class NEAT::Expressor
Basis of all expressors. ¶ ↑
Expressor object turn genotypes into phenotypes.
Public Class Methods
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Calls superclass method
# File lib/rubyneat/expressor.rb, line 8 def initialize(c) super end
Public Instance Methods
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Take the genotype of the critter and create a phenotype from the genotype.
In the phenotype, it creates a function called stimulate(), which is called with the input parameters and returns a response in the form of a response hash (which corresponds directly to the output neurons).
This implementation assumes an acyclic graph (feed forward) and cannot handle cycles at all. Later we may fix this or create a type of Expressor that can.
# File lib/rubyneat/expressor.rb, line 23 def express!(critter) critter.ready_for_expression! express_neurons! critter express_genes! critter express_expression! critter end
Protected Instance Methods
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# File lib/rubyneat/expressor.rb, line 106 def express_expression!(critter)! end
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Expression of the Genotype as a Phenotype.¶ ↑
What this really does is create the function that calls all the functions. This makes use of the Graph plugin for Neurons.
Recurrency and Expression of Genes¶ ↑
A simple approach has been taken here to allow for recurrency in our Critters. Basically, a looping construct has been put around the activation of the neurons so that recurrency can be done in 2 ways: 1) Via yielding, thus treating the stimulus function as a enumerable. In this approach, one would call the Critter's phenotype with a block of code that would accept the output of the net. It would return 'true' to continue the iteration, or 'false' to end the iteration. 2) Via multiple calls to the Pheontype instance: Since the value of the prior activation is preserved in the instance variables of the phenotype, subsequent activations will iterate the network.
Cavets to recurrent activation¶ ↑
For (2) above, the input neurons would be overwritten on each subsequent call. Since we do not allow recurrent connections to input neurons anyway, this should not be an issue, though we may allow for this at a future date.
# File lib/rubyneat/expressor.rb, line 58 def express_genes!(critter) g = critter.genotype p = critter.phenotype init_code = "\n def initialize_neurons\n" # 'stimulate' function call (really should be 'activate', but we'll reserve this for something else) p.code += " def #{NEAT::STIMULUS}(" p.code += g.neural_inputs.reject{ |sym| g.neural_inputs[sym].bias? }.map{|sym, neu| sym}.join(", ") p.code += ")\n" # Assign all the parameters to instance variables. p.code +={|sym, neu| " @#{sym} = #{sym}\n"}.join("") p.code += " loop {\n" # Resolve the order in which we shall call the neurons # TODO handle the dependency list if it comes back! @resolved, @dependencies = NEAT::Graph::DependencyResolver[{|s, neu| neu}].resolve # And now call them in that order! @resolved.each do |neu| unless neu.input? init_code += " @#{} = 0\n" if g.neural_gene_map.member? p.code += " @#{} = #{}(" p.code += g.neural_gene_map[].map{ |gene| "%s * @%s" % [gene.weight, gene.in_neuron] }.join(", ") + ")\n" else g.dangling_neurons = true log.debug "Dangling neuron in critter #{critter} -- #{neu}" end end end init_code += " end\n" # And now return the result as a vector of outputs. p.code += " @_outvec = [" +{|sym, neu| "@#{sym}"}.join(',') + "]\n" p.code += " break unless block_given?\n" p.code += " break unless yield @_outvec\n" p.code += " }\n" p.code += " @_outvec\n" p.code += " end\n" p.code += init_code log.debug p.code! end
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Express Neurons as methods
# File lib/rubyneat/expressor.rb, line 32 def express_neurons!(critter) critter.genotype.neurons.each do |name, neuron| unless neuron.input? and not neuron.bias? end end