Given /^a shopping cart exists$/ do @cart = ShoppingCart.create end Then /^the total for the cart should be "([^"]*)"$/ do |total| @cart.reload eq(total.to_f) end Then /^the subtotal for the cart should be "([^"]*)"$/ do |subtotal| @cart.reload @cart.subtotal.should eq(subtotal.to_f) end When /^I add product "([^"]*)" to cart with price "([^"]*)"$/ do |product_name, price| product = Product.find_by_name(product_name) @cart.add(product, price) end Then /^the total unique items on the cart should be "([^"]*)"$/ do |total| @cart.reload @cart.total_unique_items.should eq(total.to_i) end When /^I remove (\d+) "([^"]*)" unit(s?) from cart$/ do |quantity, product_name, plural| @cart.reload product = Product.find_by_name(product_name) @cart.remove(product, quantity.to_i) end When /^I empty the cart$/ do @cart.clear end Then /^cart should be empty$/ do @cart.reload @cart.should be_empty end Given /^I add (\d+) "([^"]*)" products to cart with price "([^"]*)"$/ do |quantity, product_name, price| product = Product.find_by_name(product_name) @cart.add(product, price.to_f, quantity.to_i) end Then /^the subtotal for "([^"]*)" on the cart should be "([^"]*)"$/ do |product_name, subtotal| @cart.reload product = Product.find_by_name(product_name) @cart.subtotal_for(product).should eq(subtotal.to_f) end Then /^the quantity for "([^"]*)" on the cart should be "([^"]*)"$/ do |product_name, quantity| @cart.reload product = Product.find_by_name(product_name) @cart.quantity_for(product).should eq(quantity.to_f) end Then /^the price for "([^"]*)" on the cart should be "([^"]*)"$/ do |product_name, price| @cart.reload product = Product.find_by_name(product_name) @cart.price_for(product).should eq(price.to_f) end When /^I update the "([^"]*)" quantity to "([^"]*)"$/ do |product_name, quantity| @cart.reload product = Product.find_by_name(product_name) @cart.update_quantity_for(product, quantity.to_i) end When /^I update the "([^"]*)" price to "([^"]*)"$/ do |product_name, price| @cart.reload product = Product.find_by_name(product_name) @cart.update_price_for(product, price.to_f) end