# frozen_string_literal: true require 'fileutils' require 'nokogiri' require 'shellwords' module ActiveEncode module EngineAdapters class FfmpegAdapter WORK_DIR = ENV["ENCODE_WORK_DIR"] || "encodes" # Should read from config MEDIAINFO_PATH = ENV["MEDIAINFO_PATH"] || "mediainfo" FFMPEG_PATH = ENV["FFMPEG_PATH"] || "ffmpeg" def create(input_url, options = {}) # Decode file uris for ffmpeg (mediainfo works either way) case input_url when /^file\:\/\/\// input_url = URI.decode(input_url) when /^s3\:\/\// require 'file_locator' s3_object = FileLocator::S3File.new(input_url).object input_url = URI.parse(s3_object.presigned_url(:get)) end new_encode = ActiveEncode::Base.new(input_url, options) new_encode.id = SecureRandom.uuid new_encode.created_at = Time.now.utc new_encode.updated_at = Time.now.utc new_encode.current_operations = [] new_encode.output = [] # Create a working directory that holds all output files related to the encode FileUtils.mkdir_p working_path("", new_encode.id) FileUtils.mkdir_p working_path("outputs", new_encode.id) # Extract technical metadata from input file `#{MEDIAINFO_PATH} --Output=XML --LogFile=#{working_path("input_metadata", new_encode.id)} "#{input_url}"` new_encode.input = build_input new_encode if new_encode.input.duration.blank? new_encode.state = :failed new_encode.percent_complete = 1 new_encode.errors = if new_encode.input.file_size.blank? ["#{input_url} does not exist or is not accessible"] else ["Error inspecting input: #{input_url}"] end write_errors new_encode return new_encode end new_encode.state = :running new_encode.percent_complete = 1 new_encode.errors = [] # Run the ffmpeg command and save its pid command = ffmpeg_command(input_url, new_encode.id, options) pid = Process.spawn(command, err: working_path('error.log', new_encode.id)) File.open(working_path("pid", new_encode.id), 'w') { |file| file.write pid } new_encode.input.id = pid new_encode rescue StandardError => e new_encode.state = :failed new_encode.percent_complete = 1 new_encode.errors = [e.full_message] write_errors new_encode return new_encode ensure # Prevent zombie process Process.detach(pid) if pid.present? end # Return encode object from file system def find(id, opts = {}) encode_class = opts[:cast] encode_class ||= ActiveEncode::Base encode = encode_class.new(nil, opts) encode.id = id encode.output = [] encode.created_at, encode.updated_at = get_times encode.id encode.input = build_input encode encode.percent_complete = calculate_percent_complete encode pid = get_pid(id) encode.input.id = pid if pid.present? encode.current_operations = [] encode.created_at, encode.updated_at = get_times encode.id encode.errors = read_errors(id) if encode.errors.present? encode.state = :failed elsif running? pid encode.state = :running encode.current_operations = ["transcoding"] elsif progress_ended?(encode.id) && encode.percent_complete == 100 encode.state = :completed elsif cancelled? encode.id encode.state = :cancelled elsif encode.percent_complete < 100 encode.errors << "Encoding has completed but the output duration is shorter than the input" encode.state = :failed end encode.output = build_outputs encode if encode.completed? encode end # Cancel ongoing encode using pid file def cancel(id) encode = find id if encode.running? pid = get_pid(id) IO.popen("ps -ef | grep #{pid}") do |pipe| child_pids = pipe.readlines.map do |line| parts = line.split(/\s+/) parts[1] if parts[2] == pid.to_s && parts[1] != pipe.pid.to_s end.compact child_pids.each do |cpid| Process.kill 'SIGTERM', cpid.to_i end end Process.kill 'SIGTERM', pid.to_i File.write(working_path("cancelled", id), "") encode = find id end encode rescue Errno::ESRCH raise NotRunningError rescue StandardError raise CancelError end private def get_times(id) updated_at = if File.file? working_path("progress", id) File.mtime(working_path("progress", id)) elsif File.file? working_path("error.log", id) File.mtime(working_path("error.log", id)) else