Feature: Adding parameters to commands As a user I want to see what todo-items remain in my project Background: Given I will choose "plugins/todo_list/spec/fixtures/project" from the "open_directory" dialog And I open a directory When I open the "Todo List" from the "Project" menu And I wait "2" seconds Scenario: Opening the TODO list shows the todo items and their action texts without colons Then the HTML tab should say "a course of action" And the HTML tab should not say ": a course of action" Scenario: Opening the TODO list shows the todo item's file names Then the HTML tab should say "OPTIMIZE_colon.file" And the HTML tab should say "FIXME.file" Scenario: Opening the TODO list shows the todo item's line numbers Then the HTML tab should say "OPTIMIZE_colon.file:1" And the HTML tab should say "FIXME.file:3" Scenario: Clicking a TODO item's file name should open it in an edit tab When I click "FIXME.file" in the HTML tab Then my active tab should be "FIXME.file" And the contents should be "#\n#\n# FIXME note"