/* eslint-env mocha */ /* eslint no-template-curly-in-string: 0 */ import assert from 'assert'; import { extractProp, changePlugins, fallbackToBabylon } from '../helper'; import getPropValue from '../../src/getPropValue'; const describeIfNotBabylon = fallbackToBabylon ? describe.skip : describe; describe('getPropValue', () => { it('should export a function', () => { const expected = 'function'; const actual = typeof getPropValue; assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should return undefined when not provided with a JSXAttribute', () => { const expected = undefined; const actual = getPropValue(1); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should throw error when trying to get value from unknown node type', () => { const prop = { type: 'JSXAttribute', value: { type: 'JSXExpressionContainer', }, }; assert.throws(() => { getPropValue(prop); }, Error); }); describe('Null', () => { it('should return true when no value is given', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = true; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); }); describe('Literal', () => { it('should return correct string if value is a string', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 'bar'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should return correct string if value is a string expression', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 'bar'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should return correct integer if value is a integer expression', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 1; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should convert "true" to boolean type', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = true; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should convert "false" to boolean type', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = false; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); }); describe('JSXElement', () => { it('should return correct representation of JSX element as a string', () => { const prop = extractProp('
/>'); const expected = ''; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); }); describe('Identifier', () => { it('should return string representation of variable identifier', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 'bar'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should return undefined when identifier is literally `undefined`', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = undefined; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should return String object when using a reserved JavaScript object', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = String; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should return Array object when using a reserved JavaScript object', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = Array; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should return Date object when using a reserved JavaScript object', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = Date; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should return Infinity object when using a reserved JavaScript object', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = Infinity; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should return Math object when using a reserved JavaScript object', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = Math; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should return Number object when using a reserved JavaScript object', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = Number; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should return Object object when using a reserved JavaScript object', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = Object; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); }); describe('Template literal', () => { it('should return template literal with vars wrapped in curly braces', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 'bar {baz}'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should return string "undefined" for expressions that evaluate to undefined', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 'bar undefined'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should return template literal with expression type wrapped in curly braces', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 'bar {CallExpression}'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should ignore non-expressions in the template literal', () => { const prop = extractProp('
}`} />'); const expected = 'bar '; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); }); describe('Tagged Template literal', () => { it('should return template literal with vars wrapped in curly braces', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 'bar {baz}'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should return string "undefined" for expressions that evaluate to undefined', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 'bar undefined'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should return template literal with expression type wrapped in curly braces', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 'bar {CallExpression}'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should ignore non-expressions in the template literal', () => { const prop = extractProp('
}`} />'); const expected = 'bar '; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); }); describe('Arrow function expression', () => { it('should return a function', () => { const prop = extractProp('
{ return "bar"; }} />'); const expected = 'function'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, typeof actual); // For code coverage ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ actual(); }); it('should handle ArrowFunctionExpression as conditional consequent', () => { const prop = extractProp('
null : () => ({})} />'); const expected = 'function'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, typeof actual); // For code coverage ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ actual(); }); }); describe('Function expression', () => { it('should return a function', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 'function'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, typeof actual); // For code coverage ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ actual(); }); }); describe('Logical expression', () => { it('should correctly infer result of && logical expression based on derived values', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 'baz'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should return undefined when evaluating `undefined && undefined` ', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = undefined; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should correctly infer result of || logical expression based on derived values', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 'bar'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should correctly infer result of || logical expression based on derived values', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 'baz'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should return undefined when evaluating `undefined || undefined` ', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = undefined; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); }); describe('Member expression', () => { it('should return string representation of form `object.property`', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 'bar.baz'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should evaluate to a correct representation of member expression with a nullable member', () => { const runTest = () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 'bar?.baz'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }; if (fallbackToBabylon) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef expect(runTest).toThrow(); } else { runTest(); } }); }); describe('Call expression', () => { it('should return string representation of callee', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 'bar'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should return string representation of callee', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 'bar.call'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); }); describe('Unary expression', () => { it('should correctly evaluate an expression that prefixes with -', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); // -"bar" => NaN const expected = true; const actual = Number.isNaN(getPropValue(prop)); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should correctly evaluate an expression that prefixes with -', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = -42; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should correctly evaluate an expression that prefixes with +', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); // +"bar" => NaN const expected = true; const actual = Number.isNaN(getPropValue(prop)); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should correctly evaluate an expression that prefixes with +', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 42; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should correctly evaluate an expression that prefixes with !', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = false; // !"bar" === false const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should correctly evaluate an expression that prefixes with ~', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = -1; // ~"bar" === -1 const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should return true when evaluating `delete foo`', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = true; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should return undefined when evaluating `void foo`', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = undefined; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); // TODO: We should fix this to check to see if we can evaluate it. it('should return undefined