$TESTING = false unless defined? $TESTING require "sexp" ## # SexpProcessor provides a uniform interface to process Sexps. # # In order to create your own SexpProcessor subclass you'll need # to call super in the initialize method, then set any of the # Sexp flags you want to be different from the defaults. # # SexpProcessor uses a Sexp's type to determine which process method # to call in the subclass. For Sexp s(:lit, 1) # SexpProcessor will call #process_lit, if it is defined. # # You can also specify a default method to call for any Sexp types # without a process_ method or use the default processor provided to # skip over them. # # Here is a simple example: # # class MyProcessor < SexpProcessor # def initialize # super # self.strict = false # end # # def process_lit(exp) # val = exp.shift # return val # end # end class SexpProcessor # duh VERSION = "4.15.1" ## # Automatically shifts off the Sexp type before handing the # Sexp to process_ attr_accessor :auto_shift_type ## # Return a stack of contexts. Most recent node is first. attr_reader :context ## # A Hash of Sexp types and Regexp. # # Print a debug message if the Sexp type matches the Hash key # and the Sexp's #inspect output matches the Regexp. attr_accessor :debug ## # A default method to call if a process_ method is not found # for the Sexp type. attr_accessor :default_method ## # Expected result class attr_accessor :expected ## # Raise an exception if the Sexp is not empty after processing attr_accessor :require_empty ## # Raise an exception if no process_ method is found for a Sexp. attr_accessor :strict ## # An array that specifies node types that are unsupported by this # processor. SexpProcessor will raise UnsupportedNodeError if you try # to process one of those node types. attr_accessor :unsupported ## # Emit a warning when the method in #default_method is called. attr_accessor :warn_on_default ## # A scoped environment to make you happy. attr_reader :env ## # Expand an array of directories into a flattened array of paths, eg: # # MyProcessor.run MyProcessor.expand_dirs_to_files ARGV def self.expand_dirs_to_files *dirs extensions = %w[rb rake] dirs.flatten.map { |p| if File.directory? p then Dir[File.join(p, "**", "*.{#{extensions.join ","}}")] else p end }.flatten.sort end ## # Cache processor methods per class. def self.processors @processors ||= {} end ## # Cache rewiter methods per class. def self.rewriters @rewriters ||= {} end ## # Creates a new SexpProcessor. Use super to invoke this # initializer from SexpProcessor subclasses, then use the # attributes above to customize the functionality of the # SexpProcessor def initialize @default_method = nil @warn_on_default = true @auto_shift_type = false @strict = false @unsupported = [:alloca, :cfunc, :cref, :ifunc, :last, :memo, :newline, :opt_n, :method] @unsupported_checked = false @debug = {} @expected = Sexp @require_empty = true @exceptions = {} # we do this on an instance basis so we can subclass it for # different processors. @processors = self.class.processors @rewriters = self.class.rewriters @context = [] if @processors.empty? public_methods.each do |name| case name when /^process_(.*)/ then @processors[$1.to_sym] = name.to_sym when /^rewrite_(.*)/ then @rewriters[$1.to_sym] = name.to_sym end end end end ## # Raise if +exp+ is not empty. def assert_empty meth, exp, exp_orig unless exp.empty? then msg = "exp not empty after #{self.class}.#{meth} on #{exp.inspect}" msg += " from #{exp_orig.inspect}" if $DEBUG raise NotEmptyError, msg end end ## # Rewrite +exp+ using rewrite_* method for +exp+'s sexp_type, if one # exists. def rewrite exp type = exp.sexp_type comments = exp.comments if @debug.key? type then str = exp.inspect puts "// DEBUG (original ): #{str}" if str =~ @debug[type] end in_context type do exp = exp.map { |sub| Array === sub ? rewrite(sub) : sub } end loop do meth = @rewriters[type] exp = self.send(meth, exp) if meth break unless Sexp === exp if @debug.key? type then str = exp.inspect puts "// DEBUG (rewritten): #{str}" if str =~ @debug[type] end old_type, type = type, exp.sexp_type break if old_type == type end exp.comments = comments exp end ## # Default Sexp processor. Invokes process_ methods matching # the Sexp type given. Performs additional checks as specified by # the initializer. def process exp return nil if exp.nil? unless Sexp === exp then raise SexpTypeError, "exp must be a Sexp, was #{exp.class}:#{exp.inspect}" end if self.context.empty? then p :rewriting unless debug.empty? exp = self.rewrite(exp) p :done_rewriting unless debug.empty? end unless @unsupported_checked then m = public_methods.grep(/^process_/) { |o| o.to_s.sub(/^process_/, "").to_sym } supported = m - (m - @unsupported) raise UnsupportedNodeError, "#{supported.inspect} shouldn't be in @unsupported" unless supported.empty? @unsupported_checked = true end result = self.expected.new type = exp.sexp_type raise "type should be a Symbol, not: #{exp.first.inspect}" unless Symbol === type in_context type do if @debug.key? type then str = exp.inspect puts "// DEBUG:(original ): #{str}" if str =~ @debug[type] end exp_orig = nil exp_orig = exp.deep_clone if $DEBUG or @debug.key? type or @exceptions.key?