#items = form_tag do -unless is_child - if current_user.can? :manage, Order - help_title = 'Refund/Exchange/Return' - help_text = "

Refund Refunds full price of the ticket to the patron.

Exchange Swaps this ticket for another ticket, no money is charged or refunded.

Return Returns a ticket to inventory. Use this to return comp'd tickets.

" - grouped_form_target_width = 210 - if current_user.current_organization.has_kit?(:regular_donation) - help_text += "

Convert Convert tickets into a donation. Return tickets to inventory." - help_title += '/Convert' - grouped_form_target_width = 280 .row-fluid .span6.grouped-form-target{:style => "width:#{grouped_form_target_width}px"} .span6{:style => 'margin-top:5px'} %span.help.tight{'data-placement' => 'bottom', 'data-title' => help_title, 'data-content' => help_text.html_safe} ? %table.zebra.table#item-table %thead %tr %th.grouped-checkbox= check_box_tag :all, nil, false, :class => :checkall %th Item %th Type %th Event %th Show Date %th Price Paid %th Discount/Pass %th Status %tbody - order.all_items.each do |item| %tr{:id => "row_item_#{item.id}", :class => item.state} %td.grouped-checkbox= check_box_tag "item_#{item.id}", item.id, false, :disabled => true %td - if order.class == MembershipChange::Order %span Membership Change -elsif order.class == RefundOrder %span Ticket Refund -elsif order.class == ExchangeOrder %span Ticket Exchange -else = item.product_type %td.item-description - if item.product_type.eql?("Ticket") - unless item.product.ticket_type == nil %span=item.product.ticket_type.name - if item.product_type.eql?("Donation") %span= order.gift_type - if item.product_type.eql?("Membership") %span=item.product.membership_type.name - if item.product_type.eql?("Pass") %span=item.product.pass_type.passerize %td= link_to item.product.event.name, event_path(item.product.event) if item.product_type.eql?("Ticket") %td= link_to item.product.show.parsed_local_datetime.strftime("%m/%d/%Y"), event_show_path(item.product.event, item.product.show) if item.product_type.eql?("Ticket") %td.price= amount_and_nongift item %td =item.discount.try(:code) || item.pass.try(:pass_type).try(:name) %td.state -if (item.product_type.eql?('Donation') && !is_child && order.is_pledge) - if(order.fully_paid?) %span.round_tag Paid in full - else %span.round_tag{:style => 'background-color: #FF9966'} Outstanding -elsif item.state.present? = item.state.capitalize