module Debugger module InfoFunctions # :nodoc: def info_catch(*args) unless @state.context print "No frame selected.\n" return end if Debugger.catchpoints and not Debugger.catchpoints.empty? # FIXME: show whether Exception is valid or not # print "Exception: is_a?(Class)\n" Debugger.catchpoints.each do |exception, hits| # print "#{exception}: #{exception.is_a?(Class)}\n" print "#{exception}\n" end else print "No exceptions set to be caught.\n" end end end # Implements debugger "info" command. class InfoCommand < Command self.allow_in_control = true Subcommands = [ ['args', 1, 'Argument variables of current stack frame'], ['breakpoints', 1, 'Status of user-settable breakpoints', 'Without argument, list info about all breakpoints. With an integer argument, list info on that breakpoint.'], ['catch', 3, 'Exceptions that can be caught in the current stack frame'], ['display', 2, 'Expressions to display when program stops'], ['file', 4, 'Info about a particular file read in', ' After the file name is supplied, you can list file attributes that you wish to see. Attributes include: "all", "basic", "breakpoint", "lines", "mtime", "path" and "sha1".'], ['files', 5, 'File names and timestamps of files read in'], ['global_variables', 2, 'Global variables'], ['instance_variables', 2, 'Instance variables of the current stack frame'], ['line', 2, 'Line number and file name of current position in source file'], ['locals', 2, 'Local variables of the current stack frame'], ['program', 2, 'Execution status of the program'], ['stack', 2, 'Backtrace of the stack'], ['thread', 6, 'List info about thread NUM', ' If no thread number is given, we list info for all threads. \'terse\' and \'verbose\' options are possible. If terse, just give summary thread name information. See "help info threads" for more detail about this summary information. If \'verbose\' appended to the end of the command, then the entire stack trace is given for each thread.'], ['threads', 7, 'information of currently-known threads', ' This information includes whether the thread is current (+), if it is suspended ($), or ignored (!). The thread number and the top stack item. If \'verbose\' is given then the entire stack frame is shown.'], ['variables', 1, 'Local and instance variables of the current stack frame'] ].map do |name, min, short_help, long_help|, min, short_help, long_help) end unless defined?(Subcommands) InfoFileSubcommands = [ ['all', 1, 'All file information available - breakpoints, lines, mtime, path, and sha1'], ['basic', 2, 'basic information - path, number of lines'], ['breakpoints', 2, 'Show trace line numbers', 'These are the line number where a breakpoint can be set.'], ['lines', 1, 'Show number of lines in the file'], ['mtime', 1, 'Show modification time of file'], ['path', 4, 'Show full file path name for file'], ['sha1', 1, 'Show SHA1 hash of contents of the file'] ].map do |name, min, short_help, long_help|, min, short_help, long_help) end unless defined?(InfoFileSubcommands) InfoThreadSubcommands = [ ['terse', 1, 'summary information'], ['verbose', 1, 'summary information and stack frame info'], ].map do |name, min, short_help, long_help|, min, short_help, long_help) end unless defined?(InfoThreadSubcommands) def regexp /^\s* i(?:nfo)? (?:\s+(.*))?$/ix end def execute if !@match[1] || @match[1].empty? errmsg "\"info\" must be followed by the name of an info command:\n" print "List of info subcommands:\n\n" for subcmd in Subcommands do print "info #{} -- #{subcmd.short_help}\n" end else args = @match[1].split(/[ \t]+/) param = args.shift subcmd = find(Subcommands, param) if subcmd send("info_#{}", *args) else errmsg "Unknown info command #{param}\n" end end end def info_args(*args) unless @state.context print "No frame selected.\n" return end locals = @state.context.frame_locals(@state.frame_pos) args = @state.context.frame_args(@state.frame_pos) args.each do |name| s = "#{name} = #{locals[name].inspect}" if s.size > self.class.settings[:width] s[self.class.settings[:width]-3 .. -1] = "..." end print "#{s}\n" end end def info_breakpoints(*args) unless @state.context print "info breakpoints not available here.\n" return end unless Debugger.breakpoints.empty? brkpts = Debugger.breakpoints.sort_by{|b|} unless args.empty? a ={|a| a.to_i} brkpts ={|b| a.member?(} if brkpts.empty? errmsg "No breakpoints found among list given.\n" return end end print "Num Enb What\n" brkpts.each do |b| fname = Command.settings[:basename] ? File.basename(b.source) : b.source if b.expr.nil? print "%3d %s at %s:%s\n",, (b.enabled? ? 'y' : 'n'), fname, b.pos else print "%3d %s at %s:%s if %s\n",, (b.enabled? ? 'y' : 'n'), fname, b.pos, b.expr end hits = b.hit_count if hits > 0 s = (hits > 1) ? 's' : '' print "\tbreakpoint already hit #{hits} time#{s}\n" end end else print "No breakpoints.\n" end end def info_display(*args) unless @state.context print "info display not available here.\n" return end if @state.display.find{|d| d[0]} print "Auto-display expressions now in effect:\n" print "Num Enb Expression\n" n = 1 for d in @state.display print "%3d: %s %s\n", n, (d[0] ? 'y' : 'n'), d[1] if d[0] != nil n += 1 end else print "There are no auto-display expressions now.\n" end end def info_file(*args) unless args[0] info_files return end file = args[0] param = args[1] param = 'basic' unless param subcmd = find(InfoFileSubcommands, param) unless subcmd errmsg "Invalid parameter #{param}\n" return end unless LineCache::cached?(file) unless LineCache::cached_script?