# frozen_string_literal: true module WPScan module Finders module MainTheme # From the CSS style in the homepage class CssStyleInHomepage < CMSScanner::Finders::Finder include Finders::WpItems::UrlsInPage # To have the item_code_pattern method available here def create_theme(slug, style_url, opts) Model::Theme.new( slug, target, opts.merge(found_by: found_by, confidence: 70, style_url: style_url) ) end def passive(opts = {}) passive_from_css_href(target.homepage_res, opts) || passive_from_style_code(target.homepage_res, opts) end def passive_from_css_href(res, opts) target.in_scope_uris(res, '//style/@src|//link/@href') do |uri| next unless uri.path =~ %r{/themes/([^\/]+)/style.css\z}i return create_theme(Regexp.last_match[1], uri.to_s, opts) end nil end def passive_from_style_code(res, opts) res.html.css('style').each do |tag| code = tag.text.to_s next if code.empty? next unless code =~ %r{#{item_code_pattern('themes')}\\?/style\.css[^"'\( ]*}i return create_theme(Regexp.last_match[1], Regexp.last_match[0].strip, opts) end nil end end end end end