(type) raise UnsupportedNodeError, "'#{type}' is not a supported node type" if @unsupported.include? type # now do a pass with the real processor (or generic) meth = @processors[type] || @default_method if meth then if @warn_on_default and meth == @default_method then warn "WARNING: Using default method #{meth} for #{type}" end exp = exp.sexp_body if @auto_shift_type and meth != @default_method # HACK result = error_handler(type, exp_orig) { self.send meth, exp } if @debug.key? type then str = exp.inspect puts "// DEBUG (processed): #{str}" if str =~ @debug[type] end raise SexpTypeError, "Result of #{type} must be a #{@expected}, was #{result.class}:#{result.inspect}" unless @expected === result self.assert_empty(meth, exp, exp_orig) if @require_empty else unless @strict then until exp.empty? do sub_exp, *exp = exp # HACK sub_result = nil if Array === sub_exp then sub_result = error_handler(type, exp_orig) do process(sub_exp) end raise "Result is a bad type" unless Array === sub_exp raise "Result does not have a type in front: #{sub_exp.inspect}" unless Symbol === sub_exp.sexp_type unless sub_exp.empty? else sub_result = sub_exp end # result << sub_result result = result.class.new(*result, sub_result) # HACK end # NOTE: this is costly, but we are in the generic processor # so we shouldn't hit it too much with RubyToC stuff at least. result.c_type ||= exp.c_type if Sexp === exp and exp.respond_to?(:c_type) else msg = "Bug! Unknown node-type #{type.inspect} to #{self.class}" msg += " in #{exp_orig.inspect} from #{caller.inspect}" if $DEBUG raise UnknownNodeError, msg end end end result end ## # Raises unless the Sexp type for +list+ matches +typ+ def assert_type list, typ raise SexpTypeError, "Expected type #{typ.inspect} in #{list.inspect}" if not Array === list or list.sexp_type != typ end def error_handler type, exp = nil # :nodoc: yield rescue StandardError => err return @exceptions[type].call self, exp, err if @exceptions.key? type warn "#{err.class} Exception thrown while processing #{type} for sexp #{exp.inspect} #{caller.inspect}" if $DEBUG raise end ## # Registers an error handler for +node+ def on_error_in node_type, &block @exceptions[node_type] = block end ## # A fairly generic processor for a dummy node. Dummy nodes are used # when your processor is doing a complicated rewrite that replaces # the current sexp with multiple sexps. # # Bogus Example: # # def process_something(exp) # return s(:dummy, process(exp), s(:extra, 42)) # end def process_dummy exp result = @expected.new(:dummy) rescue @expected.new result << self.process(exp.shift) until exp.empty? result end ## # Add a scope level to the current env. Eg: # # def process_defn exp # name = exp.shift # args = process(exp.shift) # scope do # body = process(exp.shift) # # ... # end # end # # env[:x] = 42 # scope do # env[:x] # => 42 # env[:y] = 24 # end # env[:y] # => nil def scope &block env.scope(&block) end ## # Track a stack of contexts that the processor is in, pushing on # +type+ yielding, and then removing the context from the stack. def in_context type self.context.unshift type yield ensure self.context.shift end ## # I really hate this here, but I hate subdirs in my lib dir more... # I guess it is kinda like shaving... I'll split this out when it # itches too much... class Environment def initialize #:nodoc: @env = [] @env.unshift({}) end ## # Flatten out all scopes and return all key/value pairs. def all @env.reverse.inject { |env, scope| env.merge scope } end ## # Return the current number of scopes. def depth @env.length end # TODO: depth_of ## # Get +name+ from env at whatever scope it is defined in, or return nil. def [] name hash = @env.find { |closure| closure.key? name } hash[name] if hash end ## # If +name+ exists in the env, set it to +val+ in whatever scope # it is in. If it doesn't exist, set +name+ to +val+ in the # current scope. def []= name, val hash = @env.find { |closure| closure.key? name } || current hash[name] = val end ## # Get the current/top environment. def current @env.first end ## # Create a new scope and yield to the block passed. def scope @env.unshift({}) begin yield ensure @env.shift raise "You went too far unextending env" if @env.empty? end end end end ## # A simple subclass of SexpProcessor that defines a pattern I commonly # use: non-mutative and strict process that return assorted values; # AKA, an interpreter. class SexpInterpreter < SexpProcessor def initialize #:nodoc: super self.expected = Object self.require_empty = false self.strict = true end end ## # A simple subclass of SexpProcessor that tracks method and class # stacks for you. Use #method_name, #klass_name, or #signature to # refer to where you're at in processing. If you have to subclass # process_(class|module|defn|defs) you _must_ call super. class MethodBasedSexpProcessor < SexpProcessor @@no_class = :main @@no_method = :none ## # A