File.mtime(working_path("input_metadata", id)) end [File.mtime(working_path("input_metadata", id)), updated_at] end def write_errors(encode) File.write(working_path("error.log", encode.id), encode.errors.join("\n")) end def read_errors(id) err_path = working_path("error.log", id) error = File.read(err_path) if File.file? err_path if error.present? [error] else [] end end def build_input(encode) input = ActiveEncode::Input.new metadata = get_tech_metadata(working_path("input_metadata", encode.id)) input.url = metadata[:url] input.assign_tech_metadata(metadata) input.created_at = encode.created_at input.updated_at = encode.created_at input.id = "N/A" input end def build_outputs(encode) id = encode.id outputs = [] Dir["#{File.absolute_path(working_path('outputs', id))}/*"].each do |file_path| output = ActiveEncode::Output.new output.url = "file://#{file_path}" sanitized_filename = sanitize_base encode.input.url output.label = file_path[/#{Regexp.quote(sanitized_filename)}\-(.*?)#{Regexp.quote(File.extname(file_path))}$/, 1] output.id = "#{encode.input.id}-#{output.label}" output.created_at = encode.created_at output.updated_at = File.mtime file_path # Extract technical metadata from output file metadata_path = working_path("output_metadata-#{output.label}", id) `#{MEDIAINFO_PATH} --Output=XML --LogFile=#{metadata_path} #{output.url}` unless File.file? metadata_path output.assign_tech_metadata(get_tech_metadata(metadata_path)) outputs << output end outputs end def ffmpeg_command(input_url, id, opts) output_opt = opts[:outputs].collect do |output| sanitized_filename = sanitize_base input_url file_name = "outputs/#{sanitized_filename}-#{output[:label]}.#{output[:extension]}" " #{output[:ffmpeg_opt]} #{working_path(file_name, id)}" end.join(" ") "#{FFMPEG_PATH} -y -loglevel error -progress #{working_path('progress', id)} -i \"#{input_url}\" #{output_opt}" end def sanitize_base(input_url) if input_url.is_a? URI::HTTP File.basename(input_url.path, File.extname(input_url.path)) else File.basename(input_url, File.extname(input_url)).gsub(/[^0-9A-Za-z.\-]/, '_') end end def get_pid(id) File.read(working_path("pid", id)).remove("\n") if File.file? working_path("pid", id) end def working_path(path, id) File.join(WORK_DIR, id, path) end def running?(pid) Process.getpgid pid.to_i true rescue Errno::ESRCH false end def calculate_percent_complete(encode) data = read_progress encode.id if data.blank? 1 else progress_in_milliseconds = progress_value("out_time_ms=", data).to_i / 1000.0 output = (progress_in_milliseconds / encode.input.duration * 100).ceil return 100 if output > 100 output end end def cancelled?(id) File.exist? working_path("cancelled", id) end def read_progress(id) File.read working_path("progress", id) if File.file? working_path("progress", id) end def progress_ended?(id) "end" == progress_value("progress=", read_progress(id)) end def progress_value(key, data) return nil unless data.present? && key.present? ri = data.rindex(key) + key.length data[ri..data.index("\n", ri) - 1] end def get_tech_metadata(file_path) doc = Nokogiri::XML File.read(file_path) doc.remove_namespaces! duration = get_xpath_text(doc, '//Duration/text()', :to_f) duration *= 1000 unless duration.nil? # Convert to milliseconds { url: get_xpath_text(doc, '//media/@ref', :to_s), width: get_xpath_text(doc, '//Width/text()', :to_f), height: get_xpath_text(doc, '//Height/text()', :to_f), frame_rate: get_xpath_text(doc, '//FrameRate/text()', :to_f), duration: duration, file_size: get_xpath_text(doc, '//FileSize/text()', :to_i), audio_codec: get_xpath_text(doc, '//track[@type="Audio"]/CodecID/text()', :to_s), audio_bitrate: get_xpath_text(doc, '//track[@type="Audio"]/BitRate/text()', :to_i), video_codec: get_xpath_text(doc, '//track[@type="Video"]/CodecID/text()', :to_s), video_bitrate: get_xpath_text(doc, '//track[@type="Video"]/BitRate/text()', :to_i) } end def get_xpath_text(doc, xpath, cast_method) doc.xpath(xpath).first&.text&.send(cast_method) end end end end