module GraphQL class Schema # This middleware will stop resolving new fields after `max_seconds` have elapsed. # After the time has passed, any remaining fields will be `nil`, with errors added # to the `errors` key. Any already-resolved fields will be in the `data` key, so # you'll get a partial response. # # You can provide a block which will be called with any timeout errors that occur. # # Note that this will stop a query _in between_ field resolutions, but # it doesn't interrupt long-running `resolve` functions. Be sure to use # timeout options for external connections. For more info, see # # # @example Stop resolving fields after 2 seconds # MySchema.middleware << 2) # # @example Notifying Bugsnag on a timeout # MySchema.middleware << GraphQL::Schema::TimeoutMiddleware(max_seconds: 1.5) do |timeout_error, query| # Bugsnag.notify(timeout_error, {query_string: query_ctx.query.query_string}) # end # class TimeoutMiddleware # This key is used for storing timeout data in the {Query::Context} instance DEFAULT_CONTEXT_KEY = :__timeout_at__ # @param max_seconds [Numeric] how many seconds the query should be allowed to resolve new fields # @param context_key [Symbol] what key should be used to read and write to the query context def initialize(max_seconds:, context_key: DEFAULT_CONTEXT_KEY, &block) @max_seconds = max_seconds @context_key = context_key @error_handler = block end def call(parent_type, parent_object, field_definition, field_args, query_context, next_middleware) timeout_at = query_context[@context_key] ||= + @max_seconds if timeout_at < on_timeout(parent_type, parent_object, field_definition, field_args, query_context) else end end # This is called when a field _would_ be resolved, except that we're over the time limit. # @return [GraphQL::Schema::TimeoutMiddleware::TimeoutError] An error whose message will be added to the `errors` key def on_timeout(parent_type, parent_object, field_definition, field_args, query_context) err =, field_definition) if @error_handler, query_context.query) end err end end # This error is raised when a query exceeds `max_seconds`. # Since it's a child of {GraphQL::ExecutionError}, # its message will be added to the response's `errors` key. # # To raise an error that will stop query resolution, use a custom block # to take this error and raise a new one which _doesn't_ descend from {GraphQL::ExecutionError}, # such as `RuntimeError`. class GraphQL::Schema::TimeoutMiddleware::TimeoutError < GraphQL::ExecutionError def initialize(parent_type, field_defn) super("Timeout on #{}.#{}") end end end end