(file) print "File #{file} is not cached\n" return end LineCache::cache(file, Command.settings[:reload_source_on_change]) end print "File %s", file path = LineCache.path(file) if %w(all basic path).member?( and path != file print " - %s\n", path else print "\n" end if %w(all basic lines).member?( lines = LineCache.size(file) print "\t %d lines\n", lines if lines end if %w(all breakpoints).member?( breakpoints = LineCache.trace_line_numbers(file) if breakpoints print "\tbreakpoint line numbers:\n" print columnize(breakpoints.to_a.sort, self.class.settings[:width]) end end if %w(all mtime).member?( stat = LineCache.stat(file) print "\t%s\n", stat.mtime if stat end if %w(all sha1).member?( print "\t%s\n", LineCache.sha1(file) end end def info_files(*args) files = LineCache::cached_files files += SCRIPT_LINES__.keys unless 'stat' == args[0] files.uniq.sort.each do |file| stat = LineCache::stat(file) path = LineCache::path(file) print "File %s", file if path and path != file print " - %s\n", path else print "\n" end print "\t%s\n", stat.mtime if stat end end def info_instance_variables(*args) unless @state.context print "info instance_variables not available here.\n" return end obj = debug_eval('self') var_list(obj.instance_variables) end def info_line(*args) unless @state.context errmsg "info line not available here.\n" return end print "Line %d of \"%s\"\n", @state.line, @state.file end def info_locals(*args) unless @state.context errmsg "info line not available here.\n" return end locals = @state.context.frame_locals(@state.frame_pos) locals.keys.sort.each do |name| ### FIXME: make a common routine begin s = "#{name} = #{locals[name].inspect}" rescue begin s = "#{name} = #{locals[name].to_s}" rescue s = "*Error in evaluation*" end end if s.size > self.class.settings[:width] s[self.class.settings[:width]-3 .. -1] = "..." end print "#{s}\n" end end def info_program(*args) if not @state.context print "The program being debugged is not being run.\n" return elsif @state.context.dead? print "The program crashed.\n" if Debugger.last_exception print("Exception: #{Debugger.last_exception.inspect}\n") end return end print "Program stopped. " event_arg = @state.processor.event_arg case @state.context.stop_reason when :step print "It stopped after stepping, next'ing or initial start.\n" when :breakpoint print("It stopped at breakpoint %d.\n", Debugger.breakpoints.index(event_arg) + 1) when :catchpoint print("It stopped at catchpoint `%s' (%s) .\n", event_arg, event_arg.class) else print "unknown reason: %s\n" % @state.context.stop_reason.to_s end end def info_stack(*args) if not @state.context errmsg "info stack not available here.\n" return end (0...@state.context.stack_size).each do |idx| if idx == @state.frame_pos print "--> " else print " " end print_frame(idx) end end def info_thread_preamble(arg) if not @state.context errmsg "info threads not available here.\n" return false, false end verbose = if arg subcmd = find(InfoThreadSubcommands, arg) unless subcmd errmsg "'terse' or 'verbose' expected. Got '#{arg}'\n" return false, false end 'verbose' == else false end return true, verbose end private :info_thread_preamble def info_threads(*args) ok, verbose = info_thread_preamble(args[0]) return unless ok threads = Debugger.contexts.sort_by{|c| c.thnum}.each do |c| display_context(c, !verbose) if verbose and not c.ignored? (0...c.stack_size).each do |idx| print "\t" print_frame(idx, false, c) end end end end def info_thread(*args) unless args[0] info_threads(args[0]) return end ok, verbose = info_thread_preamble(args[1]) return unless ok c = parse_thread_num("info thread" , args[0]) return unless c display_context(c, !verbose) if verbose and not c.ignored? (0...c.stack_size).each do |idx| print "\t" print_frame(idx, false, c) end end end def info_global_variables(*args) unless @state.context errmsg "info global_variables not available here.\n" return end var_list(global_variables) end def info_variables(*args) if not @state.context errmsg "info variables not available here.\n" return end obj = debug_eval('self') locals = @state.context.frame_locals(@state.frame_pos) locals['self'] = @state.context.frame_self(@state.frame_pos) locals.keys.sort.each do |name| next if name =~ /^__dbg_/ # skip debugger pollution ### FIXME: make a common routine begin s = "#{name} = #{locals[name].inspect}" rescue begin s = "#{name} = #{locals[name].to_s}" rescue s = "#{name} = *Error in evaluation*" end end if s.size > self.class.settings[:width] s[self.class.settings[:width]-3 .. -1] = "..." end s.gsub!('%', '%%') # protect against printf format strings print "#{s}\n" end var_list(obj.instance_variables, obj.instance_eval{binding()}) var_class_self end class << self def help_command 'info' end def help(args) if args[1] s = args[1] subcmd = Subcommands.find do |try_subcmd| (s.size >= try_subcmd.min) and ([0..s.size-1] == s) end if subcmd str = subcmd.short_help + '.' if 'file' == and args[2] s = args[2] subsubcmd = InfoFileSubcommands.find do |try_subcmd| (s.size >= try_subcmd.min) and ([0..s.size-1] == s) end if subsubcmd str += "\n" + subsubcmd.short_help + '.' else str += "\nInvalid file attribute #{args[2]}." end else str += "\n" + subcmd.long_help if subcmd.long_help end return str else return "Invalid 'info' subcommand '#{args[1]}'." end end s = %{ Generic command for showing things about the program being debugged. -- List of info subcommands: -- } for subcmd in Subcommands do s += "info #{} -- #{subcmd.short_help}\n" end return s end end end end