Class Net::HTTPGenericRequest
In: lib/s33r/s33r_http.rb
Parent: Object

Modification of Net::HTTP base class to enable larger chunk sizes to be used when streaming data from large files.

N.B. does not alter the behaviour of this class unless you set chunk_size using the accessor.



chunk_size  [RW]  Size of chunks (in bytes) to send when streaming body data.

Public Instance methods

Dump initial line and raw request headers (useful for visual debugging).

Switch on request debugging by passing :dump_requests => true to S33r::Client constructor.


    # File lib/s33r/s33r_http.rb, line 40
40:   def to_s
41:     str = "*******\n" +
42:     "#{self.class::METHOD} #{@path} HTTP/1.1\n" +
43:     "Host: #{S33r::HOST}\n"
45:     self.each_capitalized do |key, value|
46:       str += "#{key}: #{value}\n"
47:     end
48:     str += "*******\n\n"
49:     str
50:   end

Private Instance methods

Minor alterations to original source to enable variable chunk sizes.


    # File lib/s33r/s33r_http.rb, line 54
54:   def send_request_with_body_stream(sock, ver, path, f) # :doc:
55:     raise ArgumentError, "Content-Length not given and Transfer-Encoding is not `chunked'" unless content_length() or chunked?
56:     unless content_type()
57:       warn 'net/http: warning: Content-Type did not set; using application/x-www-form-urlencoded' if $VERBOSE
58:       set_content_type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
59:     end
60:     @chunk_size ||= 1024
61:     write_header sock, ver, path
62:     if chunked?
63:       while s =
64:         sock.write(sprintf("%x\r\n", s.length) << s << "\r\n")
65:       end
66:       sock.write "0\r\n\r\n"
67:     else
68:       while s =
69:         sock.write s
70:       end
71:     end
72:   end
