require "forwardable" module Yao::Resources module RestfullyAccessible def self.extended(base) base.class_eval do class << self attr_accessor :resource_name, :resources_name extend Forwardable %w(get post put delete).each do |method_name| def_delegator :client, method_name, method_name.upcase end end end end def service=(name) @service = name end attr_reader :service def api_version @api_version || '' end def api_version=(v) raise("Set api_version after service is declared") unless service @api_version = v api_version end def admin=(bool) @admin = bool end def return_single_on_querying=(bool) @return_single_on_querying = bool end def resources_path @resources_path || resources_name end def resources_path=(path) @resources_path = path.sub(%r!^\/!, "") end def client if @admin Yao.default_client.admin_pool[service] else Yao.default_client.pool[service] end or raise "You do not have #{@admin ? 'admin' : 'public'} access to the #{service} service" end def as_member(&blk) if @admin @admin = false result = yield @admin = true result else yield end end def with_resources_path(path, &blk) original = @resources_path @resources_path = path result = yield @resources_path = original result end # restful methods def list(query={}) json = GET(create_url([api_version, resources_path]), query).body if @return_single_on_querying && !query.empty? return_resource(resource_from_json(json)) else return_resources(resources_from_json(json)) end end def get(id_or_name_or_permalink, query={}) res = if id_or_name_or_permalink.start_with?("http://", "https://") GET(id_or_name_or_permalink, query) elsif uuid?(id_or_name_or_permalink) GET(create_url([api_version, resources_path, id_or_name_or_permalink]), query) else get_by_name(id_or_name_or_permalink, query) end return_resource(resource_from_json(res.body)) end alias find get def find_by_name(name, query={}) list(query.merge({"name" => name})) end def create(resource_params) params = { resource_name_in_json => resource_params } res = POST(create_url([api_version, resources_path])) do |req| req.body = params.to_json req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' end return_resource(resource_from_json(res.body)) end def update(id, resource_params) params = { resource_name_in_json => resource_params } res = PUT(create_url([api_version, resources_path, id])) do |req| req.body = params.to_json req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' end return_resource(resource_from_json(res.body)) end def destroy(id) res = DELETE(create_url([api_version, resources_path, id])) res.body end private def create_url(paths){|s| s != ''}.join('/') end def resource_name_in_json @_resource_name_in_json ||= resource_name.sub(/^os-/, "").tr("-", "_") end def resource_from_json(json) json[resource_name_in_json] end def resources_from_json(json) @resources_name_in_json ||= resources_name.sub(/^os-/, "").tr("-", "_") json[@resources_name_in_json] end def return_resource(d) new(d) end def return_resources(arr){|d| return_resource(d) } end def uuid?(str) /^[\da-f]{8}-([\da-f]{4}-){3}[\da-f]{12}$/ === str end def get_by_name(name, query={}) # At first, search by ID. If nothing is found, search by name. begin GET(create_url([api_version, resources_path, name]), query) rescue => e raise e unless e.class == Yao::ItemNotFound || e.class == Yao::NotFound item = find_by_name(name) if item.size > 1 raise"More than one resource exists with the name '#{name}'") end GET(create_url([api_version, resources_path,]), query) end end end end