when evaluating `typeof foo`', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = undefined; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); }); describe('Update expression', () => { it('should correctly evaluate an expression that prefixes with ++', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); // ++"bar" => NaN const expected = true; const actual = Number.isNaN(getPropValue(prop)); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should correctly evaluate an expression that prefixes with --', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = true; const actual = Number.isNaN(getPropValue(prop)); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should correctly evaluate an expression that suffixes with ++', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); // "bar"++ => NaN const expected = true; const actual = Number.isNaN(getPropValue(prop)); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should correctly evaluate an expression that suffixes with --', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = true; const actual = Number.isNaN(getPropValue(prop)); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); }); describe('This expression', () => { it('should return string value `this`', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 'this'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); }); describe('Conditional expression', () => { it('should evaluate the conditional based on the derived values correctly', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 'baz'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should evaluate the conditional based on the derived values correctly', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 'bam'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should evaluate the conditional based on the derived values correctly', () => { const prop = extractProp('
2) ? baz : bam} />'); const expected = 'bam'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); }); describe('Binary expression', () => { it('should evaluate the `==` operator correctly', () => { const trueProp = extractProp('
'); const falseProp = extractProp('
'); const trueVal = getPropValue(trueProp); const falseVal = getPropValue(falseProp); assert.equal(true, trueVal); assert.equal(false, falseVal); }); it('should evaluate the `!=` operator correctly', () => { const trueProp = extractProp('
'); const falseProp = extractProp('
'); const trueVal = getPropValue(trueProp); const falseVal = getPropValue(falseProp); assert.equal(true, trueVal); assert.equal(false, falseVal); }); it('should evaluate the `===` operator correctly', () => { const trueProp = extractProp('
'); const falseProp = extractProp('
'); const trueVal = getPropValue(trueProp); const falseVal = getPropValue(falseProp); assert.equal(true, trueVal); assert.equal(false, falseVal); }); it('should evaluate the `!==` operator correctly', () => { const trueProp = extractProp('
'); const falseProp = extractProp('
'); const trueVal = getPropValue(trueProp); const falseVal = getPropValue(falseProp); assert.equal(true, trueVal); assert.equal(false, falseVal); }); it('should evaluate the `<` operator correctly', () => { const trueProp = extractProp('
'); const falseProp = extractProp('
'); const trueVal = getPropValue(trueProp); const falseVal = getPropValue(falseProp); assert.equal(true, trueVal); assert.equal(false, falseVal); }); it('should evaluate the `>` operator correctly', () => { const trueProp = extractProp('
0} />'); const falseProp = extractProp('
2} />'); const trueVal = getPropValue(trueProp); const falseVal = getPropValue(falseProp); assert.equal(true, trueVal); assert.equal(false, falseVal); }); it('should evaluate the `<=` operator correctly', () => { const trueProp = extractProp('
'); const falseProp = extractProp('
'); const trueVal = getPropValue(trueProp); const falseVal = getPropValue(falseProp); assert.equal(true, trueVal); assert.equal(false, falseVal); }); it('should evaluate the `>=` operator correctly', () => { const trueProp = extractProp('
= 1} />'); const falseProp = extractProp('
= 2} />'); const trueVal = getPropValue(trueProp); const falseVal = getPropValue(falseProp); assert.equal(true, trueVal); assert.equal(false, falseVal); }); it('should evaluate the `<<` operator correctly', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 4; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should evaluate the `>>` operator correctly', () => { const prop = extractProp('
> 2} />'); const expected = 0; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should evaluate the `>>>` operator correctly', () => { const prop = extractProp('
>> 1} />'); const expected = 1; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should evaluate the `+` operator correctly', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 2; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should evaluate the `-` operator correctly', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 0; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should evaluate the `*` operator correctly', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 100; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should evaluate the `/` operator correctly', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 5; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should evaluate the `%` operator correctly', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 1; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should evaluate the `|` operator correctly', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 11; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should evaluate the `^` operator correctly', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 11; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should evaluate the `&` operator correctly', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 0; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should evaluate the `in` operator correctly', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = false; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should evaluate the `instanceof` operator correctly', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = true; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should evaluate the `instanceof` operator when right side is not a function', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = false; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); }); describe('Object expression', () => { it('should evaluate to a correct representation of the object in props', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = { bar: 'baz' }; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.deepEqual(expected, actual); }); it('should evaluate to a correct representation of the object, ignore spread properties', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = { bar: 'baz', baz: 'bar', foo: { bar: 'meh' } }; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.deepEqual(expected, actual); }); it('should evaluate to a correct representation of the object, ignore spread properties', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = { pathname: 'manageRoute', state: {} }; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.deepEqual(expected, actual); }); }); describe('New expression', () => { it('should return a new empty object', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = {}; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.deepEqual(expected, actual); }); }); describe('Array expression', () => { it('should evaluate to correct representation of the the array in props', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = ['bar', 42, null]; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.deepEqual(expected, actual); }); it('should evaluate to a correct representation of an array with spread elements', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = [undefined, 'bar']; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.deepEqual(expected, actual); }); }); it('should return an empty array provided an empty array in props', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = []; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.deepEqual(expected, actual); }); describe('Bind expression', () => { it('should return string representation of bind function call when object is null', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 'this.handleClick.bind(this)'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.deepEqual(expected, actual); }); it('should return string representation of bind function call when object is not null', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 'bar.bind(foo)'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.deepEqual(expected, actual); }); it('should return string representation of bind function call when binding to object properties', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const otherProp = extractProp('
'); const expected = 'a.b.c.bind(a.b)'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); const otherExpected = 'a.b.c.bind(a.b)'; const otherActual = getPropValue(otherProp); assert.deepEqual(expected, actual); assert.deepEqual(otherExpected, otherActual); }); }); describeIfNotBabylon('Typescript', () => { beforeEach(() => { changePlugins(pls => [...pls, 'typescript']); }); it('should return string representation of variable identifier wrapped in a Typescript non-null assertion', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 'bar'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should return string representation of variable identifier wrapped in a deep Typescript non-null assertion', () => { const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 'bar'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); it('should return string representation of variable identifier wrapped in a Typescript type coercion', () => { changePlugins(pls => [...pls, 'typescript']); const prop = extractProp('
'); const expected = 'bar'; const actual = getPropValue(prop); assert.equal(expected, actual); }); }); });