#!/usr/bin/env perl # -*- cperl -*- =head1 NAME tr2crfpp.pl =head1 SYNOPSYS CVS:$Id: tr2crfpp.pl,v 1.1 2007/03/07 07:02:24 rpnlpir Exp $ =head1 DESCRIPTION =head1 HISTORY ORIGIN: created from templateApp.pl version 3.4 by Min-Yen Kan CVS:$Log: tr2crfpp.pl,v $ CVS:Revision 1.1 2007/03/07 07:02:24 rpnlpir =cut require 5.0; use Getopt::Std; use strict 'vars'; use FindBin; # use diagnostics; ### USER customizable section my $tmpfile .= $0; $tmpfile =~ s/[\.\/]//g; $tmpfile .= $$ . time; if ($tmpfile =~ /^([-\@\w.]+)$/) { $tmpfile = $1; } # untaint tmpfile variable my $tmpdir = $ENV{'PARSCIT_TMPDIR'} || "/tmp"; $tmpfile = "$tmpdir/$tmpfile"; $0 =~ /([^\/]+)$/; my $progname = $1; my $outputVersion = "1.0"; my $dictFile = "$FindBin::Bin/../resources/parsCitDict.txt"; ### END user customizable section ### Ctrl-C handler sub quitHandler { print STDERR "\n# $progname fatal\t\tReceived a 'SIGINT'\n# $progname - exiting cleanly\n"; exit; } ### HELP Sub-procedure sub Help { print STDERR "usage: $progname -h\t\t\t\t[invokes help]\n"; print STDERR " $progname -v\t\t\t\t[invokes version]\n"; print STDERR " $progname [-q] filename(s)...\n"; print STDERR "Options:\n"; print STDERR "\t-q\tQuiet Mode (don't echo license)\n"; print STDERR "\n"; print STDERR "Will accept input on STDIN as a single file.\n"; print STDERR "\n"; } ### VERSION Sub-procedure sub Version { if (system ("perldoc $0")) { die "Need \"perldoc\" in PATH to print version information"; } exit; } sub License { print STDERR "# Copyright 2005 \251 by Min-Yen Kan\n"; } ### ### MAIN program ### my $cmdLine = $0 . " " . join (" ", @ARGV); if ($#ARGV == -1) { # invoked with no arguments, possible error in execution? print STDERR "# $progname info\t\tNo arguments detected, waiting for input on command line.\n"; print STDERR "# $progname info\t\tIf you need help, stop this program and reinvoke with \"-h\".\n"; } $SIG{'INT'} = 'quitHandler'; getopts ('hqv'); our ($opt_q, $opt_v, $opt_h); # use (!defined $opt_X) for options with arguments if (!$opt_q) { License(); } # call License, if asked for if ($opt_v) { Version(); exit(0); } # call Version, if asked for if ($opt_h) { Help(); exit (0); } # call help, if asked for my %dict = (); readDict($dictFile); ## standardize input stream (either STDIN on first arg on command line) my $fh; my $filename; if ($filename = shift) { NEWFILE: if (!(-e $filename)) { die "# $progname crash\t\tFile \"$filename\" doesn't exist"; } open (*IF, $filename) || die "# $progname crash\t\tCan't open \"$filename\""; $fh = "IF"; } else { $filename = ""; $fh = "STDIN"; } while (<$fh>) { if (/^\#/) { next; } # skip comments elsif (/^\s+$/) { next; } # skip blank lines else { my $tag = ""; my @tokens = split(/ +/); my @feats = (); my $hasPossibleEditor = (/(ed\.|editor|editors|eds\.)/) ? "possibleEditors" : "noEditors"; my $j = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#tokens; $i++) { # for (my $i = $#tokens; $i >= 0; $i--) { if ($tokens[$i] =~ /^\s*$/) { next; } if ($tokens[$i] =~ /^\<\/([a-z]+)/) { # $tag = $1; next; } if ($tokens[$i] =~ /^\<([a-z]+)/) { $tag = $1; next; } # prep my $word = $tokens[$i]; my $wordNP = $tokens[$i]; # no punctuation $wordNP =~ s/[^\w]//g; if ($wordNP =~ /^\s*$/) { $wordNP = "EMPTY"; } my $wordLCNP = lc($wordNP); # lowercased word, no punctuation if ($wordLCNP =~ /^\s*$/) { $wordLCNP = "EMPTY"; } ## feature generation $feats[$j][0] = $word; # 0 = lexical word my @chars = split(//,$word); my $lastChar = $chars[-1]; if ($lastChar =~ /[a-z]/) { $lastChar = 'a'; } elsif ($lastChar =~ /[A-Z]/) { $lastChar = 'A'; } elsif ($lastChar =~ /[0-9]/) { $lastChar = '0'; } push(@{$feats[$j]}, $lastChar); # 1 = last char push(@{$feats[$j]}, $chars[0]); # 2 = first char push(@{$feats[$j]}, join("",@chars[0..1])); # 3 = first 2 chars push(@{$feats[$j]}, join("",@chars[0..2])); # 4 = first 3 chars push(@{$feats[$j]}, join("",@chars[0..3])); # 5 = first 4 chars push(@{$feats[$j]}, $chars[-1]); # 6 = last char push(@{$feats[$j]}, join("",@chars[-2..