--- title: sonic ecs sh reference: true --- ## Usage sonic ecs sh [ECS_SERVICE] ## Description docker run with the service on a container instance Ssh into an ECS container instance and runs a docker container using the same environment and image as the specified running service. Examples: $ sonic ecs sh --cluster my-cluster my-service $ sonic ecs sh --cluster my-cluster my-service # If there are flags in the command that you want to pass down to the docker run command you will need to put the command in single quotes. This is due to the way Thor (what this tool uses) parses options. $ sonic ecs sh --cluster production-hi hi-web 'rake -T' ## Options ``` [--bastion=BASTION] # Bastion jump host to use. Defaults to no bastion server. [--cluster=CLUSTER] # ECS Cluster to use. Default cluster is default ```