# Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
require "gcloud"
require "gcloud/datastore/errors"
require "gcloud/datastore/dataset"
require "gcloud/datastore/transaction"
require "gcloud/datastore/credentials"
# Google Cloud Datastore
module Gcloud
# Creates a new object for connecting to the Datastore service.
# Each call creates a new connection.
# === Parameters
# +project+::
# Dataset identifier for the Datastore you are connecting to. (+String+)
# +keyfile+::
# Keyfile downloaded from Google Cloud. If file path the file must be
# readable. (+String+ or +Hash+)
# +options+::
# An optional Hash for controlling additional behavior. (+Hash+)
# options[:scope]
# The OAuth 2.0 scopes controlling the set of resources and operations that
# the connection can access. See {Using OAuth 2.0 to Access Google
# APIs}[https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2]. (+String+
# or +Array+)
# The default scopes are:
# * +https://www.googleapis.com/auth/datastore+
# * +https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email+
# === Returns
# Gcloud::Datastore::Dataset
# === Example
# require "gcloud/datastore"
# dataset = Gcloud.datastore "my-todo-project",
# "/path/to/keyfile.json"
# entity = Gcloud::Datastore::Entity.new
# entity.key = Gcloud::Datastore::Key.new "Task"
# entity["description"] = "Get started with Google Cloud"
# entity["completed"] = false
# dataset.save entity
def self.datastore project = nil, keyfile = nil, options = {}
project ||= Gcloud::Datastore::Dataset.default_project
if keyfile.nil?
