode. If they're not, you will probably run into trouble as your objects behavior will depend on their history, leading to unpredictable effects. - Shirinji only works with named arguments. It will raise errors if you try to use it with "standard" method arguments. ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/fdutey/shirinji.