# pwm pwm very simply generates reasonably secure passwords. That's it; that's all it does. Passwords are chosen from the set of all upper-case letters except I and O, all lower-case letters except l, and the digits 2 through 9. 0 and O are not used to avoid confusion with each other. I, l, and 1 are not used for the same reason. Starting with version 1.1.0, passwords are guaranteed to contain at least one upper-case letter, one lower-case letter, and one number. ## Usage ```ruby require 'pwm' Pwm.password(length) ``` The default length is 16. The minimum length is 8. Specifying a length less than 8 will raise `Pwm::TooShortException`. You can also call pwm from the command line: ```bash $ pwm h6ECtbDZPnRddHV7 $ echo $? 0 $ pwm 8 XdWod8f8 $ echo $? 0 $ pwm 4 length must be >= 8 $ echo $? 1 ``` ## Author Mark Cornick ## (Lack of) Copyright To the extent possible under law, Mark Cornick has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to pwm. ## Flair [![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-link] [travis-image]: https://secure.travis-ci.org/markcornick/pwm.png?branch=master [travis-link]: http://travis-ci.org/markcornick/pwm