# frozen_string_literal: true module Timely # Uses Date.current to be more accurate for Rails applications def self.current_date ::Date.respond_to?(:current) ? ::Date.current : ::Date.today end module ActionViewHelpers module FormTagHelper def calendar_tag(name, value = Timely.current_date, *args) options = args.extract_options! if value.respond_to?(:day) value = value.respond_to?(:to_fs) ? value.to_fs(:calendar) : value.to_s(:calendar) end name = name.to_s if name.is_a?(Symbol) options[:id] = options[:id] || name.gsub(/\]$/, '').gsub(/\]\[/, '[').gsub(/[\[\]]/, '_') options[:class] = options[:class].split(' ') if options[:class].is_a?(String) options[:class] ||= [] options[:class] << 'datepicker' options[:class] = options[:class].join(' ') # Rails 2 requires string values options[:size] ||= 10 options[:maxlength] ||= 10 if options[:object].respond_to?(:to_fs) options[:object] = options[:object].to_fs(:default) end tag(:input, options.merge(name: name, type: 'text', value: value)).html_safe end end module DateHelper def calendar(object_name, method, options = {}) value = options[:object] || Timely.current_date calendar_tag("#{object_name}[#{method}]", value, options) end end module FormBuilder def calendar(method, options = {}) options[:object] = @object.send(method) unless options.key?(:object) @template.calendar(@object_name, method, options) end end end end if defined?(ActionView) ActionView::Base.send :include, Timely::ActionViewHelpers::FormTagHelper ActionView::Base.send :include, Timely::ActionViewHelpers::DateHelper ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder.send :include, Timely::ActionViewHelpers::FormBuilder end