credentials = Gcloud::Datastore::Credentials.default options
credentials = Gcloud::Datastore::Credentials.new keyfile, options
Gcloud::Datastore::Dataset.new project, credentials
# = Google Cloud Datastore
# Google Cloud Datastore is a fully managed, schemaless database for storing
# non-relational data. You should feel at home if you are familiar with
# relational databases, but there are some key differences to be aware of to
# make the most of using Datastore.
# Gcloud's goal is to provide a API that is familiar and comfortable to
# Rubyists. Authentication is handled by Gcloud#datastore. You can provide
# the project and credential information to connect to the Datastore service,
# or if you are running on Google Compute Engine this configuration is taken
# care of for you.
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new "my-todo-project",
# "/path/to/keyfile.json"
# dataset = gcloud.datastore
# entity = dataset.find "Task", "start"
# entity["completed"] = true
# dataset.save entity
# You can learn more about various options for connection on the
# {Authentication Guide}[link:AUTHENTICATION.md].
# To learn more about Datastore, read the
# {Google Cloud Datastore Concepts Overview
# }[https://cloud.google.com/datastore/docs/concepts/overview].
# == Retrieving Records
# Records, called "entities" in Datastore, are retrieved by using a Key.
# The Key is more than a numeric identifier, it is a complex data structure
# that can be used to model relationships. The simplest Key has a string
# kind value, and either a numeric id value, or a string
# name value. A single record can be retrieved by calling
# Gcloud::Datastore::Dataset#find and passing the parts of the key:
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new
# dataset = gcloud.datastore
# entity = dataset.find "Task", "start"
# Optionally, Gcloud::Datastore::Dataset#find can be given a Key object:
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new
# dataset = gcloud.datastore
# key = Gcloud::Datastore::Key.new "Task", 12345
# entity = dataset.find key
# See Gcloud::Datastore::Dataset#find
# == Querying Records
# Multiple records can be found that match criteria.
# (See Gcloud::Datastore::Query#where)
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new
# dataset = gcloud.datastore
# query = Gcloud::Datastore::Query.new
# query.kind("List").
# where("active", "=", true)
# active_lists = dataset.run query
# Records can also be ordered. (See Gcloud::Datastore::Query#order)
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new
# dataset = gcloud.datastore
# query = Gcloud::Datastore::Query.new
# query.kind("List").
# where("active", "=", true).
# order("name")
# active_lists = dataset.run query
# The number of records returned can be specified.
# (See Gcloud::Datastore::Query#limit)
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new
# dataset = gcloud.datastore
# query = Gcloud::Datastore::Query.new
# query.kind("List").
# where("active", "=", true).
# order("name").
# limit(5)
# active_lists = dataset.run query
# Records' Key structures can also be queried.
# (See Gcloud::Datastore::Query#ancestor)
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new
# dataset = gcloud.datastore
# list = dataset.find "List", "todos"
# query = Gcloud::Datastore::Query.new
# query.kind("Task").
# ancestor(list.key)
# items = dataset.run query
# See Gcloud::Datastore::Query and Gcloud::Datastore::Dataset#run
# == Paginating Records
# All Records may not return at once, requiring multiple calls to Datastore
# to return them all. The returned records will have a cursor if
# there are more available.
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new
# dataset = gcloud.datastore
# list = dataset.find "List", "todos"
# query = Gcloud::Datastore::Query.new
# query.kind("Task").
# ancestor(list.key)
# all_tasks = []
# tmp_tasks = dataset.run query
# while tmp_tasks.any? do
# tmp_tasks.each do |task|
# all_tasks << task
# end
# # break loop if no more tasks available
# break if tmp_tasks.cursor.nil?
# # set cursor on the query
# query = query.cursor tmp_tasks.cursor
# # query for more records
# tmp_tasks = dataset.run query
# end
# See Gcloud::Datastore::Dataset::LookupResults and
# Gcloud::Datastore::Dataset::QueryResults
# == Creating Records
# New entities can be created and persisted buy calling Dataset#save.
# The entity must have a Key to be saved. If the Key is incomplete then
# it will be completed when saved.
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new
# dataset = gcloud.datastore
# entity = Gcloud::Datastore::Entity.new
# entity.key = Gcloud::Datastore::Key.new "User"
# entity["name"] = "Heidi Henderson"
# entity.key.id #=> nil
# dataset.save entity
# entity.key.id #=> 123456789
# == Updating Records
# Entities hold properties. A property has a name that is a string or symbol,
# and a value that is an object. Most value objects are supported, including
# String, Integer, Date, Time, and even other Entity or Key objects. Changes
# to the Entity's properties are persisted by calling Dataset#save.
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new
# dataset = gcloud.datastore
# entity = dataset.find "User", "heidi"
# # Read the status property
# entity["status"] #=> "inactive"
# # Write the status property
# entity["status"] = "active"
# # Persist the changes
# dataset.save entity
# == Deleting Records
# Entities can be removed from Datastore by calling Dataset#delete and passing
# the Entity object or the entity's Key object.
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new
# dataset = gcloud.datastore
# entity = dataset.find "User", "heidi"
# dataset.delete entity
# == Transactions
# Complex logic can be wrapped in a Transaction. All queries and updates
# within the Dataset#transaction block are run within the transaction scope,
# and will be automatically committed when the block completes.
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new
# dataset = gcloud.datastore
# key = Gcloud::Datastore::Key.new "User", "heidi"
# user = Gcloud::Datastore::Entity.new
# user.key = key
# user["name"] = "Heidi Henderson"
# user["email"] = "heidi@example.net"
# dataset.transaction do |tx|
# if tx.find(user.key).nil?
# tx.save user
# end
# end
# Alternatively, if no block is given the transaction object is returned
# allowing you to commit or rollback manually.
# require "gcloud"
# gcloud = Gcloud.new
# dataset = gcloud.datastore
# key = Gcloud::Datastore::Key.new "User", "heidi"
# user = Gcloud::Datastore::Entity.new
# user.key = key
# user["name"] = "Heidi Henderson"
# user["email"] = "heidi@example.net"
# tx = dataset.transaction
# begin
# if tx.find(user.key).nil?
# tx.save user
# end
# tx.commit
# rescue
# tx.rollback
# end
# See Gcloud::Datastore::Transaction and
# Gcloud::Datastore::Dataset#transaction
module Datastore