module Admin::BaseHelper # receives a :controller, :action, and :params. Finds the given controller and runs user_authorized_for? on it. # This can be called in your views, and is for advanced users only. If you are using :if / :unless eval expressions, # then this may or may not work (eval strings use the current binding to execute, not the binding of the target # controller) def url_options_authenticate?(params = {}) params = params.symbolize_keys if params[:controller] # find the controller class klass = eval("#{params[:controller]}_controller".classify) else klass = self.class end klass.user_authorized_for?(current_user, params, binding) end def field_container(model, method, options = {}, &block) unless error_message_on(model, method).blank? css_class = 'withError' end html = content_tag('p', capture(&block), :class => css_class) concat(html) end def class_for_error(model, method) if error_message_on :product, :name end end #You can add additional_fields to the product and variant models. See section 4.2 here: #If you do choose to add additional_fields, you can utilize the :use parameter to set the input type for any such fields. For example, :use => 'check_box' #In the event that you add this functionality, the following method takes care of rendering the proper input type and logic for the supported input-types, which are text_field, check_box, radio_button, and select. def get_additional_field_value(controller, field) attribute = attribute_name_for(field[:name]) value = eval("@" + controller.controller_name.singularize + "." + attribute) if value.nil? && controller.controller_name == "variants" value = @variant.product.has_attribute?(attribute) ? @variant.product[attribute] : nil end if value.nil? return value else return field.key?(:format) ? sprintf(field[:format], value) : value end end # This method demonstrates the use of the :child_index option to render a # form partial for, for instance, client side addition of new nested # records. # # This specific example creates a link which uses javascript to add a new # form partial to the DOM. # # <% form_for @project do |project_form| -%> #
# <% project_form.fields_for :tasks do |task_form| %> # <%= render :partial => 'task', :locals => { :f => task_form } %> # <% end %> #
# <% end -%> def generate_html(form_builder, method, options = {}) options[:object] ||= form_builder.object.class.reflect_on_association(method) options[:partial] ||= method.to_s.singularize options[:form_builder_local] ||= :f form_builder.fields_for(method, options[:object], :child_index => 'NEW_RECORD') do |f| render(:partial => options[:partial], :locals => { options[:form_builder_local] => f }) end end def generate_template(form_builder, method, options = {}) escape_javascript generate_html(form_builder, method, options) end def remove_nested(fields) out = '' out << fields.hidden_field(:_destroy) unless fields.object.new_record? out << (link_to icon("delete"), "#", :class => "remove") out end def preference_field(form, field, options) case options[:type] when :integer form.text_field(field, { :size => 10, :class => 'input_integer', :readonly => options[:readonly], :disabled => options[:disabled] } ) when :boolean form.check_box(field, {:readonly => options[:readonly], :disabled => options[:disabled]}) when :string form.text_field(field, { :size => 10, :class => 'input_string', :readonly => options[:readonly], :disabled => options[:disabled] } ) when :password form.password_field(field, { :size => 10, :class => 'password_string', :readonly => options[:readonly], :disabled => options[:disabled] } ) when :text form.text_area(field, {:rows => 15, :cols => 85, :readonly => options[:readonly], :disabled => options[:disabled]} ) else form.text_field(field, { :size => 10, :class => 'input_string', :readonly => options[:readonly], :disabled => options[:disabled] } ) end end def preference_fields(object, form) return unless object.respond_to?(:preferences){ |key| next unless object.class.preference_definitions.has_key? key definition = object.class.preference_definitions[key] type = definition.instance_eval{@type}.to_sym form.label("preferred_#{key}", t(key)+": ") + preference_field(form, "preferred_#{key}", :type => type) }.join("
") end def additional_field_for(controller, field) field[:use] ||= 'text_field' options = field[:options] || {} object_name, method = controller.controller_name.singularize, attribute_name_for(field[:name]) case field[:use] when 'check_box' check_box(object_name, method, options, field[:checked_value] || 1, field[:unchecked_value] || 0) when 'radio_button' html = '' field[:value].call(controller, field).each do |value| html << radio_button(object_name, method, value, options) html << " #{value.to_s} " end html when 'select' select(object_name, method, field[:value].call(controller, field), options, field[:html_options] || {}) else value = field[:value] ? field[:value].call(controller, field) : get_additional_field_value(controller, field) __send__(field[:use], object_name, method, options.merge(:value => value)) end # case end private def attribute_name_for(field_name) field_name.gsub(' ', '_').downcase end end