# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' VCR.eject_cassette # we use insert/eject around each example XML_VERSION_1_0 = /xml\sversion=["']1.0["']/ PREP_XML = 'Preparations.xml' shared_examples_for 'any downloader' do # this takes 5 sec. by call for sleep it 'should count retry times as retrievable or not', :slow => true do expect { Array.new(3).map do Thread.new do @downloader.send(:retrievable?).should be(true) end end.map(&:join) }.to change { @downloader.instance_variable_get(:@retry_times) }.from(3).to(0) end if false # as vcr does not support threads for the moment end def common_before @savedDir = Dir.pwd cleanup_directories_before_run Dir.chdir(Oddb2xml::WorkDir) end def common_after Dir.chdir(@savedDir) if @savedDir and File.directory?(@savedDir) VCR.eject_cassette end # Zips input_filenames (using the basename) def zip_files(zipfile_name, input_filenames) FileUtils.rm_f(zipfile_name) Zip::File.open(zipfile_name, Zip::File::CREATE) do |zipfile| input_filenames.each do |filename| puts "Add #{filename} #{File.size(filename)} bytes as #{File.basename(filename)} #{Dir.pwd}" if $VERBOSE zipfile.add(File.basename(filename), filename) end end end # Unzips into a specific directory def unzip_files(zipfile_name, directory) savedDir = Dir.pwd FileUtils.makedirs(directory) Dir.chdir(directory) Zip::File.open(zipfile_name) do |zip_file| # Handle entries one by one zip_file.each do |entry| # Extract to file/directory/symlink puts "Extracting #{entry.name} into #{directory}" entry.extract(entry.name) end end ensure Dir.chdir(savedDir) end describe Oddb2xml::RefdataDownloader do include ServerMockHelper before(:all) do VCR.eject_cassette VCR.configure do |c| c.before_record(:Refdata_DE) do |i| if not /WSDL$/.match(i.request.uri) and /refdatabase.refdata.ch\/Service/.match(i.request.uri) and i.response.body.size > 1024*1024 puts "#{Time.now}: #{__LINE__}: Parsing response.body (#{i.response.body.size} bytes) will take some time. URI was #{i.request.uri}" doc = REXML::Document.new(i.response.body) items = doc.root.children.first.elements.first nrItems = doc.root.children.first.elements.first.elements.size puts "#{Time.now}: #{__LINE__}: Removing most of the #{nrItems} items will take some time" nrSearched = 0 items.elements.each{ |x| nrSearched += 1 puts "#{Time.now}: #{__LINE__}: nrSearched #{nrSearched}/#{nrItems}" if nrSearched % 1000 == 0 items.delete x unless x.elements['GTIN'] and Oddb2xml::GTINS_DRUGS.index(x.elements['GTIN'].text) } i.response.body = doc.to_s puts "#{Time.now}: response.body is now #{i.response.body.size} bytes long" i.response.headers['Content-Length'] = i.response.body.size end end end VCR.insert_cassette('oddb2xml', :tag => :Refdata_DE) common_before end after(:all) do common_after end context 'Pharma' do before(:all) do @downloader = Oddb2xml::RefdataDownloader.new({}, :pharma) @xml = @downloader.download end it_behaves_like 'any downloader' context 'when download_by is called' do it 'should parse response hash to xml' do @xml.should be_a String @xml.length.should_not == 0 @xml.should =~ XML_VERSION_1_0 end it 'should return valid xml' do @xml.should =~ /PHAR/ @xml.should =~ /ITEM/ end end end context 'NonPharma' do it_behaves_like 'any downloader' before(:all) do @downloader = Oddb2xml::RefdataDownloader.new({}, :nonpharma) @xml = @downloader.download end context 'when download_by is ' do it 'should parse response hash to xml' do @xml.should be_a String @xml.length.should_not == 0 @xml.should =~ XML_VERSION_1_0 end it 'should return valid xml' do @xml.should =~ /NONPHAR/ @xml.should =~ /ITEM/ end end end end if true describe Oddb2xml::SwissmedicDownloader do include ServerMockHelper before(:all) do VCR.eject_cassette end before(:each) do VCR.configure do |c| c.before_record(:swissmedic) do |i| if i.