require 'remote/session/send' require 'remote/session/send_file' require 'remote/session/send_string' require 'remote/session/version' require 'net/sftp' require 'net/ssh' require 'base64' module Remote class Session SUDO_PASSWORD_PROMPT = 'remote-session-sudo-prompt' ROOT_COMMAND_PROMPT = 'remote-session-prompt#' ROOT_COMMAND_PROMPT_MATCH = /#{ ROOT_COMMAND_PROMPT }$/ def host, options = {}, &block ) rs = new( host, options ) rs rs.close end attr_accessor :host attr_accessor :username attr_accessor :password attr_accessor :port attr_accessor :private_key attr_accessor :prompts attr_accessor :session def initialize( host, options = {} ) @session = nil @host = host @username = options[ :username ] || ENV[ 'USER' ] @password = options[ :password ] @port = options[ :port ] @private_key = options[ :private_key ] @prompts = options[ :prompts ] || {} @sudo_password = options[ :sudo_password ] connect end def run( command ) raise "Session is closed" if @session.nil? puts "@#{ @host }: #{ command }" puts @session.exec!( command ) end def sudo( commands ) raise "Session is closed" if @session.nil? commands = [ *commands ] @session.open_channel do |ch| ch.request_pty do |ch, success| raise "Could not obtain pty" if ! success channel_exec ch, commands end end @session.loop end def close @session.close @session = nil end def put( remote_path, &block ) sftp = @session ).connect! remote_path, 'w' ) do |f| f.write end sftp.close_channel end private def ssh_options s = {} s[ :password ] = @password if @password s[ :keys ] = [ @private_key ] if @private_key s[ :port ] = @port if @port s end def connect @session = Net::SSH.start( @host, @username, ssh_options ) end def channel_exec( ch, commands ) ch[ :commands ] = commands ch.exec "sudo -k -p '#{ SUDO_PASSWORD_PROMPT }' su -" do |ch, success| raise "Could not execute sudo su command" if ! success ch.on_data &method( :handle_sudo_password_prompt ) ch.on_extended_data do |ch, type, data| $stderr.puts data end end end def handle_sudo_password_prompt( ch, data ) $stdout.write data if data =~ SUDO_PASSWORD_PROMPT ) ch.send_data "#{ @sudo_password }\n" ch.on_data &method( :set_command_prompt ) end end # Set the root command prompt to something we can # recognise, and wait until that prompt comes back def set_command_prompt( ch, data ) $stdout.write data if data =~ ROOT_COMMAND_PROMPT_MATCH # Got it, now we can switch so sending commands ch[ :awaiting_prompt ] = false ch.on_data &method( :on_data ) do_command ch, data elsif ! ch[ :awaiting_prompt ] # this is the first time through... ch[ :awaiting_prompt ] = true ch.send_data "export PS1='#{ ROOT_COMMAND_PROMPT }'\n" # else: Waiting for new root prompt end end def on_data( ch, data ) $stdout.write data @prompts.each_pair do | prompt, send | if data =~ prompt ) ch.send_data "#{ send }\n" return end end if data =~ ROOT_COMMAND_PROMPT_MATCH do_command ch, data end end def do_command( ch, data ) if ch[ :commands ].size > 0 command = ch[ :commands ].shift if command.is_a?( Remote::Session::Send ) send_file_chunk( ch, command ) else ch.send_data "#{command}\n" end else ch.send_data "exit\n" end end def send_file_chunk( ch, send_file ) if operator = '>>' else operator = '>' end chunk = if ! send_file.eof? Base64.encode64( ) else # Handle empty files '' end ch.send_data "echo -n '#{ chunk }' | base64 -d #{ operator } #{ send_file.remote_path }\n" if send_file.eof? send_file.close else ch[ :commands ].unshift send_file end end end end