test_name "Install repositories on target machines..." do repositories = options[:install].map do |url| extract_repo_info_from(build_git_url(url)) end agents.each_with_index do |host, index| on host, "echo #{GitHubSig} >> $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts" repositories.each do |repository| step "Install #{repository[:name]}" # If we're using docker, and we've mounted the puppet directory, let's run # tests from there rather than a github repo. In this case, we assume the # name of the mount corresponds to the thing we're trying to install. # # HOSTS: # hostname-1: # hypervisor: docker # mount_folders: # puppet: # host_path: ~/puppet # container_path: /build/puppet # if agent[:mount_folders] mount = agent[:mount_folders][repository[:name]] repository[:path] = "file://#{mount[:container_path]}" end repo_dir = host.tmpdir(repository[:name]) on(host, "chmod 755 #{repo_dir}") gem_source = ENV["GEM_SOURCE"] || "https://rubygems.org" case repository[:path] when /^(git:|https:|git@)/ sha = ENV['SHA'] || `git rev-parse HEAD`.chomp gem_path = ":git => '#{repository[:path]}', :ref => '#{sha}'" when /^file:\/\/(.*)/ gem_path = ":path => '#{$1}'" else gem_path = repository[:path] end create_remote_file(host, "#{repo_dir}/Gemfile", <<-END) source '#{gem_source}' gem '#{repository[:name]}', #{gem_path} END case host['platform'] when /windows/ # bundle must be passed a Windows style path for a binstubs location bindir = host['puppetbindir'].split(':').first binstubs_dir = on(host, "cygpath -m \"#{bindir}\"").stdout.chomp # note passing --shebang to bundle is not useful because Cygwin # already finds the Ruby interpreter OK with the standard shebang of: # !/usr/bin/env ruby # the problem is a Cygwin style path is passed to the interpreter and this can't be modified: # http://cygwin.1069669.n5.nabble.com/Pass-windows-style-paths-to-the-interpreter-from-the-shebang-line-td43870.html on host, "cd #{repo_dir} && #{bundle_command(host)} install --system --binstubs '#{binstubs_dir}'" # bundler created but does not install batch files to the binstubs dir # so we have to manually copy the batch files over gemdir = on(host, "#{gem_command(host)} environment gemdir").stdout.chomp gembindir = File.join(gemdir, 'bin') on host, "cd '#{host['puppetbindir']}' && test -f ./#{repository[:name]}.bat || cp '#{gembindir}/#{repository[:name]}.bat' '#{host['puppetbindir']}/#{repository[:name]}.bat'" else on host, "cd #{repo_dir} && #{bundle_command(host)} install --system --binstubs #{host['puppetbindir']}" end puppet_bundler_install_dir ||= on(host, "cd #{repo_dir} && #{bundle_command(host)} show #{repository[:name]}").stdout.chomp host.add_env_var('RUBYLIB', File.join(puppet_bundler_install_dir, 'lib')) end end step "Hosts: create environments directory like AIO does" do agents.each do |host| codedir = host.puppet['codedir'] on host, "mkdir -p #{codedir}/environments/production/manifests" on host, "mkdir -p #{codedir}/environments/production/modules" on host, "chmod -R 755 #{codedir}" end end end