config = { :username => 'blog', :password => 'blog', :adapter => 'oracle', :host => ENV["ORACLE_HOST"] || 'localhost', :database => ENV["ORACLE_SID"] || 'XE' # XE is the default SID for oracle xe } ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(config) # Here are some notes of things I had to do to get running on Oracle # XE. # # ON Linux: # create tablespace weblog_development # datafile '/usr/lib/oracle/xe/oradata/XE/weblog_development.dbf'; # ON Windows XP: # create tablespace weblog_development # datafile 'C:\ORACLEXE\ORADATA\XE\WEBLOGD.DBF' size 16m; # # create user blog identified by blog # default tablespace weblog_development; # grant all privileges to blog; # # You might need to up the number of processes and restart the # listener. (In my case, I had to reboot.) See # # # alter system set PROCESSES=150 scope=SPFILE; # # These might be helpful too (numbers are rather arbitrary...) # # alter system set TRANSACTIONS=126 scope=SPFILE; # alter system set SESSIONS=115 scope=SPFILE;