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] and /www.swissmedic.ch/.match(i.request.uri) puts "#{Time.now}: URI was #{i.request.uri}" m = /filename=.([^\d]+)/.match(i.response.headers['Content-Disposition'][0]) puts "#{Time.now}: SwissmedicDownloader #{m[1]} (#{i.response.body.size} bytes)." # binding.pry if m and true name = m[1].chomp('_') swissmedic_dir = File.join(Oddb2xml::WorkDir, 'swissmedic') FileUtils.makedirs(swissmedic_dir) xlsx_name = File.join(swissmedic_dir, name + '.xlsx') if /Packungen/i.match(xlsx_name) File.open(xlsx_name, 'wb+') { |f| f.write(i.response.body) } puts "#{Time.now}: Openening saved #{xlsx_name} (#{File.size(xlsx_name)} bytes) will take some time. URI was #{i.request.uri}" workbook = RubyXL::Parser.parse(xlsx_name) worksheet = workbook[0] drugs = [] Oddb2xml::GTINS_DRUGS.each{ |x| next unless x.to_s.size == 13; drugs << [x.to_s[4..8].to_i, x.to_s[9..11].to_i] }; idx = 6; to_delete = [] puts "#{Time.now}: Finding items to delete will take some time" while (worksheet.sheet_data[idx]) idx += 1 next unless worksheet.sheet_data[idx-1][0] to_delete << (idx-1) unless drugs.find{ |x| x[0]== worksheet.sheet_data[idx-1][0].value.to_i and x[1]== worksheet.sheet_data[idx-1][10].value.to_i } end if to_delete.size > 0 puts "#{Time.now}: Deleting #{to_delete.size} of the #{idx} items will take some time" to_delete.reverse.each{ |row_id| worksheet.delete_row(row_id) } workbook.write(xlsx_name) i.response.body = IO.binread(xlsx_name) i.response.headers['Content-Length'] = i.response.body.size puts "#{Time.now}: response.body is now #{i.response.body.size} bytes long. #{xlsx_name} was #{File.size(xlsx_name)}" end end end end end end end # 2015-06-10 18:54:40 UTC: SwissmedicDownloader attachment; filename="Zugelassene_Packungen_310515.xlsx" (785630 bytes). URI was https://www.swissmedic.ch/arzneimittel/00156/00221/00222/00230/index.html?download=NHzLpZeg7t,lnp6I0NTU042l2Z6ln1acy4Zn4Z2qZpnO2Yuq2Z6gpJCDdHx7hGym162epYbg2c_JjKbNoKSn6A--&lang=de context 'orphan' do before(:each) do VCR.insert_cassette('oddb2xml', :tag => :swissmedic, :exclusive => false) common_before @downloader = Oddb2xml::SwissmedicDownloader.new(:orphan) end after(:each) do common_after end it_behaves_like 'any downloader' context 'download_by for orphan xls' do let(:bin) { @downloader.download } it 'should return valid Binary-String' do # unless [:orphan, :package].index(@downloader.type) bin.should be_a String bin.bytes.should_not nil # end end it 'should clean up current directory' do unless [:orphan, :package].index(@downloader.type) expect { bin }.not_to raise_error File.exist?('oddb_orphan.xls').should eq(false) end end end end context 'fridge' do before(:each) do VCR.insert_cassette('oddb2xml', :tag => :swissmedic, :exclusive => false) common_before @downloader = Oddb2xml::SwissmedicDownloader.new(:fridge) end after(:each) do common_after end context 'download_by for fridge xls' do let(:bin) { @downloader.download } it 'should return valid Binary-String' do bin.should be_a String bin.bytes.should_not nil end end end context 'package' do before(:each) do VCR.insert_cassette('oddb2xml', :tag => :swissmedic, :exclusive => false) # VCR.insert_cassette('oddb2xml', :tag => :swissmedic, :record => :all) common_before @downloader = Oddb2xml::SwissmedicDownloader.new(:package) end after(:each) do common_after end context 'download_by for package xls' do let(:bin) { @downloader.download } it 'should return valid Binary-String' do bin.should be_a String bin.bytes.should_not nil end end end end describe Oddb2xml::EphaDownloader do include ServerMockHelper before(:all) do VCR.eject_cassette end before(:each) do VCR.configure do |c| c.before_record(:epha) do |i| if /epha/.match(i.request.uri) puts "#{Time.now}: #{__LINE__}: URI was #{i.request.uri}" lines = i.response.body.split("\n") to_add = lines[0..5] iksnrs = []; Oddb2xml::GTINS_DRUGS.each{ |x| iksnrs << x[4..9] } iksnrs.each{ |iksnr| to_add << lines.find{ |x| x.index(','+iksnr.to_s+',') } } i.response.body = to_add.compact.join("\n") i.response.body = i.response.body.split("\n")[0..5].join("\n") i.response.headers['Content-Length'] = i.response.body.size end end end VCR.insert_cassette('oddb2xml', :tag => :epha) @downloader = Oddb2xml::EphaDownloader.new common_before end after(:each) do common_after end it_behaves_like 'any downloader' context 'when download is called' do let(:csv) { Oddb2xml.add_epha_changes_for_ATC(1, 3) @downloader.download } it 'should read csv as String' do csv.should be_a String csv.bytes.should_not nil end it 'should clean up current directory' do expect { csv }.not_to raise_error # File.exist?('epha_interactions.csv').should eq(false) end end end describe Oddb2xml::BMUpdateDownloader do include ServerMockHelper before(:all) do VCR.eject_cassette end before(:each) do @downloader = Oddb2xml::BMUpdateDownloader.new VCR.insert_cassette('oddb2xml', :tag => :BMUpdate) common_before end after(:each) do common_after end it_behaves_like 'any downloader' context 'when download is called' do let(:txt) { @downloader.download } it 'should read txt as String' do txt.should be_a String txt.bytes.should_not nil end it 'should clean up current directory' do expect { txt }.not_to raise_error # File.exist?('oddb2xml_files_bm_update.txt').should eq(false) end end end describe Oddb2xml::BagXmlDownloader do include ServerMockHelper before(:all) do VCR.eject_cassette end before(:all) { VCR.configure do |c| c.before_record(:bag_xml) do |i| if i.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] and /XMLPublications.zip/.match(i.request.uri) bag_dir = File.join(Oddb2xml::WorkDir, 'bag') FileUtils.makedirs(Oddb2xml::WorkDir) tmp_zip = File.join(Oddb2xml::WorkDir, 'XMLPublications.zip') File.open(tmp_zip, 'wb+') { |f| f.write(i.response.body) } unzip_files(tmp_zip, bag_dir) bag_tmp = File.join(bag_dir, PREP_XML) puts "#{Time.now}: #{__LINE__}: Parsing #{File.size(bag_tmp)} (#{File.size(bag_tmp)} bytes) will take some time. URI was #{i.request.uri}" doc = REXML::Document.new(File.read(bag_tmp)) items = doc.root.elements puts "#{Time.now}: Removing most of the #{items.size} items will take some time" items.each{ |x| items.delete x unless Oddb2xml::GTINS_DRUGS.index(x.elements['Packs/Pack/GTIN'].text); } File.open(bag_tmp, 'wb+') { |f| f.write(doc.to_s.gsub(/\n\s+\n/, "\n")) } puts "Saved #{bag_tmp} (#{File.size(tmp_zip)} bytes)" zip_files(tmp_zip, Dir.glob("#{bag_dir}/*")) puts "Saved #{tmp_zip} (#{File.size(tmp_zip)} bytes)" i.response.body = IO.binread(tmp_zip) i.response.headers['Content-Length'] = i.response.body.size puts "#{Time.now}: response.body is now #{i.response.body.size} bytes long. #{tmp_zip} was #{File.size(tmp_zip)}" end end end VCR.eject_cassette VCR.use_cassette('oddb2xml', :tag => :bag_xml) do @downloader = Oddb2xml::BagXmlDownloader.new end common_before } after(:each) do common_after end it_behaves_like 'any downloader' context 'when download is called' do let(:xml) { VCR.use_cassette('oddb2xml', :tag => :bag_xml) do @downloader.download end } it 'should parse zip to string' do xml.should be_a String xml.length.should_not == 0 end it 'should return valid xml' do xml.should =~ XML_VERSION_1_0 xml.should =~ /Preparations/ xml.should =~ /DescriptionDe/ end end end describe Oddb2xml::LppvDownloader do include ServerMockHelper before(:all) do VCR.eject_cassette end before(:all) do VCR.insert_cassette('oddb2xml', :tag => :lppv) common_before @downloader = Oddb2xml::LppvDownloader.new @text = @downloader.download end after(:each) do common_after end it_behaves_like 'any downloader' context 'when download is called' do let(:txt) { @downloader.download } it 'should read txt as String' do @text.should be_a String @text.bytes.should_not nil end end end describe Oddb2xml::MigelDownloader do include ServerMockHelper before(:all) do VCR.eject_cassette end before(:each) do @downloader = Oddb2xml::MigelDownloader.new VCR.insert_cassette('oddb2xml', :tag => :migel) common_before end after(:each) do common_after end it_behaves_like 'any downloader' context 'when download is called' do let(:bin) { @downloader.download } it 'should read xls as Binary-String' do bin.should be_a String bin.bytes.should_not nil end it 'should clean up current directory' do expect { bin }.not_to raise_error File.exist?('oddb2xml_files_nonpharma.txt').should eq(false) end end end describe Oddb2xml::ZurroseDownloader do include ServerMockHelper before(:all) do VCR.eject_cassette end before(:each) do VCR.configure do |c| c.before_record(:zurrose) do |i| if /zurrose/i.match(i.request.uri) puts "#{Time.now}: #{__LINE__}: URI was #{i.request.uri}" lines = i.response.body.clone.split("\n") to_add = lines[0..5] Oddb2xml::GTINS_DRUGS.each{ |ean| to_add << lines.find{ |x| x.index(ean.to_s) } } i.response.body = to_add.compact.join("\n") i.response.headers['Content-Length'] = i.response.body.size end end end VCR.insert_cassette('oddb2xml', :tag => :zurrose) @downloader = Oddb2xml::ZurroseDownloader.new common_before end after(:each) do common_after end it_behaves_like 'any downloader' context 'when download is called' do let(:dat) { @downloader.download } it 'should read dat as String' do dat.should be_a String dat.bytes.should_not nil end it 'should clean up current directory' do expect { dat }.not_to raise_error File.exist?('oddb2xml_zurrose_transfer.dat').should eq(false) end end end describe Oddb2xml::MedregbmDownloader do include ServerMockHelper before(:all) do VCR.eject_cassette end before(:each) do VCR.configure do |c| c.before_record(:medreg) do |i| if /medregbm.admin.ch/i.match(i.request.uri) puts "#{Time.now}: #{__LINE__}: URI was #{i.request.uri} containing #{i.response.body.size} bytes" medreg_dir = File.join(Oddb2xml::WorkDir, 'medreg') FileUtils.makedirs(medreg_dir) xlsx_name = File.join(medreg_dir, /ListBetrieb/.match(i.request.uri) ? 