require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), "spec_helper") describe "Sequel::Plugins::AutoValidations" do before do db = Sequel.mock(:fetch=>proc{|sql| sql =~ /a{51}/ ? {:v=>0} : {:v=>1}}) def db.schema_parse_table(*) true; end def db.schema(t, *) t = t.first_source if t.is_a?(Sequel::Dataset) return [] if t != :test [[:id, {:primary_key=>true, :type=>:integer, :allow_null=>false}], [:name, {:primary_key=>false, :type=>:string, :allow_null=>false, :max_length=>50}], [:num, {:primary_key=>false, :type=>:integer, :allow_null=>true}], [:d, {:primary_key=>false, :type=>:date, :allow_null=>false}], [:nnd, {:primary_key=>false, :type=>:string, :allow_null=>false, :default=>'nnd'}]] end def db.supports_index_parsing?() true end def db.indexes(t, *) raise if t.is_a?(Sequel::Dataset) return [] if t != :test {:a=>{:columns=>[:name, :num], :unique=>true}, :b=>{:columns=>[:num], :unique=>false}} end @c =[:test])) @c.send(:def_column_accessor, :id, :name, :num, :d, :nnd) @c.raise_on_typecast_failure = false @c.plugin :auto_validations @m = db.sqls end it "should have automatically created validations" do @m.valid?.should == false @m.errors.should == {:d=>["is not present"], :name=>["is not present"]} = '' @m.valid?.should == false @m.errors.should == {:d=>["is not present"]} @m.set(:d=>'/', :num=>'a', :name=>'1') @m.valid?.should == false @m.errors.should == {:d=>["is not a valid date"], :num=>["is not a valid integer"]} @m.set(:d=>, :num=>1) @m.valid?.should == false @m.errors.should == {[:name, :num]=>["is already taken"]} @m.set(:name=>'a'*51) @m.valid?.should == false @m.errors.should == {:name=>["is longer than 50 characters"]} end it "should handle databases that don't support index parsing" do def (@m.db).supports_index_parsing?() false end @m.model.send(:setup_auto_validations) @m.set(:d=>, :num=>1, :name=>'1') @m.valid?.should == true end it "should handle models that select from subqueries" do @c.set_dataset @c.dataset.from_self proc{@c.send(:setup_auto_validations)}.should_not raise_error end it "should support :not_null=>:presence option" do @c.plugin :auto_validations, :not_null=>:presence @m.set(:d=>, :num=>'') @m.valid?.should == false @m.errors.should == {:name=>["is not present"]} end it "should automatically validate explicit nil values for columns with not nil defaults" do @m.set(:d=>, :name=>1, :nnd=>nil) = nil @m.valid?.should == false @m.errors.should == {:id=>["is not present"], :nnd=>["is not present"]} end it "should allow skipping validations by type" do @c = @m = @c.skip_auto_validations(:not_null) @m.valid?.should == true @m.set(:d=>'/', :num=>'a', :name=>'1') @m.valid?.should == false @m.errors.should == {:d=>["is not a valid date"], :num=>["is not a valid integer"]} @c.skip_auto_validations(:types) @m.valid?.should == false @m.errors.should == {[:name, :num]=>["is already taken"]} @c.skip_auto_validations(:unique) @m.valid?.should == true @m.set(:name=>'a'*51) @m.valid?.should == false @m.errors.should == {:name=>["is longer than 50 characters"]} @c.skip_auto_validations(:max_length) @m.valid?.should == true end it "should allow skipping all auto validations" do @c = @m = @c.skip_auto_validations(:all) @m.valid?.should == true @m.set(:d=>'/', :num=>'a', :name=>'1') @m.valid?.should == true @m.set(:name=>'a'*51) @m.valid?.should == true end it "should work correctly in subclasses" do @c = @m = @m.valid?.should == false @m.errors.should == {:d=>["is not present"], :name=>["is not present"]} @m.set(:d=>'/', :num=>'a', :name=>'1') @m.valid?.should == false @m.errors.should == {:d=>["is not a valid date"], :num=>["is not a valid integer"]} @m.set(:d=>, :num=>1) @m.valid?.should == false @m.errors.should == {[:name, :num]=>["is already taken"]} @m.set(:name=>'a'*51) @m.valid?.should == false @m.errors.should == {:name=>["is longer than 50 characters"]} end it "should work correctly in STI subclasses" do @c.plugin(:single_table_inheritance, :num, :model_map=>{1=>@c}, :key_map=>proc{[1, 2]}) sc = @m = @m.valid?.should == false @m.errors.should == {:d=>["is not present"], :name=>["is not present"]} @m.set(:d=>'/', :num=>'a', :name=>'1') @m.valid?.should == false @m.errors.should == {:d=>["is not a valid date"], :num=>["is not a valid integer"]} @m.db.sqls @m.set(:d=>, :num=>1) @m.valid?.should == false @m.errors.should == {[:name, :num]=>["is already taken"]} @m.db.sqls.should == ["SELECT count(*) AS count FROM test WHERE ((name = '1') AND (num = 1)) LIMIT 1"] @m.set(:name=>'a'*51) @m.valid?.should == false @m.errors.should == {:name=>["is longer than 50 characters"]} end it "should work correctly when changing the dataset" do @c.set_dataset(@c.db[:foo]) == true end end