module Fastlane module Actions module SharedValues IPA_OUTPUT_PATH = :IPA_OUTPUT_PATH DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH = :DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH end class BuildIosAppAction < Action def require 'gym' unless Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::SIGH_PROFILE_TYPE].to_s == "development" values[:export_method] ||= Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::SIGH_PROFILE_TYPE] end if Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::MATCH_PROVISIONING_PROFILE_MAPPING] # Since Xcode 9 you need to explicitly provide the provisioning profile per app target # If the user is smart and uses match and gym together with fastlane, we can do all # the heavy lifting for them values[:export_options] ||= {} # It's not always a hash, because the user might have passed a string path to a ready plist file # If that's the case, we won't set the provisioning profiles # see if values[:export_options].kind_of?(Hash) match_mapping = (Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::MATCH_PROVISIONING_PROFILE_MAPPING] || {}).dup existing_mapping = (values[:export_options][:provisioningProfiles] || {}).dup # Be smart about how we merge those mappings in case there are conflicts mapping_object = hash_to_use = mapping_object.merge_profile_mapping(primary_mapping: existing_mapping, secondary_mapping: match_mapping, export_method: values[:export_method]) values[:export_options][:provisioningProfiles] = hash_to_use else self.show_xcode_9_warning end elsif Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::SIGH_PROFILE_PATHS] # Since Xcode 9 you need to explicitly provide the provisioning profile per app target # If the user used sigh we can match the profiles from sigh values[:export_options] ||= {} if values[:export_options].kind_of?(Hash) # It's not always a hash, because the user might have passed a string path to a ready plist file # If that's the case, we won't set the provisioning profiles # see values[:export_options][:provisioningProfiles] ||= {} Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::SIGH_PROFILE_PATHS].each do |profile_path| begin profile = FastlaneCore::ProvisioningProfile.parse(profile_path) profile_team_id = profile["TeamIdentifier"].first next if profile_team_id != values[:export_team_id] && !values[:export_team_id].nil? bundle_id = profile["Entitlements"]["application-identifier"].gsub("#{profile_team_id}.", "") values[:export_options][:provisioningProfiles][bundle_id] = profile["Name"] rescue => ex UI.error("Couldn't load profile at path: #{profile_path}") UI.error(ex) UI.verbose(ex.backtrace.join("\n")) end end else self.show_xcode_9_warning end end gym_output_path = if gym_output_path.nil? UI.important("No output path received from gym") return nil end absolute_ipa_path = File.expand_path(gym_output_path) absolute_dsym_path = absolute_ipa_path.gsub(".ipa", "") # This might be the mac app path, so we don't want to set it here # if absolute_ipa_path.include?(".ipa") Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::IPA_OUTPUT_PATH] = absolute_ipa_path ENV[SharedValues::IPA_OUTPUT_PATH.to_s] = absolute_ipa_path # for deliver end Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH] = absolute_dsym_path if File.exist?(absolute_dsym_path) Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::XCODEBUILD_ARCHIVE] = Gym::BuildCommandGenerator.archive_path ENV[SharedValues::DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH.to_s] = absolute_dsym_path if File.exist?(absolute_dsym_path) return absolute_ipa_path end def self.description "Easily build and sign your app (via _gym_)" end def self.details "More information:" end def self.return_value "The absolute path to the generated ipa file" end def "KrauseFx" end def self.available_options require 'gym' Gym::Options.available_options end def self.is_supported?(platform) [:ios, :mac].include? platform end def self.example_code [ 'build_ios_app(scheme: "MyApp", workspace: "MyApp.xcworkspace")', 'build_ios_app( workspace: "MyApp.xcworkspace", configuration: "Debug", scheme: "MyApp", silent: true, clean: true, output_directory: "path/to/dir", # Destination directory. Defaults to current directory. output_name: "my-app.ipa", # specify the name of the .ipa file to generate (including file extension) sdk: "10.0" # use SDK as the name or path of the base SDK when building the project. )', 'gym # alias for "build_ios_app"', 'build_app # alias for "build_ios_app"' ] end def self.category :building end def self.show_xcode_9_warning return unless Helper.xcode_at_least?("9.0") UI.message("You passed a path to a custom plist file for exporting the binary.") UI.message("Make sure to include information about what provisioning profiles to use with Xcode 9") UI.message("More information:") end end end end