'Betriebe.xlsx' : 'Personen.xlsx') File.open(xlsx_name, 'wb+') { |f| f.write(i.response.body) } puts "#{Time.now}: Openening saved #{xlsx_name} (#{File.size(xlsx_name)} bytes) will take some time. URI was #{i.request.uri}" workbook = RubyXL::Parser.parse(xlsx_name) worksheet = workbook[0] idx = 1; to_delete = [] while (worksheet.sheet_data[idx]) idx += 1 next unless worksheet.sheet_data[idx-1][0] to_delete << (idx-1) unless Oddb2xml::GTINS_MEDREG.index(worksheet.sheet_data[idx-1][0].value.to_i) end if to_delete.size > 0 puts "#{Time.now}: Deleting #{to_delete.size} of the #{idx} items will take some time" to_delete.reverse.each{ |row_id| worksheet.delete_row(row_id) } workbook.write(xlsx_name) i.response.body = IO.binread(xlsx_name) i.response.headers['Content-Length'] = i.response.body.size puts "#{Time.now}: response.body is now #{i.response.body.size} bytes long. #{xlsx_name} was #{File.size(xlsx_name)}" end end end end common_before end after(:each) do common_after end context 'betrieb' do before(:each) do VCR.eject_cassette VCR.insert_cassette('oddb2xml', :tag => :medreg) @downloader = Oddb2xml::MedregbmDownloader.new(:company) end after(:each) do common_after end it_behaves_like 'any downloader' context 'download betrieb txt' do let(:txt) { @downloader.download } it 'should return valid String' do txt.should be_a String txt.bytes.should_not nil end it 'should clean up current directory' do expect { txt }.not_to raise_error File.exist?('oddb_company.xls').should eq(false) end end end context 'person' do before(:each) do VCR.eject_cassette VCR.insert_cassette('oddb2xml', :tag => :medreg) @downloader = Oddb2xml::MedregbmDownloader.new(:person) end after(:each) do common_after end context 'download person txt' do let(:txt) { # this downloads a xlsx file (2.5MB), where we should keep only the first few lines @downloader.download } it 'should return valid String' do txt.should be_a String txt.bytes.should_not nil end it 'should clean up current directory' do expect { txt }.not_to raise_error File.exist?('oddb_person.xls').should eq(false) end end end end describe Oddb2xml::SwissmedicInfoDownloader do include ServerMockHelper before(:all) do VCR.eject_cassette end before(:each) do VCR.configure do |c| c.before_record(:swissmedicInfo) do |i| puts "#{Time.now}: #{__LINE__}: URI was #{i.request.uri} returning #{i.response.body.size} bytes" if i.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] m = /filename=([^\d]+)/.match(i.response.headers['Content-Disposition'][0]) if m name = m[1].chomp('_') if /AipsDownload/i.match(name) swissmedic_dir = File.join(Oddb2xml::WorkDir, 'swissmedicInfo') # as reading the unzipped xml takes over 15 minutes using rexml, # we read the xml from the spec/data spec_xml = Dir.glob("#{Oddb2xml::SpecData}/AipsDownload.xml")[0] tmp_zip = File.join(Oddb2xml::WorkDir, 'AipsDownload.zip') File.open(tmp_zip, 'wb+') { |f| f.write(i.response.body) } unzip_files(tmp_zip, swissmedic_dir) FileUtils.cp(spec_xml, Dir.glob("#{swissmedic_dir}/*.xml")[0], :verbose => true) zip_files(tmp_zip, Dir.glob("#{swissmedic_dir}/*.x??")) i.response.body = IO.binread(tmp_zip) i.response.headers['Content-Length'] = i.response.body.size puts "#{Time.now}: #{__LINE__}: response.body is now #{i.response.body.size} bytes long. #{tmp_zip} was #{File.size(tmp_zip)}" end end end end end VCR.eject_cassette VCR.insert_cassette('oddb2xml', :tag => :swissmedicInfo) common_before @downloader = Oddb2xml::SwissmedicInfoDownloader.new end after(:each) do common_after end it_behaves_like 'any downloader' context 'when download is called' do let(:xml) { @downloader.download } it 'should parse zip to String' do xml.should be_a String xml.length.should_not == 0 end it 'should return valid xml' do xml.should =~ XML_VERSION_1_0 xml.should =~ /medicalInformations/ xml.should =~ /content/ end it 'should clean up current directory' do expect { xml }.not_to raise_error File.exist?('swissmedic_info.zip').should eq(false) end end end end