stack of the classes/modules that are being processed attr_reader :class_stack ## # A stack of the methods that are being processed. You'd think it'd # only ever be 1 deep, but you'd be wrong. People do terrible things # in/to ruby. attr_reader :method_stack ## # A stack of the singleton classes that are being processed. attr_reader :sclass ## # A lookup table of all the method locations that have been # processed so far. attr_reader :method_locations def initialize #:nodoc: super @sclass = [] @class_stack = [] @method_stack = [] @method_locations = {} self.require_empty = false end ## # Adds name to the class stack, for the duration of the block def in_klass name if Sexp === name then name = case name.sexp_type when :colon2 then name = name.flatten name.delete :const name.delete :colon2 name.join("::") when :colon3 then name.last.to_s else raise "unknown type #{name.inspect}" end end @class_stack.unshift name with_new_method_stack do yield end ensure @class_stack.shift end ## # Adds name to the method stack, for the duration of the block def in_method name, file, line, line_max = nil method_name = Regexp === name ? name.inspect : name.to_s @method_stack.unshift method_name line_max = "-#{line_max}" if line_max @method_locations[signature] = "#{file}:#{line}#{line_max}" yield ensure @method_stack.shift end ## # Tracks whether we're in a singleton class or not. Doesn't track # actual receiver. def in_sklass @sclass.push true with_new_method_stack do yield end ensure @sclass.pop end ## # Returns the first class in the list, or @@no_class if there are # none. def klass_name name = @class_stack.first raise "you shouldn't see me" if Sexp === name if @class_stack.any? @class_stack.reverse.join("::").sub(/\([^\)]+\)$/, "") else @@no_class end end ## # Returns the first method in the list, or "#none" if there are # none. def method_name m = @method_stack.first || @@no_method m = "##{m}" unless m =~ /::/ m end ## # Process a class node until empty. Tracks all nesting. If you have # to subclass and override this method, you can call super with a # block. def process_class exp exp.shift unless auto_shift_type # node type in_klass exp.shift do if block_given? then yield else process_until_empty exp end end s() end ## # Process a method node until empty. Tracks your location. If you # have to subclass and override this method, you can clall super # with a block. def process_defn exp exp.shift unless auto_shift_type # node type name = @sclass.empty? ? exp.shift : "::#{exp.shift}" in_method name, exp.file, exp.line, exp.line_max do if block_given? then yield else process_until_empty exp end end s() end ## # Process a singleton method node until empty. Tracks your location. # If you have to subclass and override this method, you can clall # super with a block. def process_defs exp exp.shift unless auto_shift_type # node type process exp.shift # recv in_method "::#{exp.shift}", exp.file, exp.line, exp.line_max do if block_given? then yield else process_until_empty exp end end s() end ## # Process a module node until empty. Tracks all nesting. If you have # to subclass and override this method, you can clall super with a # block. def process_module exp exp.shift unless auto_shift_type # node type in_klass exp.shift do if block_given? then yield else process_until_empty exp end end s() end ## # Process a singleton class node until empty. Tracks all nesting. If # you have to subclass and override this method, you can clall super # with a block. def process_sclass exp exp.shift unless auto_shift_type # node type in_sklass do if block_given? then yield else process_until_empty exp end end s() end ## # Process each element of #exp in turn. def process_until_empty exp until exp.empty? sexp = exp.shift process sexp if Sexp === sexp end end ## # Returns the method signature for the current method. def signature "#{klass_name}#{method_name}" end ## # Reset the method stack for the duration of the block. Used for # class scoping. def with_new_method_stack old_method_stack, @method_stack = @method_stack, [] yield ensure @method_stack = old_method_stack end end class Object # :nodoc: ## # deep_clone is the usual Marshalling hack to make a deep copy. # It is rather slow, so use it sparingly. Helps with debugging # SexpProcessors since you usually shift off sexps. def deep_clone Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(self)) end end ## # SexpProcessor base exception class. class SexpProcessorError < StandardError; end ## # Raised by SexpProcessor if it sees a node type listed in its # unsupported list. class UnsupportedNodeError < SexpProcessorError; end ## # Raised by SexpProcessor if it is in strict mode and sees a node for # which there is no processor available. class UnknownNodeError < SexpProcessorError; end ## # Raised by SexpProcessor if a processor did not process every node in # a sexp and @require_empty is true. class NotEmptyError < SexpProcessorError; end ## # Raised if assert_type encounters an unexpected sexp type. class SexpTypeError < SexpProcessorError; end