Taro::Rails::NormalizedRoute = Data.define(:rails_route) do def ignored? verb.to_s.empty? || patch_update? end # Journey::Route#verb is a String. Its usually something like 'POST', but # manual matched routes may have e.g. 'GET|POST' (🤢). We only need one copy. def verb rails_route.verb.to_s.scan(/\w+/).sort.last&.downcase end # Rails has both PATCH and PUT routes for updates. We only need one copy. def patch_update? verb == 'patch' && rails_route.requirements[:action] == 'update' end def openapi_path rails_route.path.spec.to_s.gsub('(.:format)', '').gsub(/:(\w+)/, '{\1}') end def path_params openapi_path.scan(/{(\w+)}/).flatten.map(&:to_sym) end def endpoint controller, action = rails_route.requirements.values_at(:controller, :action) "#{controller}##{action}" end def can_have_request_body? %w[patch post put].include?(verb) end def inspect %(#<#{self.class} "#{verb} #{openapi_path}">) end end