require 'open3' class String def initialize super force_encoding("utf-8") end end module Dmenu require 'wcwidth' # Characters that, in the keyed fonts, are actually double width, # but not reported as such by wcwidth. This isn't an exhaustive list, # just characters I found by visually scanning some titles in my music # collection $DBL_CHARS = {'Noto Sans Mono CJK JP Regular' => '∞♥ⅢⅣ☆…→'} def self.dmenu (entries, prompt='select an item', height=false, width=1366, fg_color='#FFFFFF', bg_color='#000000', sel_fg_color='#555555', sel_bg_color='#eeeeee', font='Sazanami Mincho:pixelsize=14', line_height=nil) if !height height=entries.count end md = font.to_s.match('.*:pixelsize=(\d+).*') if md.nil? font_width = 14 #in pixels else font_width = md[1].to_i end findex = font.index(':') base_font = font[0..(findex > 0 ? findex - 1 : -1)] repl_chars = $DBL_CHARS[base_font] res = "" lr_separation = 4 textwidth = 2 * width / font_width - lr_separation if !repl_chars.nil? expr = %r{[^#{repl_chars}]+} end entries.collect! do |line| transformed_line = line.each_char.reject{|char| char.ord < 32 or (char.ord >= 0x7f and char.ord < 0xa0)}.inject(:+) s = if !transformed_line.nil? l, r = transformed_line.split("|||") loff = 0 roff = 0 if !repl_chars.nil? loff = l.gsub(expr, "").length roff = r.nil? ? 0 : r.gsub(expr, "").length end scrunched = scrunch(r, [textwidth - l.width - lr_separation, textwidth / 2].max) r ? alignr(l, scrunched, textwidth - loff - roff) : l else $stderr.puts "Couldn't list #{line.inspect}" nil end s end.reject! {|x| x.nil? or x.empty? or x.match(/^\s+$/) } cmdline = "dmenu -f -p \"#{prompt}\" -nf \"#{fg_color}\" \ -nb \"#{bg_color}\" \ -sb \"#{sel_bg_color}\" \ -sf \"#{sel_fg_color}\" \ -i -l #{height} \ -w \"#{width}\" \ -fn \"#{font}\" " + (if line_height.nil? then "" else "-lh " + line_height.to_s end) err_messages = nil Open3.popen3(cmdline) do |i, o, e, t| i.print(entries.join("\n")) i.close err_messages = res = o.gets end stat = $? if stat != 0 if err_messages.include?("Error") raise"Couldn't print list: #{stat}\n#{err_messages}") end end res.to_s.chomp end def self.alignr(lhs, r, w) x = r str = lhs + x while str.width < w x = '.' + x str = lhs + x end str end def self.scrunch(str, size, dots='...') if str.nil? nil elsif str.width < size str else middle = str.length / 2 # Not centered; intentional lhs = str[0..middle] rhs = str[-middle..-1] lr = false while str.width > size if lr lhs = lhs[0..-2] else rhs = rhs[1..-1] end lr = !lr str = lhs + dots + rhs end str end end end