-1])); # 7 = last 2 chars push(@{$feats[$j]}, join("",@chars[-3..-1])); # 8 = last 3 chars push(@{$feats[$j]}, join("",@chars[-4..-1])); # 9 = last 4 chars push(@{$feats[$j]}, $wordLCNP); # 10 = lowercased word, no punct # 11 - capitalization my $ortho = ($wordNP =~ /^[A-Z]$/) ? "singleCap" : ($wordNP =~ /^[A-Z][a-z]+/) ? "InitCap" : ($wordNP =~ /^[A-Z]+$/) ? "AllCap" : "others"; push(@{$feats[$j]}, $ortho); # 12 - numbers my $num = ($wordNP =~ /^(19|20)[0-9][0-9]$/) ? "year" : ($word =~ /[0-9]\-[0-9]/) ? "possiblePage" : ($word =~ /[0-9]\([0-9]+\)/) ? "possibleVol" : ($wordNP =~ /^[0-9]$/) ? "1dig" : ($wordNP =~ /^[0-9][0-9]$/) ? "2dig" : ($wordNP =~ /^[0-9][0-9][0-9]$/) ? "3dig" : ($wordNP =~ /^[0-9]+$/) ? "4+dig" : ($wordNP =~ /^[0-9]+(th|st|nd|rd)$/) ? "ordinal" : ($wordNP =~ /[0-9]/) ? "hasDig" : "nonNum"; push(@{$feats[$j]}, $num); # gazetteer (names) my $dictStatus = (defined $dict{$wordLCNP}) ? $dict{$wordLCNP} : 0; # my $isInDict = ($dictStatus != 0) ? "isInDict" : "no"; my $isInDict = $dictStatus; my ($publisherName,$placeName,$monthName,$lastName,$femaleName,$maleName); if ($dictStatus >= 32) { $dictStatus -= 32; $publisherName = "publisherName" } else { $publisherName = "no"; } if ($dictStatus >= 16) { $dictStatus -= 16; $placeName = "placeName" } else { $placeName = "no"; } if ($dictStatus >= 8) { $dictStatus -= 8; $monthName = "monthName" } else { $monthName = "no"; } if ($dictStatus >= 4) { $dictStatus -= 4; $lastName = "lastName" } else { $lastName = "no"; } if ($dictStatus >= 2) { $dictStatus -= 2; $femaleName = "femaleName" } else { $femaleName = "no"; } if ($dictStatus >= 1) { $dictStatus -= 1; $maleName = "maleName" } else { $maleName = "no"; } push(@{$feats[$j]}, $isInDict); # 13 = name status push(@{$feats[$j]}, $maleName); # 14 = male name push(@{$feats[$j]}, $femaleName); # 15 = female name push(@{$feats[$j]}, $lastName); # 16 = last name push(@{$feats[$j]}, $monthName); # 17 = month name push(@{$feats[$j]}, $placeName); # 18 = place name push(@{$feats[$j]}, $publisherName); # 19 = publisher name push(@{$feats[$j]}, $hasPossibleEditor); # 20 = possible editor # not accurate ($#tokens counts tags too) my $location = int ($j / $#tokens * 12); push(@{$feats[$j]}, $location); # 21 = relative location # 22 - punctuation my $punct = ($word =~ /^[\"\'\`]/) ? "leadQuote" : ($word =~ /[\"\'\`][^s]?$/) ? "endQuote" : ($word =~ /\-.*\-/) ? "multiHyphen" : ($word =~ /[\-\,\:\;]$/) ? "contPunct" : ($word =~ /[\!\?\.\"\']$/) ? "stopPunct" : ($word =~ /^[\(\[\{\<].+[\)\]\}\>].?$/) ? "braces" : ($word =~ /^[0-9]{2-5}\([0-9]{2-5}\).?$/) ? "possibleVol" : "others"; push(@{$feats[$j]}, $punct); # 22 = punctuation # output tag push(@{$feats[$j]}, $tag); $j++; } # export output: print for (my $j = 0; $j <= $#feats; $j++) { print join (" ", @{$feats[$j]}); print "\n"; } print "\n"; } } close ($fh); if ($filename = shift) { goto NEWFILE; } ### ### END of main program ### sub readDict { my $dictFileLoc = shift @_; my $mode = 0; open (DATA, $dictFileLoc) || die "$progname fatal\t\tCannot open \"$dictFileLoc\"!"; while () { if (/^\#\# Male/) { $mode = 1; } # male names elsif (/^\#\# Female/) { $mode = 2; } # female names elsif (/^\#\# Last/) { $mode = 4; } # last names elsif (/^\#\# Chinese/) { $mode = 4; } # last names elsif (/^\#\# Months/) { $mode = 8; } # month names elsif (/^\#\# Place/) { $mode = 16; } # place names elsif (/^\#\# Publisher/) { $mode = 32; } # publisher names elsif (/^\#/) { next; } else { chop; my $key = $_; my $val = 0; if (/\t/) { # has probability ($key,$val) = split (/\t/,$_); } # already tagged (some entries may appear in same part of lexicon more than once if ($dict{$key} >= $mode) { next; } else { $dict{$key} += $mode; } # not yet tagged } } close (DATA); }