// Bootstrap Editable //= require bootstrap-wysihtml5 //= require bootstrap-editable //= require bootstrap-editable-rails //= require_tree ./hicube/public // Copied this from https://github.com/vitalets/x-editable/blob/master/src/inputs-ext/wysihtml5/wysihtml5.js (function ($) { "use strict"; var Wysihtml5 = function (options) { this.init('wysihtml5', options, Wysihtml5.defaults); //extend wysihtml5 manually as $.extend not recursive this.options.wysihtml5 = $.extend({}, Wysihtml5.defaults.wysihtml5, options.wysihtml5); }; $.fn.editableutils.inherit(Wysihtml5, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput); $.extend(Wysihtml5.prototype, { render: function () { var deferred = $.Deferred(), msieOld; //generate unique id as it required for wysihtml5 this.$input.attr('id', 'textarea_'+(new Date()).getTime()); this.setClass(); this.setAttr('placeholder'); //resolve deffered when widget loaded $.extend(this.options.wysihtml5, { events: { load: function() { deferred.resolve(); } } }); this.$input.wysihtml5(this.options.wysihtml5); /* In IE8 wysihtml5 iframe stays on the same line with buttons toolbar (inside popover). The only solution I found is to add
. If you fine better way, please send PR. */ msieOld = /msie\s*(8|7|6)/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); if(msieOld) { this.$input.before('

'); } return deferred.promise(); }, value2html: function(value, element) { $(element).html(value); }, html2value: function(html) { return html; }, value2input: function(value) { this.$input.data("wysihtml5").editor.setValue(value, true); }, activate: function() { this.$input.data("wysihtml5").editor.focus(); }, isEmpty: function($element) { if($.trim($element.html()) === '') { return true; } else if($.trim($element.text()) !== '') { return false; } else { //e.g. '', '
', '

' return !$element.height() || !$element.width(); } } }); Wysihtml5.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput.defaults, { /** @property tpl @default **/ tpl:'', /** @property inputclass @default editable-wysihtml5 **/ inputclass: 'editable-wysihtml5', /** Placeholder attribute of input. Shown when input is empty. @property placeholder @type string @default null **/ placeholder: null, /** Wysihtml5 default options. See https://github.com/jhollingworth/bootstrap-wysihtml5#options @property wysihtml5 @type object @default {stylesheets: false} **/ wysihtml5: { stylesheets: false, //see https://github.com/jhollingworth/bootstrap-wysihtml5/issues/183 toolbar: { "font-styles": true, //Font styling, e.g. h1, h2, etc. Default true "emphasis": true, //Italics, bold, etc. Default true "lists": true, //(Un)ordered lists, e.g. Bullets, Numbers. Default true "html": true, //Button which allows you to edit the generated HTML. Default false "link": false, //Button to insert a link. Default true "image": false, //Button to insert an image. Default true, "color": true, //Button to change color of font "blockquote": false, //Blockquote "size": "sm" //default: none, other options are xs, sm, lg } } }); $.fn.editabletypes.wysihtml5 = Wysihtml5; }(window.jQuery));